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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.
#include "FirmwarePlugin.h"
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#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "Generic/GenericAutoPilotPlugin.h"
#include "CameraMetaData.h"
#include "SettingsManager.h"
#include "AppSettings.h"
#include "QGCCameraManager.h"
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#include <QDebug>

QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(FirmwarePluginLog, "FirmwarePluginLog")

static FirmwarePluginFactoryRegister* _instance = nullptr;
const QString guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle = QObject::tr("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle.");
QVariantList FirmwarePlugin::_cameraList;

const QString FirmwarePlugin::px4FollowMeFlightMode(QObject::tr("Follow Me"));


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QList<QGCMAVLink::VehicleClass_t> FirmwarePluginFactory::supportedVehicleClasses(void) const
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    return QGCMAVLink::allVehicleClasses();
FirmwarePluginFactoryRegister* FirmwarePluginFactoryRegister::instance(void)
    if (!_instance) {
        _instance = new FirmwarePluginFactoryRegister;

    return _instance;

AutoPilotPlugin* FirmwarePlugin::autopilotPlugin(Vehicle* vehicle)
    return new GenericAutoPilotPlugin(vehicle, vehicle);

bool FirmwarePlugin::isCapable(const Vehicle *vehicle, FirmwareCapabilities capabilities)
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Don Gagne's avatar
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    return false;

QList<VehicleComponent*> FirmwarePlugin::componentsForVehicle(AutoPilotPlugin* vehicle)
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Don Gagne's avatar
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    return QList<VehicleComponent*>();

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Don Gagne committed
QString FirmwarePlugin::flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const
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    QString flightMode;
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Don Gagne committed
    struct Bit2Name {
        uint8_t     baseModeBit;
        const char* name;
    static const struct Bit2Name rgBit2Name[] = {
    { MAV_MODE_FLAG_STABILIZE_ENABLED,      "Stabilize" },
    { MAV_MODE_FLAG_GUIDED_ENABLED,         "Guided" },
    { MAV_MODE_FLAG_AUTO_ENABLED,           "Auto" },
    { MAV_MODE_FLAG_TEST_ENABLED,           "Test" },
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Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
    if (base_mode == 0) {
        flightMode = "PreFlight";
    } else if (base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED) {
        flightMode = QString("Custom:0x%1").arg(custom_mode, 0, 16);
    } else {
        for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(rgBit2Name)/sizeof(rgBit2Name[0]); i++) {
            if (base_mode & rgBit2Name[i].baseModeBit) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    flightMode += " ";
                flightMode += rgBit2Name[i].name;
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    return flightMode;

bool FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode(const QString& flightMode, uint8_t* base_mode, uint32_t* custom_mode)
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    qWarning() << "FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode called on base class, not supported";
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Don Gagne committed
    return false;
int FirmwarePlugin::defaultJoystickTXMode(void)
    return 2;

bool FirmwarePlugin::supportsThrottleModeCenterZero(void)
    // By default, this is supported
    return true;

bool FirmwarePlugin::supportsNegativeThrust(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/)
    // By default, this is not supported
    return false;

bool FirmwarePlugin::supportsRadio(void)
    return true;

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Jacob Walser committed
bool FirmwarePlugin::supportsMotorInterference(void)
    return true;

bool FirmwarePlugin::supportsJSButton(void)
    return false;

