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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station


This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project

    QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.


 * @file
 *   @brief Implementation of class MainWindow
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#include <QSettings>
#include <QNetworkInterface>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QSplashScreen>
#include <QGCHilLink.h>
#include <QGCHilConfiguration.h>
#include <QGCHilFlightGearConfiguration.h>
#include <QQuickView>
#include <QDesktopWidget>

#include "QGC.h"
#include "MAVLinkSimulationLink.h"
#include "SerialLink.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "QGCWaypointListMulti.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
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#ifndef __android__
#include "JoystickWidget.h"
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#include "GAudioOutput.h"
#include "QGCToolWidget.h"
#include "QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer.h"
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#include "SettingsDialog.h"
#include "QGCMapTool.h"
#include "QGCMapDisplay.h"
#include "MAVLinkDecoder.h"
#include "QGCMAVLinkMessageSender.h"
#include "QGCRGBDView.h"
#include "QGCDataPlot2D.h"
#include "Linecharts.h"
#include "QGCTabbedInfoView.h"
#include "UASRawStatusView.h"
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#include "QGCFlightDisplay.h"
#include "SetupView.h"
#include "SerialSettingsDialog.h"
#include "terminalconsole.h"
#include "QGCUASFileViewMulti.h"
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#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "QGCFileDialog.h"
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#include "QGCMessageBox.h"
#include "QGCDockWidget.h"
#include "QmlControls/QmlTestWidget.h"

#include "Q3DWidgetFactory.h"

#include "LogCompressor.h"

// Pixel size, instead of a physical thing is actually a philosophical question when
// it comes to Qt. Fonts are that and some heavy Kabalistic Voodoo added to the mix.
// The values below came from actually measuring the elements on the screen on these
// devices. I have yet to find a constant from Qt so these things can be properly
// computed at runtime.

#if defined(Q_OS_OSX)
double MainWindow::_pixelFactor    = 1.0;
double MainWindow::_fontFactor     = 1.0;
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
double MainWindow::_pixelFactor    = 0.86;
double MainWindow::_fontFactor     = 0.63;
#elif defined(__android__)
double MainWindow::_pixelFactor    = 2.0;
double MainWindow::_fontFactor     = 1.23;
#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
double MainWindow::_pixelFactor    = 1.0;
double MainWindow::_fontFactor     = 0.85;

/// The key under which the Main Window settings are saved

const char* MainWindow::_uasControlDockWidgetName = "UNMANNED_SYSTEM_CONTROL_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_uasListDockWidgetName = "UNMANNED_SYSTEM_LIST_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_waypointsDockWidgetName = "WAYPOINT_LIST_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_mavlinkDockWidgetName = "MAVLINK_INSPECTOR_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_parametersDockWidgetName = "PARAMETER_INTERFACE_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_filesDockWidgetName = "FILE_VIEW_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_uasStatusDetailsDockWidgetName = "UAS_STATUS_DETAILS_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_mapViewDockWidgetName = "MAP_VIEW_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_hsiDockWidgetName = "HORIZONTAL_SITUATION_INDICATOR_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_hdd1DockWidgetName = "HEAD_DOWN_DISPLAY_1_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_hdd2DockWidgetName = "HEAD_DOWN_DISPLAY_2_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_pfdDockWidgetName = "PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_hudDockWidgetName = "HEAD_UP_DISPLAY_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_uasInfoViewDockWidgetName = "UAS_INFO_INFOVIEW_DOCKWIDGET";
const char* MainWindow::_debugConsoleDockWidgetName = "COMMUNICATION_CONSOLE_DOCKWIDGET";

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static MainWindow* _instance = NULL;   ///< @brief MainWindow singleton

