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    drawChangeRateStrip(49.0f, -50.0f, 15.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, valuesDot.value("x", 0.0f), &painter);

    // GAUGES

    // Left altitude gauge
    drawChangeIndicatorGauge(-vGaugeSpacing, -15.0f, 10.0f, 2.0f, -values.value("z", 0.0f), defaultColor, &painter, false);

    // Right speed gauge
    drawChangeIndicatorGauge(vGaugeSpacing, -15.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f, values.value("xSpeed", 0.0f), defaultColor, &painter, false);

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    // Translate for yaw
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    const float maxYawTrans = 60.0f;
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    float yawDiff = valuesDot.value("yaw", 0.0f);
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    if (isinf(yawDiff)) yawDiff = 0.0f;
    if (yawDiff > M_PI) yawDiff = yawDiff - M_PI;
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    if (yawDiff < -M_PI) yawDiff = yawDiff + M_PI;
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    yawInt += yawDiff;

    if (yawInt > M_PI) yawInt = M_PI;
    if (yawInt < -M_PI) yawInt = -M_PI;

    float yawTrans = yawInt * (double)maxYawTrans;
    yawInt *= 0.6f;
    //qDebug() << "yaw translation" << yawTrans << "integral" << yawInt << "difference" << yawDiff << "yaw" << yaw << "asin(yawInt)" << asinYaw;

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    painter.translate(0, (pitch/M_PI)* -180.0f * refToScreenY(1.8));
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    painter.translate(refToScreenX(yawTrans), 0);

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    // Rotate view and draw all roll-dependent indicators
    painter.rotate((roll/M_PI)* -180.0f);

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    //qDebug() << "ROLL" << roll << "PITCH" << pitch << "YAW DIFF" << valuesDot.value("roll", 0.0f);
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    // PITCH

    paintPitchLines((pitch/M_PI)*180.0f, &painter);



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 * @param pitch pitch angle in degrees (-180 to 180)
void HUD::paintPitchLines(float pitch, QPainter* painter)
    QString label;

    const float yDeg = vPitchPerDeg;
    const float lineDistance = 5.0f; ///< One pitch line every 10 degrees
    const float posIncrement = yDeg * lineDistance;
    float posY = posIncrement;
    const float posLimit = sqrt(pow(vwidth, 2.0f) + pow(vheight, 2.0f));

    const float offsetAbs = pitch * yDeg;

    float offset = pitch;
    if (offset < 0) offset = -offset;
    int offsetCount = 0;
    while (offset > lineDistance)
        offset -= lineDistance;

    int iPos = (int)(0.5f + lineDistance); ///< The first line
    int iNeg = (int)(-0.5f - lineDistance); ///< The first line

    offset *= yDeg;


    posY = -offsetAbs + posIncrement; //+ 100;// + lineDistance;

    while (posY < posLimit)
        paintPitchLinePos(label.sprintf("%3d", iPos), 0.0f, -posY, painter);
        posY += posIncrement;
        iPos += (int)lineDistance;

    // HORIZON
    //    ------------    ------------
    const float pitchWidth = 30.0f;
    const float pitchGap = pitchWidth / 2.5f;
    const QColor horizonColor = defaultColor;
    const float diagonal = sqrt(pow(vwidth, 2.0f) + pow(vheight, 2.0f));
    const float lineWidth = refLineWidthToPen(0.5f);

    // Left horizon
    drawLine(0.0f-diagonal, offsetAbs, 0.0f-pitchGap/2.0f, offsetAbs, lineWidth, horizonColor, painter);
    // Right horizon
    drawLine(0.0f+pitchGap/2.0f, offsetAbs, 0.0f+diagonal, offsetAbs, lineWidth, horizonColor, painter);


    posY = offsetAbs  + posIncrement;

    while (posY < posLimit)
        paintPitchLineNeg(label.sprintf("%3d", iNeg), 0.0f, posY, painter);
        posY += posIncrement;
        iNeg -= (int)lineDistance;

void HUD::paintPitchLinePos(QString text, float refPosX, float refPosY, QPainter* painter)
    //painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush, normalStrokeWidth));

    const float pitchWidth = 30.0f;
    const float pitchGap = pitchWidth / 2.5f;
    const float pitchHeight = pitchWidth / 12.0f;
    const float textSize = pitchHeight * 1.1f;
    const float lineWidth = 0.5f;

    // Positive pitch indicator:
    //      _______      _______
    //     |10                  |

    // Left vertical line
    drawLine(refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0f, refPosY, refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0f, refPosY+pitchHeight, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Left horizontal line
    drawLine(refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0f, refPosY, refPosX-pitchGap/2.0f, refPosY, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Text left
    paintText(text, defaultColor, textSize, refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0 + 0.75f, refPosY + pitchHeight - 1.75f, painter);

