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AC-0004-11-2.jpg Implemented Sonar Config
BR-0004-03-2.jpg Implemented Airspeed configuration
BR-0016-01-3T.jpg Implementation of Optical Flow config
BR-APMPWRDEAN-2.jpg Implementation of Battery Monitor configuration, and addition of AP2ConfigWidget, which automatically handles UAS connections to allow for simpler configuration window code.
BR-HMC5883-01-2.jpg Change for layout of configuration widgets, and start of implmentation of RadioCalibration Widget
MinimOSD.jpg Implementation of OSD Configuration
Shutter.png Implementation of Camera Gimbal configuration
audio-card.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
audio-input-microphone.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
battery.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
camera-photo.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
camera-video.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
cameraGimalPitch1.png Implementation of Camera Gimbal configuration
cameraGimalRoll1.png Implementation of Camera Gimbal configuration
cameraGimalYaw.png Implementation of Camera Gimbal configuration
computer.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
drive-harddisk.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
drive-optical.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
drive-removable-media.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
input-gaming.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
input-keyboard.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
input-mouse.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
media-flash.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
media-floppy.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
media-optical.svg Moved the images folder to the files directory. Changed all of the paths to images to files/images.
multimedia-player.svg Loading commit data...
network-wired.svg Loading commit data...
network-wireless.svg Loading commit data...
printer.svg Loading commit data...
video-display.svg Loading commit data...