#include "senseSoarMAV.h" #include <qmath.h> senseSoarMAV::senseSoarMAV(MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink, int id) : UAS(mavlink, id), senseSoarState(0) { } senseSoarMAV::~senseSoarMAV(void) { } void senseSoarMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface *link, mavlink_message_t message) { #ifdef MAVLINK_ENABLED_SENSESOAR if (message.sysid == uasId) // make sure the message is for the right UAV { if (!link) return; switch (message.msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_CMD_AIRSPEED_ACK: // TO DO: check for acknowledgement after sended commands { mavlink_cmd_airspeed_ack_t airSpeedMsg; mavlink_msg_cmd_airspeed_ack_decode(&message,&airSpeedMsg); break; } /*case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_CMD_AIRSPEED_CHNG: only sent to UAV { break; }*/ case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILT_ROT_VEL: // rotational velocities { mavlink_filt_rot_vel_t rotVelMsg; mavlink_msg_filt_rot_vel_decode(&message,&rotVelMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); for(unsigned char i=0;i<3;i++) { this->m_rotVel[i]=rotVelMsg.rotVel[i]; } emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed", "rad/s", this->m_rotVel[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed", "rad/s", this->m_rotVel[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed", "rad/s", this->m_rotVel[2], time); emit attitudeRotationRatesChanged(uasId, this->m_rotVel[0], this->m_rotVel[1], this->m_rotVel[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LLC_OUT: // low level controller output { mavlink_llc_out_t llcMsg; mavlink_msg_llc_out_decode(&message,&llcMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 1", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 2", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 3", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[2], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 4", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[3], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor. 1", "raw", llcMsg.MotorOut[0] , time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor. 2", "raw", llcMsg.MotorOut[1], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_AIR_TEMP: { mavlink_obs_air_temp_t airTMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_air_temp_decode(&message,&airTMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Air Temp", "°", airTMsg.airT, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_AIR_VELOCITY: { mavlink_obs_air_velocity_t airVMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_air_velocity_decode(&message,&airVMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "AirVel. mag", "m/s", airVMsg.magnitude, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "AirVel. AoA", "rad", airVMsg.aoa, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "AirVel. Slip", "rad", airVMsg.slip, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_ATTITUDE: { mavlink_obs_attitude_t quatMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_attitude_decode(&message,&quatMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); this->quat2euler(quatMsg.quat,this->roll,this->pitch,this->yaw); emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "rad", roll, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "rad", pitch, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "rad", yaw, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll deg", "deg", (roll/M_PI)*180.0, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch deg", "deg", (pitch/M_PI)*180.0, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "heading deg", "deg", (yaw/M_PI)*180.0, time); emit attitudeChanged(this, roll, pitch, yaw, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_BIAS: { mavlink_obs_bias_t biasMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_bias_decode(&message, &biasMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "acc. biasX", "m/s^2", biasMsg.accBias[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "acc. biasY", "m/s^2", biasMsg.accBias[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "acc. biasZ", "m/s^2", biasMsg.accBias[2], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro. biasX", "rad/s", biasMsg.gyroBias[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro. biasY", "rad/s", biasMsg.gyroBias[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro. biasZ", "rad/s", biasMsg.gyroBias[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_POSITION: { mavlink_obs_position_t posMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_position_decode(&message, &posMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); this->longitude = posMsg.lon/(double)1E7; this->latitude = posMsg.lat/(double)1E7; this->altitude = posMsg.alt/1000.0; emit valueChanged(uasId, "latitude", "deg", this->latitude, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "longitude", "deg", this->longitude, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "altitude", "m", this->altitude, time); emit globalPositionChanged(this, this->latitude, this->longitude, this->altitude, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_QFF: { mavlink_obs_qff_t qffMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_qff_decode(&message,&qffMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "QFF", "Pa", qffMsg.qff, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_VELOCITY: { mavlink_obs_velocity_t velMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_velocity_decode(&message, &velMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "x speed", "m/s", velMsg.vel[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "y speed", "m/s", velMsg.vel[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "z speed", "m/s", velMsg.vel[2], time); emit speedChanged(this, velMsg.vel[0], velMsg.vel[1], velMsg.vel[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_WIND: { mavlink_obs_wind_t windMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_wind_decode(&message, &windMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Wind speed x", "m/s", windMsg.wind[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Wind speed y", "m/s", windMsg.wind[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Wind speed z", "m/s", windMsg.wind[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PM_ELEC: { mavlink_pm_elec_t pmMsg; mavlink_msg_pm_elec_decode(&message, &pmMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Battery status", "%", pmMsg.BatStat, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power consuming", "W", pmMsg.PwCons, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power generating sys1", "W", pmMsg.PwGen[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power generating sys2", "W", pmMsg.PwGen[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power generating sys3", "W", pmMsg.PwGen[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SYS_STAT: { #define STATE_WAKING_UP 0x0 // TO DO: not important here, only for the visualisation needed #define STATE_ON_GROUND 0x1 #define STATE_MANUAL_FLIGHT 0x2 #define STATE_AUTONOMOUS_FLIGHT 0x3 #define STATE_AUTONOMOUS_LAUNCH 0x4 mavlink_sys_stat_t statMsg; mavlink_msg_sys_stat_decode(&message,&statMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); // check actuator states emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor1 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x01), time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor2 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x02)>>1, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo1 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x04)>>2, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo2 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x08)>>3, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo3 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x10)>>4, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo4 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x20)>>5, time); // check the current state of the sensesoar this->senseSoarState = statMsg.mod; emit valueChanged(uasId,"senseSoar status","-",this->senseSoarState,time); // check the gps fixes emit valueChanged(uasId,"Lat Long fix","true/false", (statMsg.gps & 0x01), time); emit valueChanged(uasId,"Altitude fix","true/false", (statMsg.gps & 0x02), time); emit valueChanged(uasId,"GPS horizontal accuracy","m",((statMsg.gps & 0x1C)>>2), time); emit valueChanged(uasId,"GPS vertiacl accuracy","m",((statMsg.gps & 0xE0)>>5),time); // Xbee RSSI emit valueChanged(uasId, "Xbee strength", "%", statMsg.commRssi, time); //emit valueChanged(uasId, "Xbee strength", "%", statMsg.gps, time); // TO DO: define gps bits break; } default: { // Let UAS handle the default message set UAS::receiveMessage(link, message); break; } } } #else // Let UAS handle the default message set UAS::receiveMessage(link, message); Q_UNUSED(link); Q_UNUSED(message); #endif // MAVLINK_ENABLED_SENSESOAR } void senseSoarMAV::quat2euler(const double *quat, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw) { roll = std::atan2(2*(quat[0]*quat[1] + quat[2]*quat[3]),quat[0]*quat[0] - quat[1]*quat[1] - quat[2]*quat[2] + quat[3]*quat[3]); pitch = std::asin(qMax(-1.0,qMin(1.0,2*(quat[0]*quat[2] - quat[1]*quat[3])))); yaw = std::atan2(2*(quat[1]*quat[2] + quat[0]*quat[3]),quat[0]*quat[0] + quat[1]*quat[1] - quat[2]*quat[2] - quat[3]*quat[3]); return; }