bool FirmwarePlugin::adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
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Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
    // Generic plugin does no message adjustment
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void FirmwarePlugin::adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessageThreadSafe(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/, LinkInterface* /*outgoingLink*/, mavlink_message_t* /*message*/)
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    // Generic plugin does no message adjustment
void FirmwarePlugin::initializeVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
    // Generic Flight Stack is by definition "generic", so no extra work
bool FirmwarePlugin::sendHomePositionToVehicle(void)
    // Generic stack does not want home position sent in the first position.
    // Subsequent sequence numbers must be adjusted.
    // This is the mavlink spec default.
    return false;
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DonLakeFlyer committed
QList<MAV_CMD> FirmwarePlugin::supportedMissionCommands(QGCMAVLink::VehicleClass_t /* vehicleClass */)
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    // Generic supports all commands
    return QList<MAV_CMD>();
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DonLakeFlyer committed
QString FirmwarePlugin::missionCommandOverrides(QGCMAVLink::VehicleClass_t vehicleClass) const
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    switch (vehicleClass) {
    case QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassGeneric:
        return QStringLiteral(":/json/MavCmdInfoCommon.json");
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    case QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassFixedWing:
        return QStringLiteral(":/json/MavCmdInfoFixedWing.json");
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    case QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassMultiRotor:
        return QStringLiteral(":/json/MavCmdInfoMultiRotor.json");
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    case QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassVTOL:
        return QStringLiteral(":/json/MavCmdInfoVTOL.json");
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    case QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassSub:
        return QStringLiteral(":/json/MavCmdInfoSub.json");
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    case QGCMAVLink::VehicleClassRoverBoat:
        return QStringLiteral(":/json/MavCmdInfoRover.json");
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DonLakeFlyer committed
        qWarning() << "FirmwarePlugin::missionCommandOverrides called with bad VehicleClass_t:" << vehicleClass;
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DonLakeFlyer committed
void FirmwarePlugin::_getParameterMetaDataVersionInfo(const QString& metaDataFile, int& majorVersion, int& minorVersion)
    majorVersion = -1;
    minorVersion = -1;
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Don Gagne committed

bool FirmwarePlugin::isGuidedMode(const Vehicle* vehicle) const
    // Not supported by generic vehicle
    return false;

void FirmwarePlugin::setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode)
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Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed

void FirmwarePlugin::pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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DonLakeFlyer committed
void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeRTL(Vehicle* vehicle, bool smartRTL)
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    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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Don Gagne committed

void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeLand(Vehicle* vehicle)
    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double takeoffAltRel)
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    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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Don Gagne committed

void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeGotoLocation(Vehicle* vehicle, const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord)
    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeChangeAltitude(Vehicle*, double)
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    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
void FirmwarePlugin::startMission(Vehicle*)
    // Not supported by generic vehicle
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const FirmwarePlugin::remapParamNameMajorVersionMap_t& FirmwarePlugin::paramNameRemapMajorVersionMap(void) const
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    static const remapParamNameMajorVersionMap_t remap;

    return remap;
int FirmwarePlugin::remapParamNameHigestMinorVersionNumber(int) const
QString FirmwarePlugin::vehicleImageOpaque(const Vehicle*) const
    return QStringLiteral("/qmlimages/vehicleArrowOpaque.svg");

QString FirmwarePlugin::vehicleImageOutline(const Vehicle*) const
    return QStringLiteral("/qmlimages/vehicleArrowOutline.svg");

QString FirmwarePlugin::vehicleImageCompass(const Vehicle*) const
    return QStringLiteral("/qmlimages/compassInstrumentArrow.svg");
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const QVariantList& FirmwarePlugin::toolIndicators(const Vehicle*)
    //-- Default list of indicators for all vehicles.
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    if(_toolIndicatorList.size() == 0) {
        _toolIndicatorList = QVariantList({
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DoinLakeFlyer committed
    return _toolIndicatorList;

const QVariantList& FirmwarePlugin::modeIndicators(const Vehicle*)
    //-- Default list of indicators for all vehicles.
    if(_modeIndicatorList.size() == 0) {
        _modeIndicatorList = QVariantList({
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DoinLakeFlyer's avatar
DoinLakeFlyer committed
    return _modeIndicatorList;
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const QVariantList& FirmwarePlugin::cameraList(const Vehicle*)
    if (_cameraList.size() == 0) {
        CameraMetaData* metaData;

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        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
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                    // Canon S100 @ 5.2mm f/2
                    "Canon S100 PowerShot",     // canonical name saved in plan file
                    tr("Canon"),                // brand
                    tr("S100 PowerShot"),       // model
                    7.6,                        // sensorWidth
                    5.7,                        // sensorHeight
                    4000,                       // imageWidth
                    3000,                       // imageHeight
                    5.2,                        // focalLength
                    true,                       // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                      // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                          // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Canon S100 PowerShot"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                      // parent

