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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.
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 * @file
 *   @brief Brief Description
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#include <QList>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QSignalSpy>
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#ifndef __ios__
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#include "QGCSerialPortInfo.h"
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#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
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#include "UDPLink.h"
#include "TCPLink.h"
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#include "BluetoothLink.h"
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#ifndef __mobile__
    #include "GPSManager.h"

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QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LinkManagerLog, "LinkManagerLog")
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QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LinkManagerVerboseLog, "LinkManagerVerboseLog")

const char* LinkManager::_settingsGroup =            "LinkManager";
const char* LinkManager::_autoconnectUDPKey =        "AutoconnectUDP";
const char* LinkManager::_autoconnectPixhawkKey =    "AutoconnectPixhawk";
const char* LinkManager::_autoconnect3DRRadioKey =   "Autoconnect3DRRadio";
const char* LinkManager::_autoconnectPX4FlowKey =    "AutoconnectPX4Flow";
const char* LinkManager::_autoconnectRTKGPSKey =     "AutoconnectRTKGPS";
const char* LinkManager::_autoconnectLibrePilotKey = "AutoconnectLibrePilot";
const char* LinkManager::_defaultUPDLinkName =       "Default UDP Link";
const int LinkManager::_autoconnectUpdateTimerMSecs =   1000;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// Have to manually let the bootloader go by on Windows to get a working connect
const int LinkManager::_autoconnectConnectDelayMSecs =  6000;
const int LinkManager::_autoconnectConnectDelayMSecs =  1000;

LinkManager::LinkManager(QGCApplication* app)
    : QGCTool(app)
    , _configUpdateSuspended(false)
    , _configurationsLoaded(false)
    , _connectionsSuspended(false)
    , _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask(1)    // We never use channel 0 to avoid sequence numbering problems
    , _mavlinkProtocol(NULL)
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    , _autoconnectUDP(true)
    , _autoconnectPixhawk(true)
    , _autoconnect3DRRadio(true)
    , _autoconnectPX4Flow(true)
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    , _autoconnectRTKGPS(true)
    , _autoconnectLibrePilot(true)
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    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<LinkManager>         ("QGroundControl", 1, 0, "LinkManager",         "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<LinkConfiguration>   ("QGroundControl", 1, 0, "LinkConfiguration",   "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<LinkInterface>       ("QGroundControl", 1, 0, "LinkInterface",       "Reference only");

    QSettings settings;
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    _autoconnectUDP =        settings.value(_autoconnectUDPKey, true).toBool();
    _autoconnectPixhawk =    settings.value(_autoconnectPixhawkKey, true).toBool();
    _autoconnect3DRRadio =   settings.value(_autoconnect3DRRadioKey, true).toBool();
    _autoconnectPX4Flow =    settings.value(_autoconnectPX4FlowKey, true).toBool();
    _autoconnectRTKGPS =     settings.value(_autoconnectRTKGPSKey, true).toBool();
    _autoconnectLibrePilot = settings.value(_autoconnectLibrePilotKey, true).toBool();
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#ifndef __ios__
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    connect(&_activeLinkCheckTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LinkManager::_activeLinkCheck);
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void LinkManager::setToolbox(QGCToolbox *toolbox)

   _mavlinkProtocol = _toolbox->mavlinkProtocol();