    // Right vertical line
    drawLine(refPosX+pitchWidth/2.0f, refPosY, refPosX+pitchWidth/2.0f, refPosY+pitchHeight, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Right horizontal line
    drawLine(refPosX+pitchWidth/2.0f, refPosY, refPosX+pitchGap/2.0f, refPosY, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);

void HUD::paintPitchLineNeg(QString text, float refPosX, float refPosY, QPainter* painter)
    const float pitchWidth = 30.0f;
    const float pitchGap = pitchWidth / 2.5f;
    const float pitchHeight = pitchWidth / 12.0f;
    const float textSize = pitchHeight * 1.1f;
    const float segmentWidth = ((pitchWidth - pitchGap)/2.0f) / 7.0f; ///< Four lines and three gaps -> 7 segments

    const float lineWidth = 0.1f;

    // Negative pitch indicator:
    //      -10
    //     _ _ _ _|     |_ _ _ _

    // Left vertical line
    drawLine(refPosX-pitchGap/2.0, refPosY, refPosX-pitchGap/2.0, refPosY-pitchHeight, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Left horizontal line with four segments
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i+=2)
        drawLine(refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0+(i*segmentWidth), refPosY, refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0+(i*segmentWidth)+segmentWidth, refPosY, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Text left
    paintText(text, defaultColor, textSize, refPosX-pitchWidth/2.0f + 0.75f, refPosY + pitchHeight - 1.75f, painter);

    // Right vertical line
    drawLine(refPosX+pitchGap/2.0, refPosY, refPosX+pitchGap/2.0, refPosY-pitchHeight, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Right horizontal line with four segments
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i+=2)
        drawLine(refPosX+pitchWidth/2.0f-(i*segmentWidth), refPosY, refPosX+pitchWidth/2.0f-(i*segmentWidth)-segmentWidth, refPosY, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);

void rotatePointClockWise(QPointF& p, float angle)
    // Standard 2x2 rotation matrix, counter-clockwise
    //   |  cos(phi)   sin(phi) |
    //   | -sin(phi)   cos(phi) |

    //p.setX(cos(angle) * p.x() + sin(angle) * p.y());
    //p.setY(-sin(angle) * p.x() + cos(angle) * p.y());

    p.setX(cos(angle) * p.x() + sin(angle)* p.y());
    p.setY((-1.0f * sin(angle) * p.x()) + cos(angle) * p.y());

float HUD::refLineWidthToPen(float line)
    return line * 2.50f;

 * Rotate a polygon around a point
 * @param p polygon to rotate
 * @param origin the rotation center
 * @param angle rotation angle, in radians
 * @return p Polygon p rotated by angle around the origin point
void HUD::rotatePolygonClockWiseRad(QPolygonF& p, float angle, QPointF origin)
    // Standard 2x2 rotation matrix, counter-clockwise
    //   |  cos(phi)   sin(phi) |
    //   | -sin(phi)   cos(phi) |
    for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
        QPointF curr =;

        const float x = curr.x();
        const float y = curr.y();

        curr.setX(((cos(angle) * (x-origin.x())) + (-sin(angle) * (y-origin.y()))) + origin.x());
        curr.setY(((sin(angle) * (x-origin.x())) + (cos(angle) * (y-origin.y()))) + origin.y());
        p.replace(i, curr);

void HUD::drawPolygon(QPolygonF refPolygon, QPainter* painter)
    // Scale coordinates
    QPolygonF draw(refPolygon.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < refPolygon.size(); i++)
        QPointF curr;
        draw.replace(i, curr);

void HUD::drawChangeRateStrip(float xRef, float yRef, float height, float minRate, float maxRate, float value, QPainter* painter)
    QBrush brush(defaultColor, Qt::NoBrush);
    QPen rectPen(Qt::SolidLine);

    float scaledValue = value;

    // Saturate value
    if (value > maxRate) scaledValue = maxRate;
    if (value < minRate) scaledValue = minRate;

    //           x (Origin: xRef, yRef)
    //           -
    //           |
    //           |
    //           |
    //           =
    //           |
    //   -0.005 >|
    //           |
    //           -

    const float width = height / 8.0f;
    const float lineWidth = 0.5f;

    // Indicator lines
    // Top horizontal line
    drawLine(xRef, yRef, xRef+width, yRef, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Vertical main line
    drawLine(xRef+width/2.0f, yRef, xRef+width/2.0f, yRef+height, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Zero mark
    drawLine(xRef, yRef+height/2.0f, xRef+width, yRef+height/2.0f, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);
    // Horizontal bottom line
    drawLine(xRef, yRef+height, xRef+width, yRef+height, lineWidth, defaultColor, painter);

    // Text
    QString label;
    label.sprintf("< %06.2f", value);
    paintText(label, defaultColor, 3.0f, xRef+width/2.0f, yRef+height-((scaledValue - minRate)/(maxRate-minRate))*height - 1.6f, painter);