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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    //tr("Canon EOS-M 22mm f/2"),
                    "Canon EOS-M 22mm",
                    tr("EOS-M 22mm"),
                    22.3,                   // sensorWidth
                    14.9,                   // sensorHeight
                    5184,                   // imageWidth
                    3456,                   // imageHeight
                    22,                     // focalLength
                    true,                   // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                  // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                      // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Canon EOS-M 22mm"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                  // parent

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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    // Canon G9X @ 10.2mm f/2
                    "Canon G9 X PowerShot",
                    tr("G9 X PowerShot"),
                    13.2,                       // sensorWidth
                    8.8,                        // sensorHeight
                    5488,                       // imageWidth
                    3680,                       // imageHeight
                    10.2,                       // focalLength
                    true,                       // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                      // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                          // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Canon G9 X PowerShot"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                      // parent

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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    // Canon SX260 HS @ 4.5mm f/3.5
                    "Canon SX260 HS PowerShot",
                    tr("SX260 HS PowerShot"),
                    6.17,                           // sensorWidth
                    4.55,                           // sensorHeight
                    4000,                           // imageWidth
                    3000,                           // imageHeight
                    4.5,                            // focalLength
                    true,                           // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                          // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                              // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Canon SX260 HS PowerShot"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                          // parent

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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "GoPro Hero 4",
                    tr("Hero 4"),
                    6.17,               // sensorWidth
                    4.55,               // sendsorHeight
                    4000,               // imageWidth
                    3000,               // imageHeight
                    2.98,               // focalLength
                    true,               // landscape
                    false,              // fixedOrientation
                    0,                  // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("GoPro Hero 4"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Parrot Sequioa RGB",
                    tr("Sequioa RGB"),
                    6.17,                       // sensorWidth
                    4.63,                       // sendsorHeight
                    4608,                       // imageWidth
                    3456,                       // imageHeight
                    4.9,                        // focalLength
                    true,                       // landscape
                    false,                      // fixedOrientation
                    1,                          // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("Parrot Sequioa RGB"),   // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.

Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Parrot Sequioa Monochrome",
                    tr("Sequioa Monochrome"),
                    4.8,                                // sensorWidth
                    3.6,                                // sendsorHeight
                    1280,                               // imageWidth
                    960,                                // imageHeight
                    4.0,                                // focalLength
                    true,                               // landscape
                    false,                              // fixedOrientation
                    0.8,                                // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("Parrot Sequioa Monochrome"),    // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
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André committed

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        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    4.8,            // sensorWidth
                    3.6,            // sendsorHeight
                    1280,           // imageWidth
                    960,            // imageHeight
                    5.5,            // focalLength
                    true,           // landscape
                    false,          // fixedOrientation
                    0,              // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("RedEdge"),  // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
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DonLakeFlyer's avatar
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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    // Ricoh GR II 18.3mm f/2.8
                    "Ricoh GR II",
                    tr("GR II"),
                    23.7,               // sensorWidth
                    15.7,               // sendsorHeight
                    4928,               // imageWidth
                    3264,               // imageHeight
                    18.3,               // focalLength
                    true,               // landscape
                    false,              // fixedOrientation
                    0,                  // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("Ricoh GR II"),  // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sentera Double 4K Sensor",
                    tr("Double 4K Sensor"),
                    6.2,                // sensorWidth
                    4.65,               // sendsorHeight
                    4000,               // imageWidth
                    3000,               // imageHeight
                    5.4,                // focalLength
                    true,               // landscape
                    false,              // fixedOrientation
                    0,                  // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("Sentera Double 4K Sensor"),// SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
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Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sentera NDVI Single Sensor",
                    tr("NDVI Single Sensor"),
                    4.68,               // sensorWidth
                    3.56,               // sendsorHeight
                    1248,               // imageWidth
                    952,                // imageHeight
                    4.14,               // focalLength
                    true,               // landscape
                    false,              // fixedOrientation
                    0,                  // minTriggerInterval
                    tr("Sentera NDVI Single Sensor"),// SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.

Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    // Sony a6000 Sony 16mm f/2.8"
                    "Sony a6000 16mm",
                    tr("a6000 16mm"),
                    23.5,                   // sensorWidth
                    15.6,                   // sensorHeight
                    6000,                   // imageWidth
                    4000,                   // imageHeight
                    16,                     // focalLength
                    true,                   // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                  // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    2.0,                    // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony a6000 16mm"),  // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                  // parent
Jared Szechy's avatar
Jared Szechy committed

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Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sony a6300 Zeiss 21mm f/2.8",
                    tr("a6300 Zeiss 21mm f/2.8"),
                    23.5,               // sensorWidth
                    15.6,               // sensorHeight
                    6000,               // imageWidth
                    4000,               // imageHeight
                    21,                 // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    2.0,                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony a6300 Zeiss 21mm f/2.8"),// SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
Jared Szechy's avatar
Jared Szechy committed
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed

Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sony a6300 Sony 28mm f/2.0",
                    tr("a6300 Sony 28mm f/2.0"),
                    23.5,                               // sensorWidth
                    15.6,                               // sensorHeight
                    6000,                               // imageWidth
                    4000,                               // imageHeight
                    28,                                 // focalLength
                    true,                               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,                               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    2.0,                                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony a6300 Sony 28mm f/2.0"),   // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                              // parent
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed

Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sony a7R II Zeiss 21mm f/2.8",
                    tr("a7R II Zeiss 21mm f/2.8"),
                    35.814,                             // sensorWidth
                    23.876,                             // sensorHeight
                    7952,                               // imageWidth
                    5304,                               // imageHeight
                    21,                                 // focalLength
                    true,                               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,                               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    2.0,                                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony a7R II Zeiss 21mm f/2.8"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                              // parent
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sony a7R II Sony 28mm f/2.0",
                    tr("a7R II Sony 28mm f/2.0"),
                    35.814,             // sensorWidth
                    23.876,             // sensorHeight
                    7952,               // imageWidth
                    5304,               // imageHeight
                    28,                 // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    2.0,                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony a7R II Sony 28mm f/2.0"),// SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sony DSC-QX30U @ 4.3mm f/3.5",
                    tr("DSC-QX30U @ 4.3mm f/3.5"),
                    7.82,                               // sensorWidth
                    5.865,                              // sensorHeight
                    5184,                               // imageWidth
                    3888,                               // imageHeight
                    4.3,                                // focalLength
                    true,                               // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                              // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    2.0,                                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony DSC-QX30U @ 4.3mm f/3.5"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                              // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
Paul Picazo's avatar
Paul Picazo committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Sony DSC-RX0",
                    13.2,               // sensorWidth
                    8.8,                // sensorHeight
                    4800,               // imageWidth
                    3200,               // imageHeight
                    7.7,                // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    false,              // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                  // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony DSC-RX0"),// SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
Paul Picazo's avatar
Paul Picazo committed
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    //tr("Sony ILCE-QX1 Sony 16mm f/2.8"),
                    "Sony ILCE-QX1",
                    23.2,                   // sensorWidth
                    15.4,                   // sensorHeight
                    5456,                   // imageWidth
                    3632,                   // imageHeight
                    16,                     // focalLength
                    true,                   // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                  // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                      // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony ILCE-QX1"),    // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                  // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    // Sony NEX-5R Sony 20mm f/2.8"
                    "Sony NEX-5R 20mm",
                    tr("NEX-5R 20mm"),
                    23.2,                   // sensorWidth
                    15.4,                   // sensorHeight
                    4912,                   // imageWidth
                    3264,                   // imageHeight
                    20,                     // focalLength
                    true,                   // true: landscape orientation
                    false,                  // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    1,                      // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony NEX-5R 20mm"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);                  // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    // Sony RX100 II @ 10.4mm f/1.8
                    "Sony RX100 II 28mm",
                    tr("RX100 II 28mm"),
                    13.2,                // sensorWidth
                    8.8,                 // sensorHeight
                    5472,                // imageWidth
                    3648,                // imageHeight
                    10.4,                // focalLength
                    true,                // true: landscape orientation
                    false,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                   // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Sony RX100 II 28mm"),// SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);               // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Yuneec CGOET",
                    5.6405,             // sensorWidth
                    3.1813,             // sensorHeight
                    1920,               // imageWidth
                    1080,               // imageHeight
                    3.5,                // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    1.3,                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Yuneec CGOET"), // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Yuneec E10T",
                    5.6405,             // sensorWidth
                    3.1813,             // sensorHeight
                    1920,               // imageWidth
                    1080,               // imageHeight
                    23,                 // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    1.3,                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Yuneec E10T"),  // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
                    "Yuneec E50",
                    6.2372,             // sensorWidth
                    4.7058,             // sensorHeight
                    4000,               // imageWidth
                    3000,               // imageHeight
                    7.2,                // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    1.3,                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Yuneec E50"),   // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
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Gus Grubba committed

