• Bryant Mairs's avatar
    Refactored the LogCompressor. It wasn't properly handling certain message... · 6ba5787c
    Bryant Mairs authored
    Refactored the LogCompressor. It wasn't properly handling certain message logging files that mixed messages (Issue #70).
    One note is that this logger should work correctly as I've tested it, but could have some edge cases. It is pickier about the file format that it will sparse, but I don't know if the error-checking stuff from the old code would have actually worked. This can also be easily re-added.
    This code is also much faster than the old stuff. From what I could tell it scanned through the log file at least twice, I think three times. It also copied a lot of data into memory instead of reading, processing, and writing one line at a time, so memory use should be much lower. Some memory leaks from the old code were also refactored out, so lifetime memory use should be down.
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