Commit 979c88db authored by  Lukas Eller's avatar Lukas Eller


parent 1e481e40
......@@ -34,9 +34,13 @@ Alternatively you can directly call individual test modules. For instance:
`python -m pytest -s tests/`
# Coding Guidelines
# General Coding Guidelines
* Use [type hints]( for parameters and return values for each function you implement
* Each module should have basic [unit tests]( so that we can catch coding errors before we push changes
* Each function and class should include a [docstring](
# Good Practices
* Common pittfalls --- for instance wrong EPSG --- should be handled via [warnings]( or exceptions so that errors are not introduced silently
* Whenever we are dealing with coordinates, we try to use [geopandas.GeoSeries]( so that the projection is handled explicitly
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