        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
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                    "Yuneec E90",
                    13.3056,            // sensorWidth
                    8.656,              // sensorHeight
                    5472,               // imageWidth
                    3648,               // imageHeight
                    8.29,               // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    1.3,                // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Yuneec E90"),   // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
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Gus Grubba committed

Yuya Yabe's avatar
Yuya Yabe committed
        metaData = new CameraMetaData(
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                    "Flir Duo R",
                    tr("Duo R"),
                    160,                // sensorWidth
                    120,                // sensorHeight
                    1920,               // imageWidth
                    1080,               // imageHeight
                    1.9,                // focalLength
                    true,               // true: landscape orientation
                    true,               // true: camera is fixed orientation
                    0,                  // minimum trigger interval
                    tr("Flir Duo R"),   // SHOULD BE BLANK FOR NEWLY ADDED CAMERAS. Deprecated translation from older builds.
                    this);              // parent
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Yuya Yabe committed

QMap<QString, FactGroup*>* FirmwarePlugin::factGroups(void) {
    // Generic plugin has no FactGroups
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Gus Grubba committed
    return nullptr;
bool FirmwarePlugin::_armVehicleAndValidate(Vehicle* vehicle)
    if (vehicle->armed()) {
        return true;

    bool armedChanged = false;

    // We try arming 3 times
    for (int retries=0; retries<3; retries++) {

        // Wait for vehicle to return armed state for 3 seconds
        for (int i=0; i<30; i++) {
            if (vehicle->armed()) {
                armedChanged = true;
        if (armedChanged) {
    return armedChanged;

bool FirmwarePlugin::_setFlightModeAndValidate(Vehicle* vehicle, const QString& flightMode)
    if (vehicle->flightMode() == flightMode) {
        return true;

    bool flightModeChanged = false;

    // We try 3 times
    for (int retries=0; retries<3; retries++) {

        // Wait for vehicle to return flight mode
            if (vehicle->flightMode() == flightMode) {
                flightModeChanged = true;
        if (flightModeChanged) {
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Don Gagne committed
void FirmwarePlugin::batteryConsumptionData(Vehicle* vehicle, int& mAhBattery, double& hoverAmps, double& cruiseAmps) const
    mAhBattery  = 0;
    hoverAmps   = 0;
    cruiseAmps  = 0;

QString FirmwarePlugin::autoDisarmParameter(Vehicle* vehicle)
    return QString();
bool FirmwarePlugin::hasGimbal(Vehicle* vehicle, bool& rollSupported, bool& pitchSupported, bool& yawSupported)
    rollSupported = false;
    pitchSupported = false;
    yawSupported = false;
    return false;
QGCCameraManager* FirmwarePlugin::createCameraManager(Vehicle* vehicle)
    return new QGCCameraManager(vehicle);

