import QtQuick 2.0 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0 import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0 import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0 import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0 Rectangle { id: _root width: mainColumn.width height: mainColumn.height color: qgcPal.windowShadeDark property bool editing: missionItem.editing property var missionItem: undefined property int availableWidth: 300 property bool areasCorrect: false property string errorString: "" property var _areaData: missionItem.areaData property real _margin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 Component.onCompleted: { console.assert(missionItem !== undefined, "please set the missionItem property") if (editing) { areasCorrectTimer.start() } } onEditingChanged: { if (editing){ areasCorrectTimer.start() } else { areasCorrectTimer.stop() } } ColumnLayout { id: mainColumn width: availableWidth spacing: _margin QGCButton { id: editButton text: _root.editing ? qsTr("Done") : qsTr("Edit") enabled: (_root.editing && _root.areasCorrect) || !_root.editing onClicked: { if (_root.editing) { _root.missionItem.stopEditing() } else { _root.missionItem.startEditing() } } Layout.fillWidth: true } GridLayout { width: availableWidth columnSpacing: _margin Layout.fillWidth: true rowSpacing: _margin columns: 2 enabled: _root.editing QGCLabel { text: _root.errorString wrapMode: Text.WordWrap horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft color: "orange" Layout.columnSpan: parent.columns Layout.fillWidth: true visible: !_root.areasCorrect } ExclusiveGroup { id: areaGroup } Repeater { id: areaSelector property int selectedIndex: -1 model: _missionItem.areaData.areaList delegate: QGCRadioButton { text: object.objectName Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: 2 onCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { areaSelector.selectedIndex = index } } Component.onCompleted: { if (index === 0) { checked = true } object.interactive = Qt.binding(function () { return checked && _root.editing && _missionItem.isCurrentItem }) } } } // area Repeater ColumnLayout { id: editorParent Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width Layout.columnSpan: 2 } Repeater { id: areaEditorRepeater Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width model: _missionItem.areaData.areaList delegate: Item { id: editor visible: index == areaSelector.selectedIndex property var _visualItem: undefined property var geoArea: object Component.onCompleted: { if (geoArea.editorQML && !_visualItem) { var component = Qt.createComponent( geoArea.editorQML) if (component.status === Component.Error) { console.log("Error loading Qml: ", geoArea.editorQML, component.errorString()) } else { _visualItem = component.createObject( editorParent, { "geoArea": editor.geoArea, "visible": Qt.binding( function () { return editor.visible }), "availableWidth": Qt.binding( function () { return editorParent.width }) }) } } } Component.onDestruction: { if (_visualItem) { _visualItem.destroy() } } } // editor } // areaEditorRepeater SectionHeader { id: commandsHeader Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: parent.columns text: qsTr("Commands") } GridLayout { columnSpacing: _margin rowSpacing: _margin columns: 2 Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true visible: commandsHeader.checked QGCButton { text: "Intersection" Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: parent.columns onClicked: { _areaData.intersection() } } QGCButton { text: "Reset" Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: parent.columns onClicked: { missionItem.reset() } } } SectionHeader { id: hintHeader Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: parent.columns text: qsTr("Hints") } GridLayout { columnSpacing: _margin rowSpacing: _margin columns: 2 Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true visible: hintHeader.checked QGCLabel { id: hintLabel wrapMode: Text.WordWrap horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft text: qsTr("Use the Intersection button to clip the Measurement Area(s). Use the Reset button to restore the areas to the state before entering this tab. Use the Abort button to reset the areas and leave the tab.") Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.columnSpan: parent.columns } } Timer { id: areasCorrectTimer running: false interval: 100 repeat: true onTriggered: { _root.areasCorrect = _missionItem.areaData.isCorrect( false /*show gui message*/ ) if (!_root.areasCorrect) { _root.errorString = _missionItem.areaData.errorString } else { _root.errorString = "" } } } Settings { property alias showHint: hintHeader.checked } } // GridLayout } // GridLayout } // Rectangle