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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
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This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
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    QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
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 * @file
 *   @brief Definition of class MainWindow
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 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#ifndef _MAINWINDOW_H_
#define _MAINWINDOW_H_

#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QStackedWidget>
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#include "ui_MainWindow.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "LinkInterface.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "UASManager.h"
#include "UASControlWidget.h"
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#include "UASInfoWidget.h"
#include "WaypointList.h"
#include "CameraView.h"
#include "UASListWidget.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "MAVLinkSimulationLink.h"
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#include "AS4Protocol.h"
#include "ObjectDetectionView.h"
#include "HUD.h"
#include "JoystickWidget.h"
#include "input/JoystickInput.h"
#include "DebugConsole.h"
#include "MapWidget.h"
#include "ParameterInterface.h"
#include "XMLCommProtocolWidget.h"
#include "HDDisplay.h"
#include "WatchdogControl.h"
#include "QGCDataPlot2D.h"
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#include "QGCRemoteControlView.h"
#if (defined Q_OS_MAC) | (defined _MSC_VER)
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#include "QGCGoogleEarthView.h"
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#include "LogCompressor.h"
#include "SlugsPIDControl.h"
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#include "SlugsHilSim.h"
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#include "SlugsVideoCamControl.h"

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 * @brief Main Application Window
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class MainWindow : public QMainWindow {
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    static MainWindow* instance();
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public slots:
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//    /** @brief Store the mainwindow settings */
//    void storeSettings();
    /** @brief Shows a status message on the bottom status bar */
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    void showStatusMessage(const QString& status, int timeout);
    /** @brief Shows a status message on the bottom status bar */
    void showStatusMessage(const QString& status);
    /** @brief Shows a critical message as popup or as widget */
    void showCriticalMessage(const QString& title, const QString& message);
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    /** @brief Shows an info message as popup or as widget */
    void showInfoMessage(const QString& title, const QString& message);
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    void addLink();
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    void addLink(LinkInterface* link);
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    void configure();
    void UASCreated(UASInterface* uas);
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    void startVideoCapture();
    void stopVideoCapture();
    void saveScreen();
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    /** @brief Load view for pilot */
    void loadPilotView();
    /** @brief Load view for engineer */
    void loadEngineerView();
    /** @brief Load view for operator */
    void loadOperatorView();
    /** @brief Load MAVLink XML generator view */
    void loadMAVLinkView();
    /** @brief Show the online help for users */
    void showHelp();
    /** @brief Show the authors / credits */
    void showCredits();
    /** @brief Show the project roadmap */
    void showRoadMap();
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    /** @brief Shows the widgets based on configuration and current view and autopilot */
    /** @brief Reload the CSS style sheet */
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    void reloadStylesheet();
    /** @brief Add a custom tool widget */
    void createCustomWidget();

    void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);

                  Potentially Deprecated

    void loadWidgets();

    /** @brief Load data view, allowing to plot flight data */
    void loadDataView(QString fileName);

    /** @brief Load 3D map view */
    void load3DMapView();

    /** @brief Load 3D Google Earth view */
    void loadGoogleEarthView();

    /** @brief Load 3D view */
    void load3DView();
     * @brief Shows a Docked Widget based on the action sender
     * This slot is written to be used in conjunction with the addToToolsMenu function
     * It shows the QDockedWidget based on the action sender

     * @brief Shows a Widget from the center stack based on the action sender
     * This slot is written to be used in conjunction with the addToCentralWidgetsMenu function
     * It shows the Widget based on the action sender

    /** @brief Updates a QDockWidget's checked status based on its visibility */
    void updateLocationSettings (Qt::DockWidgetArea location);
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    // These defines are used to save the settings when selecting with
    // which widgets populate the views
    // FIXME: DO NOT PUT CUSTOM VALUES IN THIS ENUM since it is iterated over
    // this will be fixed in a future release.
    typedef enum _TOOLS_WIDGET_NAMES {
      CENTRAL_SEPARATOR= 255, // do not change
    typedef enum _SETTINGS_SECTIONS

    typedef enum _VIEW_SECTIONS

    QHash<int, QAction*> toolsMenuActions; // Holds ptr to the Menu Actions
    QHash<int, QWidget*> dockWidgets;  // Holds ptr to the Actual Dock widget
    QHash<int, Qt::DockWidgetArea> dockWidgetLocations; // Holds the location

