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    # MAVGround - Micro Air Vehicle Groundstation
    # Please see our website at <>
    # Original Author:
    # Lorenz Meier <>
    # Contributing Authors (in alphabetical order):
    # (c) 2009 PIXHAWK Team
    # This file is part of the mav groundstation project
    # MAVGround is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    # MAVGround is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with MAVGround. If not, see <>.
    QT       += network opengl svg xml
    TEMPLATE = app
    TARGET = opengroundcontrol
    BASEDIR = .
    BUILDDIR = build
    LANGUAGE = C++
    #CONFIG += static debug
    #CONFIG += static release console
    CONFIG += static debug_and_release console
    QMAKE_CFLAGS += -j8
    MOC_DIR = $$BUILDDIR/moc
    UI_HEADERS_DIR = src/ui/generated
    # Add external libraries
    INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/lib/flite/include \
    #               $$BASEDIR/lib/openjaus/libjaus/include \
    #               $$BASEDIR/lib/openjaus/libopenJaus/include
    message(Qt version> $$[QMAKESPEC])
    # MAC OS X
    macx { 
        message(Building for Mac OS X)
    	CONFIG += x86_64 cocoa
    	CONFIG -= static
    pixhawk's avatar
    pixhawk committed
        DESTDIR = $$BASEDIR/bin/mac
        INCLUDEPATH += -framework SDL \
    pixhawk's avatar
    pixhawk committed
        LIBS += -framework IOKit \
    		-framework SDL \
    		-framework CoreFoundation \
    		-framework ApplicationServices \
    pixhawk's avatar
    pixhawk committed
        DEFINES += _TTY_POSIX_
        #ICON = $$BASEDIR/img/icons/empty.png
    # GNU/Linux
    linux-g++ { 
        message(Building for GNU/Linux)
        QT += phonon
        debug {
            DESTDIR = $$BASEDIR
        release {
            DESTDIR = $$BASEDIR
        INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/SDL
        #               /usr/include/qwt-qt4
        #-L$$BASEDIR/lib/qwt/linux \
        DEFINES += _TTY_POSIX_
        HARDWARE_PLATFORM = $$system(uname -a)
        contains( HARDWARE_PLATFORM, x86_64 ) {
            # 64-bit Linux
        LIBS += \
            -L$$BASEDIR/lib/flite/linux64 \
            -lm \
            -lflite_cmu_us_awb \
            -lflite_cmu_us_rms \
            -lflite_cmu_us_slt \
            -lflite_usenglish \
            -lflite_cmulex \
            -lflite \
            -lSDL \
        } else {
            # 32-bit Linux
        LIBS += \
            -L$$BASEDIR/lib/flite/linux32 \
            -lm \
            -lflite_cmu_us_awb \
            -lflite_cmu_us_rms \
            -lflite_cmu_us_slt \
            -lflite_usenglish \
            -lflite_cmulex \
            -lflite \
            -lSDL \
    # Windows (32bit)
    win32 { 
        message(Building for Windows Platform (32/64bit))
        # Special settings for debug
            #CONFIG += CONSOLE
        LIBS += -L$$BASEDIR\lib\sdl\win32 \
            -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -mwindows
        INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/lib/sdl/include/SDL
        #LIBS += -L$$BASEDIR\lib\qextserialport\win32 \
        #    -lqextserialport \
        #    -lsetupapi
        #    -L$$BASEDIR/lib/openjaus/libjaus/lib/win32 \
        #    -ljaus \
        #    -L$$BASEDIR/lib/openjaus/libopenJaus/lib/win32 \
        #    -lopenjaus
        DEFINES += _TTY_WIN_
        debug {
            DESTDIR = $$BASEDIR/bin
        release {
            DESTDIR = $$BASEDIR/bin