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QJsonWebToken Decode anonymous pilot ID off the JSON Web Token returned by the anonymous login.
dummy Updates in general was only done if a POI changed. This caused changes related to something other than a change in POI to be ignore. The code now "resets" the POI when such changes occur (change of ruleset for example).
images Removed AirspaceController and moved its interface into AirspaceManager
AirMap.SettingsGroup.json Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map
AirMapAdvisoryManager.h Switch advisory API WIP Flight Management
AirMapFlightManager.h Decode anonymous pilot ID off the JSON Web Token returned by the anonymous login. Merge branch 'master' of into Airmap
AirMapFlightPlanManager.h Decode anonymous pilot ID off the JSON Web Token returned by the anonymous login. Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map
AirMapManager.h Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map
AirMapRestrictionManager.h Handle airspace colors. Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map
AirMapRulesetsManager.h Updates in general was only done if a POI changed. This caused changes related to something other than a change in POI to be ignore. The code now "resets" the POI when such changes occur (change of ruleset for example). Replace overly redundant code with macros for settings.
AirMapSettings.h Replace overly redundant code with macros for settings. Decode anonymous pilot ID off the JSON Web Token returned by the anonymous login.
AirMapSharedState.h Decode anonymous pilot ID off the JSON Web Token returned by the anonymous login. Switch advisory API
AirMapTelemetry.h AirMapTelemetry: rate-limit telemetry to 5Hz Switch advisory API
AirMapTrafficMonitor.h Cleaning up old vehicle manager and getting it ready to actually provide services for a vehicle (flight management) Switch advisory API
AirMapVehicleManager.h Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
AirMapWeatherInfoManager.h Loading commit data...
AirmapSettings.qml Loading commit data...
AirspaceControl.qml Loading commit data...
AirspaceRegulation.qml Loading commit data...
AirspaceWeather.qml Loading commit data...
CMakeLists.txt Loading commit data...
ComplianceRules.qml Loading commit data...
FlightBrief.qml Loading commit data...
FlightDetails.qml Loading commit data...
FlightFeature.qml Loading commit data...
LifetimeChecker.h Loading commit data...
QGroundControl.Airmap.qmldir Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
RuleSelector.qml Loading commit data...
airmap.qrc Loading commit data...