MainWindow* MainWindow::_create(QSplashScreen* splashScreen)
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    Q_ASSERT(_instance == NULL);
    new MainWindow(splashScreen);
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    // _instance is set in constructor
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MainWindow* MainWindow::instance(void)
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    return _instance;
void MainWindow::deleteInstance(void)
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    delete this;
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/// @brief Private constructor for MainWindow. MainWindow singleton is only ever created
///         by MainWindow::_create method. Hence no other code should have access to
///         constructor.
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MainWindow::MainWindow(QSplashScreen* splashScreen)
    : _autoReconnect(false)
    , _lowPowerMode(false)
    , _showStatusBar(false)
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    , _centerStackActionGroup(new QActionGroup(this))
    , _simulationLink(NULL)
    , _centralLayout(NULL)
    , _currentViewWidget(NULL)
    , _splashScreen(splashScreen)
    , _currentView(VIEW_SETUP)
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    Q_ASSERT(_instance == NULL);
    _instance = this;
    if (splashScreen) {
        connect(this, &MainWindow::initStatusChanged, splashScreen, &QSplashScreen::showMessage);
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    // Setup user interface
    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Setting up user interface"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
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    // Make sure tool bar elements all fit before changing minimum width
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    // Setup central widget with a layout to hold the views
    _centralLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
    // Set dock options
    setDockOptions(AnimatedDocks | AllowTabbedDocks | AllowNestedDocks);
    // Setup corners
    setCorner(Qt::BottomRightCorner, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea);
    // Qt 4 on Ubuntu does place the native menubar correctly so on Linux we revert back to in-window menu bar.
    // TODO: Check that this is still necessary on Qt5 on Ubuntu
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
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#ifndef __android__
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    QAction* qmlTestAction = new QAction("Test QML palette and controls", NULL);
    connect(qmlTestAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::_showQmlTestWidget);
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    // Load QML Toolbar
    QDockWidget* widget = new QDockWidget(this);
    qmlRegisterType<MainToolBar>("QGroundControl.MainToolBar", 1, 0, "MainToolBar");
    _mainToolBar = new MainToolBar(widget);
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    widget->setTitleBarWidget(new QWidget(this)); // Disables the title bar
    addDockWidget(Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, widget);
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    // Setup UI state machines
    // Status Bar
    setStatusBar(new QStatusBar(this));
    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Building common widgets."), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Building common actions"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
    // Create actions
    // Connect user interface devices
    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Initializing joystick interface"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
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#ifndef __android__
    joystick = new JoystickInput();
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    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Initializing 3D mouse interface"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
    mouseInput = new Mouse3DInput(this);
    mouse = new Mouse6dofInput(mouseInput);
    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Initializing 3D mouse interface"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));

    mouse = new Mouse6dofInput(this);
    connect(this, SIGNAL(x11EventOccured(XEvent*)), mouse, SLOT(handleX11Event(XEvent*)));
    // These also cause the screen to redraw so we need to update any OpenGL canvases in QML controls
    connect(LinkManager::instance(), &LinkManager::linkConnected,    this, &MainWindow::_linkStateChange);
    connect(LinkManager::instance(), &LinkManager::linkDisconnected, this, &MainWindow::_linkStateChange);

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    if (_autoReconnect)
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    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Restoring last view state"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
    // Restore the window setup
    // Restore the window position and size
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    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Restoring last window size"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
    if (settings.contains(_getWindowGeometryKey()))
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        QScreen* scr = QApplication::primaryScreen();
        QSize scrSize = scr->availableSize();
        if (scrSize.width() <= 1280)
            resize(scrSize.width(), scrSize.height());
            int w = scrSize.width()  > 1600 ? 1600 : scrSize.width();
            int h = scrSize.height() >  800 ?  800 : scrSize.height();
            resize(w, h);
            move((scrSize.width() - w) / 2, (scrSize.height() - h) / 2);
    // Make sure the proper fullscreen/normal menu item is checked properly.
    if (isFullScreen())
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    // And that they will stay checked properly after user input
    connect(_ui.actionFullscreen, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::fullScreenActionItemCallback);
    connect(_ui.actionNormal,     &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::normalActionItemCallback);
    connect(_ui.actionStatusBar,  &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::showStatusBarCallback);
    // Set OS dependent keyboard shortcuts for the main window, non OS dependent shortcuts are set in MainWindow.ui
#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
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    _ui.actionSetup->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+1", 0));
    _ui.actionPlan->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+2", 0));
    _ui.actionFlight->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+3", 0));
    _ui.actionAnalyze->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+4", 0));
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    _ui.actionLocal3DView->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+5", 0));
    _ui.actionTerminalView->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+6", 0));
    _ui.actionSimulationView->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+7", 0));
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    _ui.actionFullscreen->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Meta+Return", 0));
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    _ui.actionSetup->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+1", 0));
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    _ui.actionPlan->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+2", 0));
    _ui.actionFlight->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+3", 0));
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    _ui.actionAnalyze->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+4", 0));
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    _ui.actionLocal3DView->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+5", 0));
    _ui.actionTerminalView->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+6", 0));
    _ui.actionSimulationView->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+7", 0));
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    _ui.actionFullscreen->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+Return", 0));
    connect(&windowNameUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(configureWindowName()));
    emit initStatusChanged(tr("Done"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141));
#ifdef __android__
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#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
        // TODO HACK
        // This is a really ugly hack. For whatever reason, by having a QQuickWidget inside a
        // QDockWidget (MainToolBar above), the main menu is not shown when the app first
        // starts. I looked everywhere and I could not find a solution. What I did notice was
        // that if any other window gets focus, the menu comes up when you come back to QGC.
        // That is, if you were to click on another window and then back to QGC, the menus
        // would appear. This hack below creates a 0x0 dialog and immediately closes it.
        // That works around the issue and it will do until I find the root of the problem.
        QDialog qd(this);;
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    if (_simulationLink)
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        delete _simulationLink;
        _simulationLink = NULL;
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#ifndef __android__
        delete joystick;
        joystick = NULL;
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    // Delete all UAS objects
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    for (int i=0;i<_commsWidgetList.size();i++)
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    _instance = NULL;

