QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
* @author Lorenz Meier <>
#include "OpalLink.h"
// Work around circular header includes
class QGCSingleton;
class MainWindow;
* @brief The main application and management class.
* This class is started by the main method and provides
* the central management unit of the groundstation application.
QGCApplication(int &argc, char* argv[], bool unitTesting);
/// @brief Sets the persistent flag to delete all settings the next time QGroundControl is started.
void deleteAllSettingsNextBoot(void);
/// @brief Clears the persistent flag to delete all settings the next time QGroundControl is started.
void clearDeleteAllSettingsNextBoot(void);
/// @brief Returns the location of user visible saved file associated with QGroundControl
QString savedFilesLocation(void);
/// @brief Sets the location of user visible saved file associated with QGroundControl
void setSavedFilesLocation(QString& location);
/// @brief Location to save and load parameter files from.
QString savedParameterFilesLocation(void);
/// @brief Location to save and load mavlink log files from
QString mavlinkLogFilesLocation(void);
/// @brief Validates that the specified location will work for the saved files location.
bool validatePossibleSavedFilesLocation(QString& location);
/// @brief Returns true is all mavlink connections should be logged
bool promptFlightDataSave(void);
/// @brief Sets the flag to log all mavlink connections
void setPromptFlightDataSave(bool promptForSave);
/// @brief Returns truee if unit test are being run
bool runningUnitTests(void) { return _runningUnitTests; }
/// @return true: dark ui style, false: light ui style
bool styleIsDark(void) { return _styleIsDark; }
/// Set the current UI style
void setStyle(bool styleIsDark);
/// Disconnects the current link and waits for the specified number of seconds before reconnecting.
void reconnectAfterWait(int waitSeconds);
public slots:
/// You can connect to this slot to show an information message box from a different thread.
void informationMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const QString& msg);
/// You can connect to this slot to show a warning message box from a different thread.
void warningMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const QString& msg);
/// You can connect to this slot to show a critical message box from a different thread.
void criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const QString& msg);
/// Save the specified Flight Data Log
void saveTempFlightDataLogOnMainThread(QString tempLogfile);
/// Signals that the style has changed
/// @param darkStyle true: dark style, false: light style
void styleChanged(bool darkStyle);
/// This is connected to MAVLinkProtocol::checkForLostLogFiles. We signal this to ourselves to call the slot
/// on the MAVLinkProtocol thread;
void checkForLostLogFiles(void);
// Although public, these methods are internal and should only be called by UnitTest code
/// @brief Perform initialize which is common to both normal application running and unit tests.
/// Although public should only be called by main.
void _initCommon(void);
/// @brief Intialize the application for normal application boot. Or in other words we are not going to run
/// unit tests. Although public should only be called by main.
bool _initForNormalAppBoot(void);
/// @brief Intialize the application for normal application boot. Or in other words we are not going to run
/// unit tests. Although public should only be called by main.
bool _initForUnitTests(void);
static QGCApplication* _app; ///< Our own singleton. Should be reference directly by qgcApp
void _loadCurrentStyle(void);
static const char* _settingsVersionKey; ///< Settings key which hold settings version
static const char* _deleteAllSettingsKey; ///< If this settings key is set on boot, all settings will be deleted
static const char* _savedFilesLocationKey; ///< Settings key for user visible saved files location
static const char* _promptFlightDataSave; ///< Settings key to prompt for saving Flight Data Log for all flights
static const char* _styleKey; ///< Settings key for UI style
static const char* _defaultSavedFileDirectoryName; ///< Default name for user visible save file directory
static const char* _savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName; ///< Name of mavlink log subdirectory
static const char* _savedFileParameterDirectoryName; ///< Name of parameter subdirectory
bool _runningUnitTests; ///< true: running unit tests, false: normal app
static const char* _darkStyleFile;
static const char* _lightStyleFile;
bool _styleIsDark; ///< true: dark style, false: light style
LinkConfiguration* _reconnectLinkConfig; ///< Configuration to reconnect for reconnectAfterWai
/// Unit Test have access to creating and destroying singletons
friend class UnitTest;