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    connect(&_portListTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LinkManager::_updateAutoConnectLinks);
    _portListTimer.start(_autoconnectUpdateTimerMSecs); // timeout must be long enough to get past bootloader on second pass
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LinkInterface* LinkManager::createConnectedLink(LinkConfiguration* config)
    LinkInterface* pLink = NULL;
    switch(config->type()) {
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#ifndef __ios__
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            SerialConfiguration* serialConfig = dynamic_cast<SerialConfiguration*>(config);
            if (serialConfig) {
                pLink = new SerialLink(serialConfig);
                if (serialConfig->usbDirect()) {
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                    if (!_activeLinkCheckTimer.isActive()) {
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        case LinkConfiguration::TypeUdp:
            pLink = new UDPLink(dynamic_cast<UDPConfiguration*>(config));
        case LinkConfiguration::TypeTcp:
            pLink = new TCPLink(dynamic_cast<TCPConfiguration*>(config));
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        case LinkConfiguration::TypeBluetooth:
            pLink = new BluetoothLink(dynamic_cast<BluetoothConfiguration*>(config));
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#ifndef __mobile__
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        case LinkConfiguration::TypeLogReplay:
            pLink = new LogReplayLink(dynamic_cast<LogReplayLinkConfiguration*>(config));
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#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        case LinkConfiguration::TypeMock:
            pLink = new MockLink(dynamic_cast<MockConfiguration*>(config));
        case LinkConfiguration::TypeLast:
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LinkInterface* LinkManager::createConnectedLink(const QString& name)
    Q_ASSERT(name.isEmpty() == false);
    for(int i = 0; i < _linkConfigurations.count(); i++) {
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        LinkConfiguration* conf = _linkConfigurations.value<LinkConfiguration*>(i);
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            return createConnectedLink(conf);
void LinkManager::_addLink(LinkInterface* link)
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    if (thread() != QThread::currentThread()) {
        qWarning() << "_deleteLink called from incorrect thread";
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    if (!link) {
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    if (!_links.contains(link)) {
        bool channelSet = false;

        // Find a mavlink channel to use for this link
        for (int i=0; i<32; i++) {
            if (!(_mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask & 1 << i)) {
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                _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask |= 1 << i;
                channelSet = true;
        if (!channelSet) {
            qWarning() << "Ran out of mavlink channels";

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    connect(link, &LinkInterface::communicationError,   _app,               &QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread);
    connect(link, &LinkInterface::bytesReceived,        _mavlinkProtocol,   &MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes);
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    connect(link, &LinkInterface::connected,            this, &LinkManager::_linkConnected);
    connect(link, &LinkInterface::disconnected,         this, &LinkManager::_linkDisconnected);

    // This connection is queued since it will cloe the link. So we want the link emitter to return otherwise we would
    // close the link our from under itself.
    connect(link, &LinkInterface::connectionRemoved,    this, &LinkManager::_linkConnectionRemoved, Qt::QueuedConnection);
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void LinkManager::disconnectAll(void)
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    // Walk list in reverse order to preserve indices during delete
    for (int i=_links.count()-1; i>=0; i--) {
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bool LinkManager::connectLink(LinkInterface* link)
    if (_connectionsSuspendedMsg()) {
        return false;

    return link->_connect();
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void LinkManager::disconnectLink(LinkInterface* link)
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    if (!link || !_links.contains(link)) {
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    LinkConfiguration* config = link->getLinkConfiguration();
    if (config) {
        if (_autoconnectConfigurations.contains(config)) {
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    if (_autoconnectConfigurations.contains(config)) {
        qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "Removing disconnected autoconnect config" << config->name();
        delete config;
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void LinkManager::_deleteLink(LinkInterface* link)
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    if (thread() != QThread::currentThread()) {
        qWarning() << "_deleteLink called from incorrect thread";

    if (!link) {
    // Free up the mavlink channel associated with this link
    _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask &= ~(1 << link->getMavlinkChannel());
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    delete link;
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    // Emit removal of link
    emit linkDeleted(link);
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/// @brief If all new connections should be suspended a message is displayed to the user and true
///         is returned;
bool LinkManager::_connectionsSuspendedMsg(void)
    if (_connectionsSuspended) {
        qgcApp()->showMessage(QString("Connect not allowed: %1").arg(_connectionsSuspendedReason));
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

void LinkManager::setConnectionsSuspended(QString reason)
    _connectionsSuspended = true;
    _connectionsSuspendedReason = reason;
void LinkManager::_linkConnected(void)
    emit linkConnected((LinkInterface*)sender());

void LinkManager::_linkDisconnected(void)
    emit linkDisconnected((LinkInterface*)sender());
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void LinkManager::_linkConnectionRemoved(LinkInterface* link)
    // Link has been removed from system, disconnect it automatically

