/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1999, Carl Anderson * * This code is based in part on the earlier work of Frank Warmerdam * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************** * * shp2dxf.c * * derived from a ESRI Avenue Script * and DXF specification from AutoCad 3 (yes 1984) * * modifications Carl Andrson 11/96 * modifications Carl Andrson 3/97 * * converted to C code 12/98 * * requires shapelib 1.2 * gcc shpdxf.c shpopen.o dbfopen.o -o shpdxf * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "shapefil.h" #define FLOAT_PREC "%16.5f\r\n" void dxf_hdr (x1,y1,x2,y2,df) double x1,y1,x2,y2; FILE *df; { /* Create HEADER section */ fprintf( df, " 0\r\n"); fprintf( df, "SECTION\r\n"); fprintf( df, " 2\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "HEADER\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 9\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "$EXTMAX\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 10\r\n" ); fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, x2 ); fprintf( df, " 20\r\n" ); fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, y2 ); fprintf( df, " 9\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "$EXTMIN\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 10\r\n" ); fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, x1 ); fprintf( df, " 20\r\n" ); fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, y1 ); fprintf( df, " 9\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "$LUPREC\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 70\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 14\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "ENDSEC\r\n" ); /* ' Create TABLES section */ fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "SECTION\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 2\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "TABLES\r\n" ); /* ' Table 1 - set up line type */ fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "TABLE\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 2\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "LTYPE\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 70\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "2\r\n" ); /* ' Entry 1 of Table 1 */ fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "LTYPE\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 2\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "CONTINUOUS\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 70\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "64\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 3\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "Solid line\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 72\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "65\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 73\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 40\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "0.0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "ENDTAB\r\n" ); /* End of TABLES section */ fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "ENDSEC\r\n" ); /* Create BLOCKS section */ fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "SECTION\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 2\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "BLOCKS\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "ENDSEC\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "SECTION\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 2\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "ENTITIES\r\n" ); } void dxf_ent_preamble (dxf_type, id, df) int dxf_type; char *id; FILE *df; { fprintf( df, " 0\r\n" ); switch (dxf_type) { case SHPT_POLYGON: case SHPT_ARC: fprintf (df, "POLYLINE\r\n"); break; default: fprintf(df, "POINT\r\n"); } fprintf( df, " 8\r\n"); fprintf( df, "%s\r\n", id ); switch ( dxf_type ) { case SHPT_ARC: fprintf( df, " 6\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "CONTINUOUS\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 66\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "1\r\n" ); break; case SHPT_POLYGON: fprintf( df, " 