#include <QMenu> #include <QScrollBar> #include "QGCMessageView.h" #include "GAudioOutput.h" #include "QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "ui_QGCMessageView.h" QGCMessageView::QGCMessageView(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), activeUAS(NULL), ui(new Ui::QGCMessageView) { setObjectName("QUICKVIEW_MESSAGE_CONSOLE") ; ui->setupUi(this); setStyleSheet("QPlainTextEdit { border: 0px }"); // Construct initial widget connectWidget = new QGCUnconnectedInfoWidget(this); ui->horizontalLayout->addWidget(connectWidget); ui->plainTextEdit->hide(); // Enable the right-click menu for the text editor. This works because the plainTextEdit // widget has its context menu policy set to its actions list. So any actions we add // to this widget's action list will be automatically displayed. // We only have the clear action right now. QAction* clearAction = new QAction(tr("Clear Text"), this); connect(clearAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui->plainTextEdit, SLOT(clear())); ui->plainTextEdit->addAction(clearAction); // Connect to the currently active UAS. setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*))); } QGCMessageView::~QGCMessageView() { // The only thing we need to delete is the ui because it's the only thing not cleaned up automatically // by the deletion of its parent. delete ui; } void QGCMessageView::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas) { // If we were already attached to an autopilot, disconnect it, restoring // the widget to its initial state as needed. if (activeUAS) { disconnect(activeUAS, SIGNAL(textMessageReceived(int,int,int,QString)), this, SLOT(handleTextMessage(int,int,int,QString))); ui->plainTextEdit->clear(); activeUAS = NULL; } // And now if there's an autopilot to follow, set up the UI. if (uas) { // Make sure the UI is configured for showing messages. // Note that this call is NOT equivalent to `connectWidget->isVisible()`. if (!connectWidget->isHidden()) { connectWidget->hide(); ui->plainTextEdit->show(); } // And connect to the new UAS. connect(uas, SIGNAL(textMessageReceived(int,int,int,QString)), this, SLOT(handleTextMessage(int,int,int,QString))); activeUAS = uas; } // But if there's no new autopilot, restore the connect button. else { connectWidget->show(); ui->plainTextEdit->hide(); } } void QGCMessageView::handleTextMessage(int uasid, int compId, int severity, QString text) { QPlainTextEdit *msgWidget = ui->plainTextEdit; (void)uasid; // Unused variable voided. // Turn off updates while we're appending content to avoid breaking the autoscroll behavior msgWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(false); QScrollBar *scroller = msgWidget->verticalScrollBar(); // Color the output depending on the message severity. We have 3 distinct cases: // 1: If we have an ERROR or worse, make it bigger, bolder, and highlight it red. // 2: If we have a warning or notice, just make it bold and color it orange. // 3: Otherwise color it the standard color, white. // So first deteremine the styling based on the severity. QString style; switch (severity) { case MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY: case MAV_SEVERITY_ALERT: case MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL: case MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR: // TODO: Move this audio output to UAS.cc, as it doesn't make sense to put audio output in a message logger widget. GAudioOutput::instance()->say(text.toLower()); //Use set RGB values from given color from QGC style = QString("color: rgb(%1, %2, %3); font-weight:bold").arg(QGC::colorRed.red()).arg(QGC::colorRed.green()).arg(QGC::colorRed.blue()); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE: case MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING: style = QString("color: rgb(%1, %2, %3); font-weight:bold").arg(QGC::colorOrange.red()).arg(QGC::colorOrange.green()).arg(QGC::colorOrange.blue()); break; default: style = QString("color:white; font-weight:bold"); break; } // And determine the text for the severitie QString severityText(""); switch (severity) { case MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY: severityText = QString(tr(" EMERGENCY:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_ALERT: severityText = QString(tr(" ALERT:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL: severityText = QString(tr(" Critical:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR: severityText = QString(tr(" Error:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING: severityText = QString(tr(" Warning:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE: severityText = QString(tr(" Notice:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_INFO: severityText = QString(tr(" Info:")); break; case MAV_SEVERITY_DEBUG: severityText = QString(tr(" Debug:")); break; default: severityText = QString(tr("")); break; } // Finally append the properly-styled text with a timestamp. QString dateString = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"); msgWidget->appendHtml(QString("<p style=\"color:#CCCCCC\">[%2 - COMP:%3]<font style=\"%1\">%4 %5</font></p>").arg(style).arg(dateString).arg(compId).arg(severityText).arg(text)); // Ensure text area scrolls correctly scroller->setValue(scroller->maximum()); msgWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(true); }