void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event)

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QString MainWindow::_getWindowStateKey()
	return QString::number(_currentView)+"_windowstate_";
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QString MainWindow::_getWindowGeometryKey()
void MainWindow::_buildCustomWidgets(void)
    Q_ASSERT(_customWidgets.count() == 0);
    // Create custom widgets
    _customWidgets = QGCToolWidget::createWidgetsFromSettings(this);
    if (_customWidgets.size() > 0)
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    foreach(QGCToolWidget* tool, _customWidgets) {
        // Check if this widget already has a parent, do not create it in this case
        QDockWidget* dock = dynamic_cast<QDockWidget*>(tool->parentWidget());
        if (!dock) {
            _createDockWidget(tool->getTitle(), tool->objectName(), Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, tool);
void MainWindow::_createDockWidget(const QString& title, const QString& name, Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QWidget* innerWidget)
    // Add to menu
    QAction* action = new QAction(title, NULL);
    connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::_showDockWidgetAction);
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	// Create widget
	QGCDockWidget* dockWidget = new QGCDockWidget(title, action, this);
	dockWidget->setVisible (false);
	if (innerWidget) {
		// Put inner widget inside QDockWidget
    _mapName2DockWidget[name] = dockWidget;
    _mapDockWidget2Action[dockWidget] = action;
    addDockWidget(area, dockWidget);

void MainWindow::_buildCommonWidgets(void)
    // Add generic MAVLink decoder
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    // TODO: This is never deleted
    mavlinkDecoder = new MAVLinkDecoder(MAVLinkProtocol::instance(), this);
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    connect(mavlinkDecoder, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int,QString,QString,QVariant,quint64)),
                      this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int,QString,QString,QVariant,quint64)));
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    // TODO: Make this optional with a preferences setting or under a "View" menu
    logPlayer = new QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer(MAVLinkProtocol::instance(), statusBar());
    // In order for Qt to save and restore state of widgets all widgets must be created ahead of time. We only create the QDockWidget
    // holders. We do not create the actual inner widget until it is needed. This saves memory and cpu from running widgets that are
    // never shown.
    struct DockWidgetInfo {
        const char* name;
        const char* title;
        Qt::DockWidgetArea area;
    static const struct DockWidgetInfo rgDockWidgetInfo[] = {
        { _uasControlDockWidgetName,        "Control",                  Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea },
        { _uasListDockWidgetName,           "Unmanned Systems",         Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _waypointsDockWidgetName,         "Mission Plan",             Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea },
        { _mavlinkDockWidgetName,           "MAVLink Inspector",        Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _parametersDockWidgetName,        "Parameter Editor",			Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _filesDockWidgetName,             "Onboard Files",            Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _uasStatusDetailsDockWidgetName,  "Status Details",           Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _mapViewDockWidgetName,           "Map view",                 Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _hsiDockWidgetName,               "Horizontal Situation",     Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea },
        { _hdd1DockWidgetName,              "Flight Display",           Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _hdd2DockWidgetName,              "Actuator Status",          Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _pfdDockWidgetName,               "Primary Flight Display",   Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _hudDockWidgetName,               "Video Downlink",           Qt::RightDockWidgetArea },
        { _uasInfoViewDockWidgetName,       "Info View",                Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea },
        { _debugConsoleDockWidgetName,      "Communications Console",   Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea },
    static const size_t cDockWidgetInfo = sizeof(rgDockWidgetInfo) / sizeof(rgDockWidgetInfo[0]);
    for (size_t i=0; i<cDockWidgetInfo; i++) {
        const struct DockWidgetInfo* pDockInfo = &rgDockWidgetInfo[i];
        _createDockWidget(pDockInfo->title, pDockInfo->name, pDockInfo->area, NULL /* no inner widget yet */);
void MainWindow::_buildPlanView(void)
    if (!_planView) {
        _planView = new QGCMapTool(this);
void MainWindow::_buildExperimentalPlanView(void)
    if (!_experimentalPlanView) {
        _experimentalPlanView = new QGCMapDisplay(this);

