#include <QThread>
#include "configuration.h"
const static int defaultSystemId = 255;
const static int defaultComponentId = 0;
const QColor colorCyan(55, 154, 195);
const QColor colorRed(154, 20, 20);
const QColor colorGreen(20, 200, 20);
const QColor colorYellow(255, 255, 0);
const QColor colorOrange(255, 140, 0);
const QColor colorDarkYellow(180, 180, 0);
const QColor colorBackground("#050508");
const QColor colorBlack(0, 0, 0);
/** @brief Get the current ground time in microseconds */
quint64 groundTimeUsecs();
/** @brief Get the current ground time in milliseconds */
quint64 groundTimeMilliseconds();
/** @brief Returns the angle limited to -pi - pi */
float limitAngleToPMPIf(float angle);
/** @brief Returns the angle limited to -pi - pi */
double limitAngleToPMPId(double angle);
int applicationVersion();
const static int MAX_FLIGHT_TIME = 60 * 60 * 24 * 21;
class SLEEP : public QThread
* @brief Set a thread to sleep for seconds
* @param s time in seconds to sleep
static void sleep(unsigned long s) {
* @brief Set a thread to sleep for milliseconds
* @param ms time in milliseconds to sleep
static void msleep(unsigned long ms) {
* @brief Set a thread to sleep for microseconds
* @param us time in microseconds to sleep
static void usleep(unsigned long us) {