* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
#pragma once
#include "QGCToolbox.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QVariantList>
/// @file
/// @brief Core Plugin Interface for QGroundControl
/// @author Gus Grubba <>
class QGCApplication;
class QGCOptions;
class QGCSettings;
class QGCCorePlugin_p;
class QGeoPositionInfoSource;
class Vehicle;
class LinkInterface;
class PlanMasterController;
#if !defined(__mobile__)
class QLayout;
class QMainWindow;
class QGCQmlWidgetHolder;
class QGCCorePlugin : public QGCTool
QGCCorePlugin(QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox);
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList settingsPages READ settingsPages NOTIFY settingsPagesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList instrumentPages READ instrumentPages NOTIFY instrumentPagesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int defaultSettings READ defaultSettings CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QGCOptions* options READ options CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showTouchAreas READ showTouchAreas WRITE setShowTouchAreas NOTIFY showTouchAreasChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showAdvancedUI READ showAdvancedUI WRITE setShowAdvancedUI NOTIFY showAdvancedUIChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString showAdvancedUIMessage READ showAdvancedUIMessage CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString brandImageIndoor READ brandImageIndoor CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString brandImageOutdoor READ brandImageOutdoor CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* customMapItems READ customMapItems CONSTANT)
/// The list of settings under the Settings Menu
/// @return A list of QGCSettings
virtual QVariantList& settingsPages(void);
/// The list of PageWidget pages shown in the instrument panel
/// @return A list of QmlPageInfo
virtual QVariantList& instrumentPages(void);
/// The default settings panel to show
/// @return The settings index
virtual int defaultSettings(void);
/// Global options
/// @return An instance of QGCOptions
virtual QGCOptions* options(void);
/// Allows the core plugin to override the visibility for a settings group
/// @param name - SettingsGroup name
/// @return true: Show settings ui, false: Hide settings ui
virtual bool overrideSettingsGroupVisibility(QString name);
/// Allows the core plugin to override the setting meta data before the setting fact is created.
/// @param settingsGroup - QSettings group which contains this item
/// @param metaData - MetaData for setting fact
/// @return true: Setting should be visible in ui, false: Setting should not be shown in ui
virtual bool adjustSettingMetaData(const QString& settingsGroup, FactMetaData& metaData);
/// Return the resource file which contains the brand image for for Indoor theme.
virtual QString brandImageIndoor(void) const { return QString(); }
/// Return the resource file which contains the brand image for for Outdoor theme.
virtual QString brandImageOutdoor(void) const { return QString(); }
/// @return The message to show to the user when they a re prompted to confirm turning on advanced ui.
virtual QString showAdvancedUIMessage(void) const;
/// @return An instance of an alternate position source (or NULL if not available)
virtual QGeoPositionInfoSource* createPositionSource(QObject* parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); return nullptr; }
/// Allows a plugin to override the specified color name from the palette
virtual void paletteOverride(QString colorName, QGCPalette::PaletteColorInfo_t& colorInfo);
/// Allows the plugin to override the default settings for the Values Widget large and small values
virtual void valuesWidgetDefaultSettings(QStringList& largeValues, QStringList& smallValues);
/// Allows the plugin to override the creation of the root (native) window.
virtual QQmlApplicationEngine* createRootWindow(QObject* parent);
/// Allows the plugin to have a chance to initialize the creation of the root (non native) window.
#if !defined(__mobile__)
virtual QGCQmlWidgetHolder* createMainQmlWidgetHolder(QLayout* mainLayout, QWidget *parent);
/// Allows the plugin to override the creation of VideoReceiver.
virtual VideoReceiver* createVideoReceiver(QObject* parent);
/// Allows the plugin to see all mavlink traffic to a vehicle
/// @return true: Allow vehicle to continue processing, false: Vehicle should not process message
virtual bool mavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message);
/// Allows custom builds to add custom items to the FlightMap. Objects put into QmlObjectListModel
/// should derive from QmlComponentInfo and set the url property.
virtual QmlObjectListModel* customMapItems(void);
/// Allows custom builds to add custom items to the plan file. Either before the document is
/// created or after.
virtual void preSaveToJson (PlanMasterController* pController, QJsonObject& json) { Q_UNUSED(pController); Q_UNUSED(json); }
virtual void postSaveToJson (PlanMasterController* pController, QJsonObject& json) { Q_UNUSED(pController); Q_UNUSED(json); }
/// Same for the specific "mission" portion
virtual void preSaveToMissionJson (PlanMasterController* pController, QJsonObject& missionJson) { Q_UNUSED(pController); Q_UNUSED(missionJson); }
virtual void postSaveToMissionJson (PlanMasterController* pController, QJsonObject& missionJson) { Q_UNUSED(pController); Q_UNUSED(missionJson); }
/// Allows custom builds to load custom items from the plan file. Either before the document is
/// parsed or after.
virtual void preLoadFromJson (PlanMasterController* pController, QJsonObject& json) { Q_UNUSED(pController); Q_UNUSED(json); }
virtual void postLoadFromJson (PlanMasterController* pController, QJsonObject& json) { Q_UNUSED(pController); Q_UNUSED(json); }
/// Returns the url to download the stable version check file. Return QString() to indicate no version check should be performed.
/// Default QGC mainline implemenentation returns QGC Stable file location. Default QGC custom build code returns QString().
/// Custom builds can override to turn on and provide their own location.
/// The contents of this file should be a single line in the form:
/// v3.4.4
/// This indicates the latest stable version number.
/// Returns the user visible url to show user where to download new stable builds from.
/// Custom builds must override to provide their own location.
virtual QString stableDownloadLocation(void) const { return QString(""); }
/// Returns the complex mission items to display in the Plan UI
/// @param complexMissionItemNames Default set of complex items
/// @return Complex items to be made available to user
virtual QStringList complexMissionItemNames(Vehicle* vehicle, const QStringList& complexMissionItemNames) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return complexMissionItemNames; }
bool showTouchAreas(void) const { return _showTouchAreas; }
bool showAdvancedUI(void) const { return _showAdvancedUI; }
void setShowTouchAreas(bool show);
void setShowAdvancedUI(bool show);
// Override from QGCTool
void setToolbox (QGCToolbox* toolbox);
void settingsPagesChanged (void);
void instrumentPagesChanged (void);
void showTouchAreasChanged (bool showTouchAreas);
void showAdvancedUIChanged (bool showAdvancedUI);
bool _showTouchAreas;
bool _showAdvancedUI;