void LinkManager::suspendConfigurationUpdates(bool suspend)
    _configUpdateSuspended = suspend;

void LinkManager::saveLinkConfigurationList()
    QSettings settings;
    int trueCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < _linkConfigurations.count(); i++) {
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        LinkConfiguration* linkConfig = _linkConfigurations.value<LinkConfiguration*>(i);
        if (linkConfig) {
                QString root = LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot();
                root += QString("/Link%1").arg(trueCount++);
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                settings.setValue(root + "/name", linkConfig->name());
                settings.setValue(root + "/type", linkConfig->type());
                settings.setValue(root + "/auto", linkConfig->isAutoConnect());
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                // Have the instance save its own values
                linkConfig->saveSettings(settings, root);
        } else {
            qWarning() << "Internal error for link configuration in LinkManager";
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    QString root(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot());
    settings.setValue(root + "/count", trueCount);
    emit linkConfigurationsChanged();
    bool linksChanged = false;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    bool mockPresent  = false;
    QSettings settings;
    // Is the group even there?
    if(settings.contains(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot() + "/count")) {
        // Find out how many configurations we have
        int count = settings.value(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot() + "/count").toInt();
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            QString root(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot());
            root += QString("/Link%1").arg(i);
            if(settings.contains(root + "/type")) {
                int type = settings.value(root + "/type").toInt();
                if((LinkConfiguration::LinkType)type < LinkConfiguration::TypeLast) {
                    if(settings.contains(root + "/name")) {
                        QString name = settings.value(root + "/name").toString();
                        if(!name.isEmpty()) {
                            LinkConfiguration* pLink = NULL;
                            bool autoConnect = settings.value(root + "/auto").toBool();
                            switch((LinkConfiguration::LinkType)type) {
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#ifndef __ios__
                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial:
                                    pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new SerialConfiguration(name);
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                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeUdp:
                                    pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new UDPConfiguration(name);
                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeTcp:
                                    pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new TCPConfiguration(name);
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                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeBluetooth:
                                    pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new BluetoothConfiguration(name);
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#ifndef __mobile__
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                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeLogReplay:
                                    pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new LogReplayLinkConfiguration(name);
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#ifdef QT_DEBUG
                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeMock:
                                    pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new MockConfiguration(name);
                                    mockPresent = true;
                                case LinkConfiguration::TypeLast:
                                //-- Have the instance load its own values
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                                linksChanged = true;
                            qWarning() << "Link Configuration" << root << "has an empty name." ;
                        qWarning() << "Link Configuration" << root << "has no name." ;
                    qWarning() << "Link Configuration" << root << "an invalid type: " << type;
                qWarning() << "Link Configuration" << root << "has no type." ;
    // Debug buids always add MockLink automatically (if one is not already there)
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        MockConfiguration* pMock = new MockConfiguration("Mock Link PX4");
        linksChanged = true;

    if(linksChanged) {
        emit linkConfigurationsChanged();
    // Enable automatic Serial PX4/3DR Radio hunting
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#ifndef __ios__
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SerialConfiguration* LinkManager::_autoconnectConfigurationsContainsPort(const QString& portName)
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    for (int i=0; i<_autoconnectConfigurations.count(); i++) {
        SerialConfiguration* linkConfig = _autoconnectConfigurations.value<SerialConfiguration*>(i);