QGCCameraControl* FirmwarePlugin::createCameraControl(const mavlink_camera_information_t *info, Vehicle *vehicle, int compID, QObject* parent)
    return new QGCCameraControl(info, vehicle, compID, parent);
uint32_t FirmwarePlugin::highLatencyCustomModeTo32Bits(uint16_t hlCustomMode)
    // Standard implementation assumes no special handling. Upper part of 32 bit value is not used.
    return hlCustomMode;
void FirmwarePlugin::checkIfIsLatestStable(Vehicle* vehicle)
    // This is required as mocklink uses a hardcoded firmware version
    if (qgcApp()->runningUnitTests()) {
        qCDebug(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Skipping version check";
    QString versionFile = _getLatestVersionFileUrl(vehicle);
    qCDebug(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Downloading" << versionFile;
    QGCFileDownload* downloader = new QGCFileDownload(this);
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DonLakeFlyer's avatar
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        [vehicle, this](QString remoteFile, QString localFile, QString errorMsg) {
            if (errorMsg.isEmpty()) {
                _versionFileDownloadFinished(remoteFile, localFile, vehicle);
            } else {
                qCDebug(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Failed to download the latest fw version file. Error: " << errorMsg;

void FirmwarePlugin::_versionFileDownloadFinished(QString& remoteFile, QString& localFile, Vehicle* vehicle)
    qCDebug(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Download complete" << remoteFile << localFile;
    // Now read the version file and pull out the version string
    QFile versionFile(localFile);
    if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
        qCWarning(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Error opening downloaded version file.";

    QTextStream stream(&versionFile);
    QString versionFileContents = stream.readAll();
    QString version;
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = QRegularExpression(_versionRegex()).match(versionFileContents);

    qCDebug(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Looking for version number...";

    if (match.hasMatch()) {
        version = match.captured(1);
    } else {
        qCWarning(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Unable to parse version info from file" << remoteFile;

    qCDebug(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Latest stable version = "  << version;

    int currType = vehicle->firmwareVersionType();

    // Check if lower version than stable or same version but different type
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    if (currType == FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE_OFFICIAL && vehicle->versionCompare(version) < 0) {
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Don Gagne committed
        QString currentVersionNumber = QString("%1.%2.%3").arg(vehicle->firmwareMajorVersion())
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        qgcApp()->showAppMessage(tr("Vehicle is not running latest stable firmware! Running %1, latest stable is %2.").arg(currentVersionNumber, version));

int FirmwarePlugin::versionCompare(Vehicle* vehicle, int major, int minor, int patch)
    int currMajor = vehicle->firmwareMajorVersion();
    int currMinor = vehicle->firmwareMinorVersion();
    int currPatch = vehicle->firmwarePatchVersion();

    if (currMajor == major && currMinor == minor && currPatch == patch) {
        return 0;

    if (currMajor > major
       || (currMajor == major && currMinor > minor)
       || (currMajor == major && currMinor == minor && currPatch > patch))
        return 1;
    return -1;

int FirmwarePlugin::versionCompare(Vehicle* vehicle, QString& compare)
    QStringList versionNumbers = compare.split(".");
    if(versionNumbers.size() != 3) {
        qCWarning(FirmwarePluginLog) << "Error parsing version number: wrong format";
        return -1;
    int major = versionNumbers[0].toInt();
    int minor = versionNumbers[1].toInt();
    int patch = versionNumbers[2].toInt();
    return versionCompare(vehicle, major, minor, patch);
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QString FirmwarePlugin::gotoFlightMode(void) const
    return QString();
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void FirmwarePlugin::sendGCSMotionReport(Vehicle* vehicle, FollowMe::GCSMotionReport& motionReport, uint8_t estimationCapabilities)
    MAVLinkProtocol* mavlinkProtocol = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol();

    mavlink_follow_target_t follow_target = {};

    follow_target.timestamp =           qgcApp()->msecsSinceBoot();
    follow_target.est_capabilities =    estimationCapabilities;
    follow_target.position_cov[0] =     static_cast<float>(motionReport.pos_std_dev[0]);
    follow_target.position_cov[2] =     static_cast<float>(motionReport.pos_std_dev[2]);
    follow_target.alt =                 static_cast<float>(motionReport.altMetersAMSL); =                 motionReport.lat_int;
    follow_target.lon =                 motionReport.lon_int;
    follow_target.vel[0] =              static_cast<float>(motionReport.vxMetersPerSec);
    follow_target.vel[1] =              static_cast<float>(motionReport.vyMetersPerSec);

    mavlink_message_t message;
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    vehicle->sendMessageOnLinkThreadSafe(vehicle->priorityLink(), message);
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