void MainWindow::_buildFlightView(void)
    if (!_flightView) {
        _flightView = new QGCFlightDisplay(this);
void MainWindow::_buildSetupView(void)
    if (!_setupView) {
        _setupView = new SetupView(this);
void MainWindow::_buildAnalyzeView(void)
    if (!_analyzeView) {
        _analyzeView = new QGCDataPlot2D(this);
void MainWindow::_buildSimView(void)
    if (!_simView) {
        _simView = new QGCMapTool(this);
void MainWindow::_buildTerminalView(void)
    if (!_terminalView) {
        _terminalView = new TerminalConsole(this);
void MainWindow::_buildLocal3DView(void)
    if (!_local3DView) {
        _local3DView = Q3DWidgetFactory::get("PIXHAWK", this);
/// Shows or hides the specified dock widget, creating if necessary
void MainWindow::_showDockWidget(const QString& name, bool show)
    if (!_mapName2DockWidget.contains(name)) {
        qWarning() << "Attempt to show unknown dock widget" << name;
    // Create the inner widget if we need to
    if (!_mapName2DockWidget[name]->widget()) {

    QDockWidget* dockWidget = _mapName2DockWidget[name];

/// Creates the specified inner dock widget and adds to the QDockWidget
void MainWindow::_createInnerDockWidget(const QString& widgetName)
    Q_ASSERT(_mapName2DockWidget.contains(widgetName)); // QDockWidget should already exist
    Q_ASSERT(!_mapName2DockWidget[widgetName]->widget());     // Inner widget should not
    QWidget* widget = NULL;
    if (widgetName == _uasControlDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new UASControlWidget(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _uasListDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new UASListWidget(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _waypointsDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new QGCWaypointListMulti(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _mavlinkDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new QGCMAVLinkInspector(MAVLinkProtocol::instance(),this);
    } else if (widgetName == _parametersDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new ParameterEditorWidget(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _filesDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new QGCUASFileViewMulti(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _uasStatusDetailsDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new UASInfoWidget(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _mapViewDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new QGCMapTool(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _hsiDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new HSIDisplay(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _hdd1DockWidgetName) {
        QStringList acceptList;
        HDDisplay *hddisplay = new HDDisplay(acceptList,"Flight Display",this);
        widget = hddisplay;
    } else if (widgetName == _hdd2DockWidgetName) {
        QStringList acceptList;
        HDDisplay *hddisplay = new HDDisplay(acceptList,"Actuator Status",this);
        widget = hddisplay;
    } else if (widgetName == _pfdDockWidgetName) {
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        widget = new QGCFlightDisplay(this);
    } else if (widgetName == _hudDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new HUD(320,240,this);
    } else if (widgetName == _uasInfoViewDockWidgetName) {
        QGCTabbedInfoView* pInfoView = new QGCTabbedInfoView(this);
        widget = pInfoView;
    } else if (widgetName == _debugConsoleDockWidgetName) {
        widget = new DebugConsole(this);
    } else {
        qWarning() << "Attempt to create unknown Inner Dock Widget" << widgetName;
    if (widget) {
        QDockWidget* dockWidget = _mapName2DockWidget[widgetName];
void MainWindow::_showHILConfigurationWidgets(void)
    UASInterface* uas = UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS();
    UAS* mav = dynamic_cast<UAS*>(uas);
    int uasId = mav->getUASID();
    if (!_mapUasId2HilDockWidget.contains(uasId)) {
        // Create QDockWidget
        QGCDockWidget* dockWidget = new QGCDockWidget(tr("HIL Config %1").arg(uasId), NULL, this);
        dockWidget->setVisible (false);
        // Create inner widget and set it
        QWidget* widget = new QGCHilConfiguration(mav, dockWidget);
        _mapUasId2HilDockWidget[uasId] = dockWidget;
        addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, dockWidget);
    if (_currentView == VIEW_SIMULATION) {