        if (linkConfig) {
            if (linkConfig->portName() == searchPort) {
                return linkConfig;
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        } else {
            qWarning() << "Internal error";
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void LinkManager::_updateAutoConnectLinks(void)
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    if (_connectionsSuspended || qgcApp()->runningUnitTests()) {
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    // Re-add UDP if we need to
    bool foundUDP = false;
    for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) {
        LinkConfiguration* linkConfig = _links.value<LinkInterface*>(i)->getLinkConfiguration();
        if (linkConfig->type() == LinkConfiguration::TypeUdp && linkConfig->name() == _defaultUPDLinkName) {
            foundUDP = true;
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    if (!foundUDP && _autoconnectUDP) {
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        qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "New auto-connect UDP port added";
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        UDPConfiguration* udpConfig = new UDPConfiguration(_defaultUPDLinkName);
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        emit linkConfigurationsChanged();
#ifndef __ios__
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    QStringList currentPorts;
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    QList<QGCSerialPortInfo> portList = QGCSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
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    foreach (QGCSerialPortInfo portInfo, portList) {
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        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "-----------------------------------------------------";
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "portName:          " << portInfo.portName();
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "systemLocation:    " << portInfo.systemLocation();
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "description:       " << portInfo.description();
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "manufacturer:      " << portInfo.manufacturer();
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "serialNumber:      " << portInfo.serialNumber();
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "vendorIdentifier:  " << portInfo.vendorIdentifier();
        qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "productIdentifier: " << portInfo.productIdentifier();

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        // Save port name
        currentPorts << portInfo.systemLocation();
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        QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t boardType = portInfo.boardType();

        if (boardType != QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeUnknown) {
            if (portInfo.isBootloader()) {
                // Don't connect to bootloader
                qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "Waiting for bootloader to finish" << portInfo.systemLocation();
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            if (_autoconnectConfigurationsContainsPort(portInfo.systemLocation())) {
                qCDebug(LinkManagerVerboseLog) << "Skipping existing autoconnect" << portInfo.systemLocation();
            } else if (!_autoconnectWaitList.contains(portInfo.systemLocation())) {
                // We don't connect to the port the first time we see it. The ability to correctly detect whether we
                // are in the bootloader is flaky from a cross-platform standpoint. So by putting it on a wait list
                // and only connect on the second pass we leave enough time for the board to boot up.
                qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "Waiting for next autoconnect pass" << portInfo.systemLocation();
                _autoconnectWaitList[portInfo.systemLocation()] = 1;
            } else if (++_autoconnectWaitList[portInfo.systemLocation()] * _autoconnectUpdateTimerMSecs > _autoconnectConnectDelayMSecs) {
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                SerialConfiguration* pSerialConfig = NULL;

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                switch (boardType) {
                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV1:
                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV2:
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                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV4:
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                    if (_autoconnectPixhawk) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("Pixhawk on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
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                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeAeroCore:
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                    if (_autoconnectPixhawk) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("AeroCore on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
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                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeMINDPXFMUV2:
                    if (_autoconnectPixhawk) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("MindPX on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeTAPV1:
                    if (_autoconnectPixhawk) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("TAP on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeASCV1:
                    if (_autoconnectPixhawk) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("ASC on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
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                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4Flow:
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                    if (_autoconnectPX4Flow) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("PX4Flow on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
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                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeSikRadio:
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                    if (_autoconnect3DRRadio) {
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                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("SiK Radio on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
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                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeLibrePilot:
                    if (_autoconnectLibrePilot) {
                        pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("LibrePilot on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
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#ifndef __mobile__
                case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeRTKGPS:
                    if (_autoconnectRTKGPS && !_toolbox->gpsManager()->connected()) {
                        qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "RTK GPS auto-connected";
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                    qWarning() << "Internal error";
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                if (pSerialConfig) {
                    qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "New auto-connect port added: " << pSerialConfig->name() << portInfo.systemLocation();
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                    pSerialConfig->setBaud(boardType == QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeSikRadio ? 57600 : 115200);
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    // Now we go through the current configuration list and make sure any dynamic config has gone away
    QList<LinkConfiguration*>  _confToDelete;
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    for (int i=0; i<_autoconnectConfigurations.count(); i++) {
        SerialConfiguration* linkConfig = _autoconnectConfigurations.value<SerialConfiguration*>(i);
        if (linkConfig) {
            if (!currentPorts.contains(linkConfig->portName())) {
                if (linkConfig->link()) {
                    if (linkConfig->link()->isConnected()) {
                        if (linkConfig->link()->active()) {
                            // We don't remove links which are still connected which have been active with a vehicle on them
                            // even though at this point the cable may have been pulled. Instead we wait for the user to
                            // Disconnect. Once the user disconnects, the link will be removed.
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        } else {
            qWarning() << "Internal error";
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    // Now remove all configs that are gone
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    foreach (LinkConfiguration* pDeleteConfig, _confToDelete) {
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        qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "Removing unused autoconnect config" << pDeleteConfig->name();
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        if (pDeleteConfig->link()) {
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        delete pDeleteConfig;
#endif // __ios__
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void LinkManager::shutdown(void)
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bool LinkManager::_setAutoconnectWorker(bool& currentAutoconnect, bool newAutoconnect, const char* autoconnectKey)
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    if (currentAutoconnect != newAutoconnect) {
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        QSettings settings;