6\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "CONTINUOUS\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 66\r\n" ); fprintf( df, "1\r\n" ); fprintf( df, " 70\r\n"); fprintf (df, "1\r\n"); default: break; } } void dxf_ent (id, x, y, z, dxf_type, df) char *id; double x,y,z; int dxf_type; FILE *df; { if ((dxf_type == SHPT_ARC) || ( dxf_type == SHPT_POLYGON)) { fprintf( df, " 0\r\n"); fprintf( df, "VERTEX\r\n"); fprintf( df, " 8\r\n"); fprintf( df, "%s\r\n", id); } fprintf( df, " 10\r\n" ); fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, x ); fprintf( df, " 20\r\n" ); fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, y ); fprintf( df, " 30\r\n" ); if ( z != 0 ) fprintf( df, FLOAT_PREC, z ); else fprintf( df, "0.0\r\n" ); } void dxf_ent_postamble (dxf_type, df) int dxf_type; FILE *df; { if ((dxf_type == SHPT_ARC) || ( dxf_type == SHPT_POLYGON)) fprintf( df, " 0\r\nSEQEND\r\n 8\r\n0\r\n"); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { char shpFileName[80] = "", dbfFileName[80] = ""; char dxfFileName[80] = ""; char idfldName[15]; char zfldName[6] = "ELEV"; char fldName[15]; char id[255]; double elev; int parts, *panParts, nParts, nVertices; FILE *dxf; SHPHandle shp; DBFHandle dbf; DBFFieldType idfld_type; double adfBoundsMin[4], adfBoundsMax[4]; int vrtx, shp_type, shp_numrec, zfld, idfld, nflds, recNum, part; unsigned int MaxElem = -1; if ( argc < 2 ) { printf ("usage: shpdxf shapefile {idfield}\r\n"); exit (-1); } strcpy (shpFileName,argv[1]); strncpy (dbfFileName, shpFileName, strlen(shpFileName)-3); strcat (dbfFileName,"dbf"); strncpy (dxfFileName, shpFileName,strlen(shpFileName)-3); strcat( dxfFileName, "dxf"); shp = SHPOpen (shpFileName, "rb"); dbf = DBFOpen (dbfFileName, "rb"); dxf = fopen( dxfFileName, "w"); printf("Starting conversion %s(%s) -> %s\r\n", shpFileName,dbfFileName,dxfFileName); SHPGetInfo (shp, &shp_numrec, &shp_type, adfBoundsMin, adfBoundsMax ); printf ("file has %d objects\r\n", shp_numrec); dxf_hdr(adfBoundsMin[0], adfBoundsMin[1], adfBoundsMax[0], adfBoundsMax[1], dxf); /* Before proceeding, allow the user to specify the ID field to use or default to the record number.... */ if ( argc > 3 ) MaxElem = atoi(argv[3]); nflds = DBFGetFieldCount(dbf); if ( argc > 2 ) { strcpy (idfldName, argv[2]); for ( idfld=0; idfld < nflds; idfld++ ) { idfld_type = DBFGetFieldInfo( dbf, idfld, fldName, NULL, NULL); if (!strcmp (idfldName, fldName )) break; } if ( idfld >= nflds ) { printf ("Id field %s not found, using default\r\n",idfldName); idfld = -1; } else printf ("proceeding with field %s for LayerNames\r\n",fldName); } else idfld = -1; for ( zfld=0; zfld < nflds; zfld++ ) { DBFGetFieldInfo( dbf, zfld, fldName, NULL, NULL); if (!strcmp (zfldName, fldName )) break; } if ( zfld >= nflds ) zfld = -1; // printf ("proceeding with id = %d, elevation = %d\r\n",idfld, zfld); /* Proceed to process data..... */ for ( recNum = 0; (recNum < shp_numrec) && (recNum < MaxElem); recNum++) { SHPObject *shape; if ( idfld >= 0 ) switch (idfld_type) { case FTString: sprintf (id, "lvl_%s",DBFReadStringAttribute ( dbf, recNum, idfld )); break; default: sprintf(id, "%-20.0lf", DBFReadDoubleAttribute (dbf, recNum, idfld)); } else sprintf (id,"lvl_%-20d",(recNum +1 )); if ( zfld >= 0 ) elev = 0; else elev = DBFReadDoubleAttribute ( dbf, recNum, zfld ); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\r\nworking on obj %d", recNum); #endif shape = SHPReadObject( shp, recNum ); nVertices = shape->nVertices; nParts = shape->nParts; panParts = shape->panPartStart; part = 0; for (vrtx=0; vrtx < nVertices; vrtx ++ ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("\rworking on part %d, vertex %d", part,vrtx); #endif if ( panParts[part] == vrtx ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf ("object preamble\r\n"); #endif dxf_ent_preamble (shp_type, id, dxf); } dxf_ent (id, shape->padfX[vrtx], shape->padfY[vrtx], elev, shp_type, dxf); if ((panParts[part] == (vrtx + 1))|| (vrtx == (nVertices -1)) ) { dxf_ent_postamble (shp_type, dxf); part ++; } } SHPDestroyObject( shape ); } /* close out DXF file */ fprintf( dxf, "0\r\n" ); fprintf( dxf, "ENDSEC\r\n" ); fprintf( dxf, "0\r\n" ); fprintf( dxf, "EOF\r\n" ); SHPClose (shp); DBFClose (dbf); fclose (dxf); }