//void HUD::drawSystemIndicator(float xRef, float yRef, int maxNum, float maxWidth, float maxHeight, QPainter* painter)
//    Q_UNUSED(maxWidth);
//    Q_UNUSED(maxHeight);
//    if (values.size() > 0)
//    {
//        QString selectedKey = values.begin().key();
//        //   | | | | | |
//        //   | | | | | |
//        //   x speed: 2.54

//        // One column per value
//        QMapIterator<QString, float> value(values);

//        float x = xRef;
//        float y = yRef;

//        const float vspacing = 1.0f;
//        float width = 1.5f;
//        float height = 1.5f;
//        const float hspacing = 0.6f;

//        // TODO ensure that instrument stays smaller than maxWidth and maxHeight

//        int i = 0;
//        while (value.hasNext() && i < maxNum)
//        {
//  ;
//            QBrush brush(Qt::SolidPattern);

//            if (value.value() < 0.01f && value.value() > -0.01f)
//            {
//                brush.setColor(Qt::gray);
//            }
//            else if (value.value() > 0.01f)
//            {
//                brush.setColor(Qt::blue);
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                brush.setColor(Qt::yellow);
//            }

//            painter->setBrush(brush);
//            painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen);

//            // Draw current value colormap
//            painter->drawRect(refToScreenX(x), refToScreenY(y), refToScreenX(width), refToScreenY(height));

//            // Draw change rate colormap
//            painter->drawRect(refToScreenX(x), refToScreenY(y+height+hspacing), refToScreenX(width), refToScreenY(height));

//            // Draw mean value colormap
//            painter->drawRect(refToScreenX(x), refToScreenY(y+2.0f*(height+hspacing)), refToScreenX(width), refToScreenY(height));

//            // Add spacing
//            x += width+vspacing;

//            // Iterate
//            i++;
//        }

//        // Draw detail label
//        QString detail = "NO DATA AVAILABLE";

//        if (values.contains(selectedKey))
//        {
//            detail = values.find(selectedKey).key();
//            detail.append(": ");
//            detail.append(QString::number(values.find(selectedKey).value()));
//        }
//        paintText(detail, QColor(255, 255, 255), 3.0f, xRef, yRef+3.0f*(height+hspacing)+1.0f, painter);
//    }
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void HUD::drawChangeIndicatorGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float expectedMaxChange, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, bool solid)
    // Draw the circle
    QPen circlePen(Qt::SolidLine);
    if (!solid) circlePen.setStyle(Qt::DotLine);
    drawCircle(xRef, yRef, radius, 200.0f, 170.0f, 1.0f, color, painter);

    QString label;
    label.sprintf("%05.1f", value);

    // Draw the value
    paintText(label, color, 4.5f, xRef-7.5f, yRef-2.0f, painter);

    // Draw the needle
    // Scale the rotation so that the gauge does one revolution
    // per max. change
    const float rangeScale = (2.0f * M_PI) / expectedMaxChange;
    const float maxWidth = radius / 10.0f;
    const float minWidth = maxWidth * 0.3f;

    QPolygonF p(6);

    p.replace(0, QPointF(xRef-maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.5f));
    p.replace(1, QPointF(xRef-minWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.9f));
    p.replace(2, QPointF(xRef+minWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.9f));
    p.replace(3, QPointF(xRef+maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.5f));
    p.replace(4, QPointF(xRef,               yRef-radius * 0.46f));
    p.replace(5, QPointF(xRef-maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.5f));

    rotatePolygonClockWiseRad(p, value*rangeScale, QPointF(xRef, yRef));

    QBrush indexBrush;
    drawPolygon(p, painter);

void HUD::drawLine(float refX1, float refY1, float refX2, float refY2, float width, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter)
    QPen pen(Qt::SolidLine);
    painter->drawLine(QPoint(refToScreenX(refX1), refToScreenY(refY1)), QPoint(refToScreenX(refX2), refToScreenY(refY2)));

void HUD::drawEllipse(float refX, float refY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float startDeg, float endDeg, float lineWidth, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter)
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    QPen pen(painter->pen().style());
    painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(refToScreenX(refX), refToScreenY(refY)), refToScreenX(radiusX), refToScreenY(radiusY));

void HUD::drawCircle(float refX, float refY, float radius, float startDeg, float endDeg, float lineWidth, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter)
    drawEllipse(refX, refY, radius, radius, startDeg, endDeg, lineWidth, color, painter);