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        settings.setValue(autoconnectKey, newAutoconnect);
        currentAutoconnect = newAutoconnect;
        return true;

    return false;
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void LinkManager::setAutoconnectUDP(bool autoconnect)
    if (_setAutoconnectWorker(_autoconnectUDP, autoconnect, _autoconnectUDPKey)) {
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        emit autoconnectUDPChanged(autoconnect);
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void LinkManager::setAutoconnectPixhawk(bool autoconnect)
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    if (_setAutoconnectWorker(_autoconnectPixhawk, autoconnect, _autoconnectPixhawkKey)) {
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        emit autoconnectPixhawkChanged(autoconnect);

void LinkManager::setAutoconnect3DRRadio(bool autoconnect)
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    if (_setAutoconnectWorker(_autoconnect3DRRadio, autoconnect, _autoconnect3DRRadioKey)) {
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        emit autoconnect3DRRadioChanged(autoconnect);

void LinkManager::setAutoconnectPX4Flow(bool autoconnect)
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    if (_setAutoconnectWorker(_autoconnectPX4Flow, autoconnect, _autoconnectPX4FlowKey)) {
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        emit autoconnectPX4FlowChanged(autoconnect);
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void LinkManager::setAutoconnectRTKGPS(bool autoconnect)
    if (_setAutoconnectWorker(_autoconnectRTKGPS, autoconnect, _autoconnectRTKGPSKey)) {
        emit autoconnectRTKGPSChanged(autoconnect);
void LinkManager::setAutoconnectLibrePilot(bool autoconnect)
    if (_setAutoconnectWorker(_autoconnectLibrePilot, autoconnect, _autoconnectLibrePilotKey)) {
        emit autoconnectLibrePilotChanged(autoconnect);

QStringList LinkManager::linkTypeStrings(void) const
    //-- Must follow same order as enum LinkType in LinkConfiguration.h
    static QStringList list;
#ifndef __ios__
        list += "Serial";
        list += "UDP";
        list += "TCP";
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        list += "Bluetooth";
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#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        list += "Mock Link";
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#ifndef __mobile__
        list += "Log Replay";
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        Q_ASSERT(list.size() == (int)LinkConfiguration::TypeLast);
void LinkManager::_updateSerialPorts()
#ifndef __ios__
    QList<QSerialPortInfo> portList = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
    foreach (const QSerialPortInfo &info, portList)
        QString port = info.systemLocation().trimmed();
        _commPortList += port;
        _commPortDisplayList += SerialConfiguration::cleanPortDisplayname(port);

QStringList LinkManager::serialPortStrings(void)
    return _commPortDisplayList;

QStringList LinkManager::serialPorts(void)
    return _commPortList;

QStringList LinkManager::serialBaudRates(void)
#ifdef __ios__
    QStringList foo;
    return foo;
    return SerialConfiguration::supportedBaudRates();

bool LinkManager::endConfigurationEditing(LinkConfiguration* config, LinkConfiguration* editedConfig)
    Q_ASSERT(config != NULL);
    Q_ASSERT(editedConfig != NULL);
    // Tell link about changes (if any)
    // Discard temporary duplicate
    delete editedConfig;
    return true;

bool LinkManager::endCreateConfiguration(LinkConfiguration* config)
    Q_ASSERT(config != NULL);
    return true;

LinkConfiguration* LinkManager::createConfiguration(int type, const QString& name)
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#ifndef __ios__
    if((LinkConfiguration::LinkType)type == LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial)
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    return LinkConfiguration::createSettings(type, name);