        // HIL dock widgets only show up on simulation view
        foreach (QDockWidget* dockWidget, _mapUasId2HilDockWidget) {
void MainWindow::fullScreenActionItemCallback(bool)
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void MainWindow::normalActionItemCallback(bool)
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void MainWindow::showStatusBarCallback(bool checked)
    _showStatusBar = checked;
    checked ? statusBar()->show() : statusBar()->hide();
    _ui.actionStatusBar->setText(checked ? "Hide Status Bar" : "Show Status Bar");
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
    // Disallow window close if there are active connections
    if (LinkManager::instance()->anyConnectedLinks()) {
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        QGCMessageBox::StandardButton button =
                tr("QGroundControl close"),
                tr("There are still active connections to vehicles. Do you want to disconnect these before closing?"),
                QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel,
        if (button == QMessageBox::Yes) {
        } else {
    // This will process any remaining flight log save dialogs
    // Should not be any active connections
void MainWindow::_createNewCustomWidget(void)
    if (QGCToolWidget::instances()->isEmpty())
        // This is the first widget
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    QString objectName;
    int customToolIndex = 0;
    //Find the next unique object name that we can use
    do {
        objectName = QString("CUSTOM_TOOL_%1").arg(customToolIndex) + "DOCK";
    } while(QGCToolWidget::instances()->contains(objectName));
    QString title = tr("Custom Tool %1").arg(customToolIndex );
    QGCToolWidget* tool = new QGCToolWidget(objectName, title);
    tool->resize(100, 100);
    _createDockWidget(title, objectName, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, tool);
void MainWindow::_loadCustomWidgetFromFile(void)
    QString fileName = QGCFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
        this, tr("Load Widget File"),
        tr("QGroundControl Widgets (*.qgw);;All Files (*)"));
    if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
        QGCToolWidget* tool = new QGCToolWidget("", "", this);
        if (tool->loadSettings(fileName, true)) {
            QString objectName = tool->objectName() + "DOCK";
            _createDockWidget(tool->getTitle(), objectName, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, tool);
    // TODO Add error dialog if widget could not be loaded

void MainWindow::loadSettings()
    _autoReconnect  = settings.value("AUTO_RECONNECT",      _autoReconnect).toBool();
    _lowPowerMode   = settings.value("LOW_POWER_MODE",      _lowPowerMode).toBool();
    _showStatusBar  = settings.value("SHOW_STATUSBAR",      _showStatusBar).toBool();
    _fontFactor     = settings.value("FONT_SIZE_FACTOR",    _fontFactor).toDouble();
    _pixelFactor    = settings.value("PIXEL_SIZE_FACTOR",   _pixelFactor).toDouble();
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    // Select the proper view. Default to the flight view or load the last one used if it's supported.
    VIEW_SECTIONS currentViewCandidate = (VIEW_SECTIONS) settings.value("CURRENT_VIEW", _currentView).toInt();
    switch (currentViewCandidate) {
        case VIEW_ANALYZE:
        case VIEW_PLAN:
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        case VIEW_FLIGHT:
        case VIEW_SIMULATION:
        case VIEW_SETUP:
        case VIEW_TERMINAL:
        case VIEW_LOCAL3D:
            _currentView = currentViewCandidate;
            // Leave _currentView to the default
    // Put it back, which will set it to a valid value
    settings.setValue("CURRENT_VIEW", _currentView);

void MainWindow::storeSettings()
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue("AUTO_RECONNECT",     _autoReconnect);
    settings.setValue("LOW_POWER_MODE",     _lowPowerMode);
    settings.setValue("SHOW_STATUSBAR",     _showStatusBar);
    settings.setValue("FONT_SIZE_FACTOR",   _fontFactor);
    settings.setValue("PIXEL_SIZE_FACTOR",  _pixelFactor);
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    settings.setValue(_getWindowGeometryKey(), saveGeometry());
    // Save the last current view in any case
    settings.setValue("CURRENT_VIEW", _currentView);
    settings.setValue(_getWindowStateKey(), saveState());
    // And save any custom weidgets