void HUD::resizeGL(int w, int h)
    glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
    glOrtho(0, w, 0, h, -1, 1);
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
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void HUD::selectWaypoint(int uasId, int id)
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    waypointName = tr("WP") + QString::number(id);
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void HUD::setImageSize(int width, int height, int depth, int channels)
    // Allocate raw image in correct size
    if (width != receivedWidth || height != receivedHeight || depth != receivedDepth || channels != receivedChannels || image == NULL)
        // Set new size
        if (width > 0) receivedWidth  = width;
        if (height > 0) receivedHeight = height;
        if (depth > 1) receivedDepth = depth;
        if (channels > 1) receivedChannels = channels;

        rawExpectedBytes = (receivedWidth * receivedHeight * receivedDepth * receivedChannels) / 8;
        bytesPerLine = rawExpectedBytes / receivedHeight;
        // Delete old buffers if necessary
        rawImage = NULL;
        if (rawBuffer1 != NULL) delete rawBuffer1;
        if (rawBuffer2 != NULL) delete rawBuffer2;

        rawBuffer1 = (unsigned char*)malloc(rawExpectedBytes);
        rawBuffer2 = (unsigned char*)malloc(rawExpectedBytes);
        rawImage = rawBuffer1;
        // TODO check if old image should be deleted

        // Set image format
        if (depth <= 8 && channels == 1)
            image = new QImage(receivedWidth, receivedHeight, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
            // Create matching color table
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                image->setColor(i, qRgb(i, i, i));
                //qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << std::hex << i;

            image = new QImage(receivedWidth, receivedHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

        // Fill first channel of image with black pixels
        glImage = QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat(*image);

        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "Setting up image";

        // Set size once
        setFixedSize(receivedWidth, receivedHeight);
        setMinimumSize(receivedWidth, receivedHeight);
        setMaximumSize(receivedWidth, receivedHeight);
        // Lock down the size
        //setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
        //resize(receivedWidth, receivedHeight);


void HUD::startImage(int imgid, int width, int height, int depth, int channels)
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    //qDebug() << "HUD: starting image (" << width << "x" << height << ", " << depth << "bits) with " << channels << "channels";

    // Copy previous image to screen if it hasn't been finished properly

    // Reset image size if necessary
    setImageSize(width, height, depth, channels);
    imageStarted = true;

void HUD::finishImage()
    if (imageStarted)
        imageStarted = false;

void HUD::commitRawDataToGL()
    qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "Copying raw data to GL buffer:" << rawImage << receivedWidth << receivedHeight << image->format();
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    if (image != NULL)
        QImage::Format format = image->format();
        QImage* newImage = new QImage(rawImage, receivedWidth, receivedHeight, format);
        if (format == QImage::Format_Indexed8)
            // Create matching color table
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                newImage->setColor(i, qRgb(i, i, i));
                //qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << std::hex << i;

        glImage = QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat(*newImage);
        delete image;
        image = newImage;
        // Switch buffers
        if (rawImage == rawBuffer1)
            rawImage = rawBuffer2;
            //qDebug() << "Now buffer 2";
            rawImage = rawBuffer1;
            //qDebug() << "Now buffer 1";
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void HUD::saveImage(QString fileName)

void HUD::saveImage()
    //Bring up popup
    QString fileName = "output.png";

void HUD::startImage(quint64 timestamp)
    if (videoEnabled && offlineDirectory != "")
        // Load and diplay image file
        nextOfflineImage = QString(offlineDirectory + "/%1.bmp").arg(timestamp);

void HUD::selectOfflineDirectory()
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select image directory"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation));
    if (fileName != "")
        offlineDirectory = fileName;

void HUD::enableHUDInstruments(bool enabled)
    hudInstrumentsEnabled = enabled;

void HUD::enableVideo(bool enabled)
    videoEnabled = enabled;

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void HUD::setPixels(int imgid, const unsigned char* imageData, int length, int startIndex)
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    //    qDebug() << "at" << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Received startindex" << startIndex << "and length" << length << "(" << startIndex+length << "of" << rawExpectedBytes << "bytes)";

    if (imageStarted)
        //if (rawLastIndex != startIndex) qDebug() << "PACKET LOSS!";

        if (startIndex+length > rawExpectedBytes)
            qDebug() << "HUD: OVERFLOW! startIndex:" << startIndex << "length:" << length << "image raw size" << ((receivedWidth * receivedHeight * receivedChannels * receivedDepth) / 8) - 1;
            memcpy(rawImage+startIndex, imageData, length);

            rawLastIndex = startIndex+length;

            // Check if we just reached the end of the image
            if (startIndex+length == rawExpectedBytes)
                //qDebug() << "HUD: END OF IMAGE REACHED!";
                rawLastIndex = 0;

        //        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        //        {
        //            for (int j = 0; j < receivedChannels; j++)
        //            {
        //                unsigned int x = (startIndex+i) % receivedWidth;
        //                unsigned int y = (unsigned int)((startIndex+i) / receivedWidth);
        //                qDebug() << "Setting pixel" << x << "," << y << "to" << (unsigned int)*(rawImage+startIndex+i);
        //            }
        //        }