LinkConfiguration* LinkManager::startConfigurationEditing(LinkConfiguration* config)
    Q_ASSERT(config != NULL);
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#ifndef __ios__
    if(config->type() == LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial)
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    return LinkConfiguration::duplicateSettings(config);

void LinkManager::_fixUnnamed(LinkConfiguration* config)
    Q_ASSERT(config != NULL);
    //-- Check for "Unnamed"
    if (config->name() == "Unnamed") {
        switch(config->type()) {
#ifndef __ios__
            case LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial: {
                QString tname = dynamic_cast<SerialConfiguration*>(config)->portName();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                tname.replace("\\\\.\\", "");
                tname.replace("/dev/cu.", "");
                tname.replace("/dev/", "");
                config->setName(QString("Serial Device on %1").arg(tname));
            case LinkConfiguration::TypeUdp:
                    QString("UDP Link on Port %1").arg(dynamic_cast<UDPConfiguration*>(config)->localPort()));
            case LinkConfiguration::TypeTcp: {
                    TCPConfiguration* tconfig = dynamic_cast<TCPConfiguration*>(config);
                    if(tconfig) {
                            QString("TCP Link %1:%2").arg(tconfig->address().toString()).arg((int)tconfig->port()));
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            case LinkConfiguration::TypeBluetooth: {
                    BluetoothConfiguration* tconfig = dynamic_cast<BluetoothConfiguration*>(config);
                    if(tconfig) {
                        config->setName(QString("%1 (Bluetooth Device)").arg(tconfig->device().name));
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#ifndef __mobile__
            case LinkConfiguration::TypeLogReplay: {
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                    LogReplayLinkConfiguration* tconfig = dynamic_cast<LogReplayLinkConfiguration*>(config);
                    if(tconfig) {
                        config->setName(QString("Log Replay %1").arg(tconfig->logFilenameShort()));
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#ifdef QT_DEBUG
            case LinkConfiguration::TypeMock:
                    QString("Mock Link"));
            case LinkConfiguration::TypeLast:

void LinkManager::removeConfiguration(LinkConfiguration* config)
    Q_ASSERT(config != NULL);
    LinkInterface* iface = config->link();
    if(iface) {
    // Remove configuration
    delete config;
    // Save list
bool LinkManager::isAutoconnectLink(LinkInterface* link)
    return _autoconnectConfigurations.contains(link->getLinkConfiguration());
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bool LinkManager::isBluetoothAvailable(void)
    return qgcApp()->isBluetoothAvailable();
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#ifndef __ios__
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void LinkManager::_activeLinkCheck(void)
    SerialLink* link = NULL;
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    bool found = false;

    if (_activeLinkCheckList.count() != 0) {
        link = _activeLinkCheckList.takeFirst();
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        if (_links.contains(link) && link->isConnected()) {
            // Make sure there is a vehicle on the link
            QmlObjectListModel* vehicles = _toolbox->multiVehicleManager()->vehicles();
            for (int i=0; i<vehicles->count(); i++) {
                Vehicle* vehicle = qobject_cast<Vehicle*>(vehicles->get(i));
                if (vehicle->containsLink(link)) {
                    found = true;
        } else {
            link = NULL;
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    if (_activeLinkCheckList.count() == 0) {

    if (!found && link) {
        // See if we can get an NSH prompt on this link
        bool foundNSHPrompt = false;
        link->writeBytesSafe("\r", 1);
        QSignalSpy spy(link, SIGNAL(bytesReceived(LinkInterface*, QByteArray)));
        if (spy.wait(100)) {
            QList<QVariant> arguments = spy.takeFirst();
            if (arguments[1].value<QByteArray>().contains("nsh>")) {
                foundNSHPrompt = true;

        qgcApp()->showMessage(foundNSHPrompt ?
                                  QStringLiteral("Please check to make sure you have an SD Card inserted in your Vehicle and try again.") :
                                  QStringLiteral("Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continues shutdown QGroundControl, restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely, then start QGroundControl."));
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