void MainWindow::configureWindowName()
    QList<QHostAddress> hostAddresses = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses();
    QString windowname = qApp->applicationName() + " " + qApp->applicationVersion();
    bool prevAddr = false;
    windowname.append(" (" + QHostInfo::localHostName() + ": ");
    for (int i = 0; i < hostAddresses.size(); i++)
        // Exclude loopback IPv4 and all IPv6 addresses
        if ( != QHostAddress("") && !":"))
            if(prevAddr) windowname.append("/");
            prevAddr = true;

void MainWindow::enableAutoReconnect(bool enabled)
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    _autoReconnect = enabled;

* @brief Create all actions associated to the main window
void MainWindow::connectCommonActions()
    // Bind together the perspective actions
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    QActionGroup* perspectives = new QActionGroup(_ui.menuPerspectives);
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    /* Hide the actions that are not relevant */
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    // Mark the right one as selected
    if (_currentView == VIEW_ANALYZE)
    if (_currentView == VIEW_FLIGHT)
    if (_currentView == VIEW_SIMULATION)
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    if (_currentView == VIEW_PLAN)
    if (_currentView == VIEW_EXPERIMENTAL_PLAN)
    if (_currentView == VIEW_SETUP)
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    if (_currentView == VIEW_TERMINAL)
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    if (_currentView == VIEW_LOCAL3D)
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    // The UAS actions are not enabled without connection to system
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    // Connect actions from ui
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    connect(_ui.actionAdd_Link, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(manageLinks()));

    // Connect internal actions
    connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASCreated(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(UASCreated(UASInterface*)));

    // Unmanned System controls
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    connect(_ui.actionLiftoff, SIGNAL(triggered()), UASManager::instance(), SLOT(launchActiveUAS()));
    connect(_ui.actionLand, SIGNAL(triggered()), UASManager::instance(), SLOT(returnActiveUAS()));
    connect(_ui.actionEmergency_Land, SIGNAL(triggered()), UASManager::instance(), SLOT(stopActiveUAS()));
    connect(_ui.actionEmergency_Kill, SIGNAL(triggered()), UASManager::instance(), SLOT(killActiveUAS()));
    connect(_ui.actionShutdownMAV, SIGNAL(triggered()), UASManager::instance(), SLOT(shutdownActiveUAS()));
    connect(_ui.actionFlight, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadFlightView()));
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    connect(_ui.actionSimulationView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadSimulationView()));
    connect(_ui.actionAnalyze, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadAnalyzeView()));
    connect(_ui.actionPlan, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadPlanView()));
    connect(_ui.actionExperimentalPlanView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadOldPlanView()));
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    connect(_ui.actionLocal3DView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadLocal3DView()));
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    connect(_ui.actionOnline_Documentation, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showHelp()));
    connect(_ui.actionDeveloper_Credits, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showCredits()));
    connect(_ui.actionProject_Roadmap, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showRoadMap()));
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    connect(_ui.actionNewCustomWidget, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(_createNewCustomWidget()));
    connect(_ui.actionLoadCustomWidgetFile, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(_loadCustomWidgetFromFile()));
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    connect(GAudioOutput::instance(), SIGNAL(mutedChanged(bool)), _ui.actionMuteAudioOutput, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
    connect(_ui.actionMuteAudioOutput, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), GAudioOutput::instance(), SLOT(mute(bool)));
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    connect(_ui.actionSettings, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showSettings()));
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    connect(_ui.actionSimulate, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(simulateLink(bool)));

    // Update Tool Bar
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void MainWindow::_openUrl(const QString& url, const QString& errorMessage)
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    if(!QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url))) {
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            tr("Could not open information in browser"),
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void MainWindow::showHelp()
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        tr("To get to the online help, please open in a browser."));
void MainWindow::showCredits()
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        tr("To get to the credits, please open in a browser."));

void MainWindow::showRoadMap()
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        tr("To get to the online help, please open in a browser."));

void MainWindow::showSettings()
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#ifndef __android__
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    SettingsDialog settings(joystick, this);
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    SettingsDialog settings(this);
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void MainWindow::simulateLink(bool simulate) {
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    if (simulate) {
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        if (!_simulationLink) {
            _simulationLink = new MAVLinkSimulationLink(":/demo-log.txt");