/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0


#include <qsize.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include "qwt_polygon.h"
#include "qwt_global.h"

class QPainter;
class QString;
class QFontMetrics;
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
class QWMatrix;
class QMatrix;
class QPaintDevice;

  \brief A Map to translate between layout, screen and paint device metrics
class QWT_EXPORT QwtMetricsMap

    bool isIdentity() const;

    void setMetrics(const QPaintDevice *layoutMetrics,
                    const QPaintDevice *deviceMetrics);

    int layoutToDeviceX(int x) const;
    int deviceToLayoutX(int x) const;
    int screenToLayoutX(int x) const;
    int layoutToScreenX(int x) const;

    int layoutToDeviceY(int y) const;
    int deviceToLayoutY(int y) const;
    int screenToLayoutY(int y) const;
    int layoutToScreenY(int y) const;

    QPoint layoutToDevice(const QPoint &, const QPainter * = NULL) const;
    QPoint deviceToLayout(const QPoint &, const QPainter * = NULL) const;
    QPoint screenToLayout(const QPoint &) const;
    QPoint layoutToScreen(const QPoint &point) const;

    QSize layoutToDevice(const QSize &) const;
    QSize deviceToLayout(const QSize &) const;
    QSize screenToLayout(const QSize &) const;
    QSize layoutToScreen(const QSize &) const;

    QRect layoutToDevice(const QRect &, const QPainter * = NULL) const;
    QRect deviceToLayout(const QRect &, const QPainter * = NULL) const;
    QRect screenToLayout(const QRect &) const;
    QRect layoutToScreen(const QRect &) const;

    QwtPolygon layoutToDevice(const QwtPolygon &,
                              const QPainter * = NULL) const;
    QwtPolygon deviceToLayout(const QwtPolygon &,
                              const QPainter * = NULL) const;

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    static QwtPolygon translate(const QWMatrix &, const QwtPolygon &);
    static QRect translate(const QWMatrix &, const QRect &);
    static QwtPolygon translate(const QMatrix &, const QwtPolygon &);
    static QRect translate(const QMatrix &, const QRect &);

    double d_screenToLayoutX;
    double d_screenToLayoutY;

    double d_deviceToLayoutX;
    double d_deviceToLayoutY;

inline bool QwtMetricsMap::isIdentity() const
    return d_deviceToLayoutX == 1.0 && d_deviceToLayoutY == 1.0;

inline int QwtMetricsMap::layoutToDeviceX(int x) const
    return qRound(x / d_deviceToLayoutX);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::deviceToLayoutX(int x) const
    return qRound(x * d_deviceToLayoutX);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::screenToLayoutX(int x) const
    return qRound(x * d_screenToLayoutX);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::layoutToScreenX(int x) const
    return qRound(x / d_screenToLayoutX);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::layoutToDeviceY(int y) const
    return qRound(y / d_deviceToLayoutY);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::deviceToLayoutY(int y) const
    return qRound(y * d_deviceToLayoutY);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::screenToLayoutY(int y) const
    return qRound(y * d_screenToLayoutY);

inline int QwtMetricsMap::layoutToScreenY(int y) const
    return qRound(y / d_screenToLayoutY);

inline QSize QwtMetricsMap::layoutToDevice(const QSize &size) const
    return QSize(layoutToDeviceX(size.width()),

inline QSize QwtMetricsMap::deviceToLayout(const QSize &size) const
    return QSize(deviceToLayoutX(size.width()),

inline QSize QwtMetricsMap::screenToLayout(const QSize &size) const
    return QSize(screenToLayoutX(size.width()),

inline QSize QwtMetricsMap::layoutToScreen(const QSize &size) const
    return QSize(layoutToScreenX(size.width()),