     * @brief Adds an already instantiated QDockedWidget to the Tools Menu
     * This function does all the hosekeeping to have a QDockedWidget added to the
     * tools menu and connects the QMenuAction to a slot that shows the widget and
     * checks/unchecks the tools menu item
     * @param widget    The QDockedWidget being added
     * @param title     The entry that will appear in the Menu and in the QDockedWidget title bar
     * @param slotName  The slot to which the triggered() signal of the menu action will be connected.
     * @param tool      The ENUM defined in MainWindow.h that is associated to the widget
     * @param location  The default location for the QDockedWidget in case there is no previous key in the settings
    void addToToolsMenu (QWidget* widget, const QString title, const char * slotName, TOOLS_WIDGET_NAMES tool, Qt::DockWidgetArea location=Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);

     * @brief Determines if a QDockWidget needs to be show and if so, shows it
     *  Based on the the autopilot and the current view it queries the settings and shows the
     *  widget if necessary
     * @param widget    The QDockWidget requested to be shown
     * @param view      The view for which the QDockWidget is requested
    void showTheWidget (TOOLS_WIDGET_NAMES widget, VIEW_SECTIONS view = VIEW_MAVLINK);

     * @brief Adds an already instantiated QWidget to the center stack
     * This function does all the hosekeeping to have a QWidget added to the tools menu
     * tools menu and connects the QMenuAction to a slot that shows the widget and
     * checks/unchecks the tools menu item. This is used for all the central widgets (those in
     * the center stack.
     * @param widget        The QWidget being added
     * @param title         The entry that will appear in the Menu
     * @param slotName      The slot to which the triggered() signal of the menu action will be connected.
     * @param centralWidget The ENUM defined in MainWindow.h that is associated to the widget
    void addToCentralWidgetsMenu ( QWidget* widget, const QString title,const char * slotName, TOOLS_WIDGET_NAMES centralWidget);
     * @brief Determines if a QWidget needs to be show and if so, shows it
     *  Based on the the autopilot and the current view it queries the settings and shows the
     *  widget if necessary
     * @param centralWidget    The QWidget requested to be shown
     * @param view             The view for which the QWidget is requested
    void showTheCentralWidget (TOOLS_WIDGET_NAMES centralWidget, VIEW_SECTIONS view);

    /** @brief Keeps track of the current view */
    bool aboutToCloseFlag;
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    void clearView();

    void buildCommonWidgets();
    void buildPxWidgets();
    void buildSlugsWidgets();

    void connectCommonWidgets();
    void connectPxWidgets();
    void connectSlugsWidgets();

    void arrangeCommonCenterStack();
    void arrangePxCenterStack();
    void arrangeSlugsCenterStack();

    void connectCommonActions();
    void connectPxActions();
    void connectSlugsActions();

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    // TODO Should be moved elsewhere, as the protocol does not belong to the UI
    MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink;
    AS4Protocol* as4link;

    MAVLinkSimulationLink* simulationLink;
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    LinkInterface* udpLink;

    // Center widgets
    QPointer<Linecharts> linechartWidget;
    QPointer<HUD> hudWidget;
    QPointer<MapWidget> mapWidget;
    QPointer<XMLCommProtocolWidget> protocolWidget;
    QPointer<QGCDataPlot2D> dataplotWidget;
    QPointer<QWidget> _3DWidget;
    QPointer<QWidget> _3DMapWidget;
#if (defined _MSC_VER) || (defined Q_OS_MAC)
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    QPointer<QGCGoogleEarthView> gEarthWidget;
    // Dock widgets
    QPointer<QDockWidget> controlDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> infoDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> cameraDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> listDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> waypointsDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> detectionDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> debugConsoleDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> parametersDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> headDown1DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> headDown2DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> watchdogControlDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> hsiDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> rcViewDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> hudDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> slugsPIDControlWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> slugsHilSimWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> slugsCamControlWidget;
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    // Popup widgets
    JoystickWidget* joystickWidget;

    JoystickInput* joystick;

    /** User interface actions **/
    QAction* connectUASAct;
    QAction* disconnectUASAct;
    QAction* startUASAct;
    QAction* returnUASAct;
    QAction* stopUASAct;
    QAction* killUASAct;
    QAction* simulateUASAct;
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    LogCompressor* comp;
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    QString screenFileName;
    QTimer* videoTimer;
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    Ui::MainWindow ui;
    QString buildMenuKey (SETTINGS_SECTIONS section , TOOLS_WIDGET_NAMES tool, VIEW_SECTIONS view);
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#endif /* _MAINWINDOW_H_ */