/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_IMAGE #define OSG_IMAGE 1 #include <osg/BufferObject> #include <osg/Vec2> #include <osg/Vec3> #include <osg/Vec4> #include <osg/FrameStamp> #include <osg/StateAttribute> #include <string> #include <vector> #ifndef GL_VERSION_1_2 // 1.2 definitions... #define GL_BGR 0x80E0 #define GL_BGRA 0x80E1 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 0x8032 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV 0x8362 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 0x8363 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV 0x8364 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 0x8033 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV 0x8365 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 0x8034 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV 0x8366 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 0x8035 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV 0x8367 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 0x8036 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV 0x8368 #endif #ifndef GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA #define GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA 0x84E9 #define GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE 0x84EA #define GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA 0x84EB #define GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY 0x84EC #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB 0x84ED #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA 0x84EE #endif #ifndef GL_ABGR_EXT #define GL_ABGR_EXT 0x8000 #endif #if defined(OSG_GLES1_AVAILABLE) || defined(OSG_GLES2_AVAILABLE) #define GL_RED 0x1903 #define GL_GREEN 0x1904 #define GL_BLUE 0x1905 #define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT 0x1902 #define GL_STENCIL_INDEX 0x1901 #endif #if defined(OSG_GLES1_AVAILABLE) || defined(OSG_GLES2_AVAILABLE) || defined(OSG_GL3_AVAILABLE) #define GL_BITMAP 0x1A00 #define GL_COLOR_INDEX 0x1900 #define GL_INTENSITY12 0x804C #define GL_INTENSITY16 0x804D #define GL_INTENSITY4 0x804A #define GL_INTENSITY8 0x804B #define GL_LUMINANCE12 0x8041 #define GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 0x8046 #define GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 0x8047 #define GL_LUMINANCE16 0x8042 #define GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 0x8048 #define GL_LUMINANCE4 0x803F #define GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 0x8043 #define GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 0x8044 #define GL_LUMINANCE8 0x8040 #define GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 0x8045 #define GL_RGBA8 0x8058 #define GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH 0x0D02 #endif #ifndef GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES #define GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES 0x806B #define GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT 0x806C #define GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES 0x806D #define GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT 0x806E #endif namespace osg { // forward declare class NodeVisitor; /** Image class for encapsulating the storage texture image data. */ class OSG_EXPORT Image : public BufferData { public : Image(); /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy. */ Image(const Image& image,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); virtual Object* cloneType() const { return new Image(); } virtual Object* clone(const CopyOp& copyop) const { return new Image(*this,copyop); } virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const Image*>(obj)!=0; } virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osg"; } virtual const char* className() const { return "Image"; } virtual const GLvoid* getDataPointer() const { return data(); } virtual unsigned int getTotalDataSize() const { return getTotalSizeInBytesIncludingMipmaps(); } /** Return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs. */ virtual int compare(const Image& rhs) const; void setFileName(const std::string& fileName); inline const std::string& getFileName() const { return _fileName; } enum WriteHint { NO_PREFERENCE, STORE_INLINE, EXTERNAL_FILE }; void setWriteHint(WriteHint writeHint) { _writeHint = writeHint; } WriteHint getWriteHint() const { return _writeHint; } enum AllocationMode { NO_DELETE, USE_NEW_DELETE, USE_MALLOC_FREE }; /** Set the method used for deleting data once it goes out of scope. */ void setAllocationMode(AllocationMode mode) { _allocationMode = mode; } /** Get the method used for deleting data once it goes out of scope. */ AllocationMode getAllocationMode() const { return _allocationMode; } /** Allocate a pixel block of specified size and type. */ virtual void allocateImage(int s,int t,int r, GLenum pixelFormat,GLenum type, int packing=1); /** Set the image dimensions, format and data. */ virtual void setImage(int s,int t,int r, GLint internalTextureformat, GLenum pixelFormat,GLenum type, unsigned char* data, AllocationMode mode, int packing=1); /** Read pixels from current frame buffer at specified position and size, using glReadPixels. * Create memory for storage if required, reuse existing pixel coords if possible. */ virtual void readPixels(int x,int y,int width,int height, GLenum pixelFormat,GLenum type); /** Read the contents of the current bound texture, handling compressed pixelFormats if present. * Create memory for storage if required, reuse existing pixel coords if possible. */ virtual void readImageFromCurrentTexture(unsigned int contextID, bool copyMipMapsIfAvailable, GLenum type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); /** Scale image to specified size. */ void scaleImage(int s,int t,int r) { scaleImage(s,t,r, getDataType()); } /** Scale image to specified size and with specified data type. */ virtual void scaleImage(int s,int t,int r, GLenum newDataType); /** Copy a source Image into a subpart of this Image at specified position. * Typically used to copy to an already allocated image, such as creating * a 3D image from a stack 2D images. * If this Image is empty then image data is created to * accomodate the source image in its offset position. * If source is NULL then no operation happens, this Image is left unchanged. */ virtual void copySubImage(int s_offset, int t_offset, int r_offset, const osg::Image* source); enum Origin { BOTTOM_LEFT, TOP_LEFT }; /** Set the origin of the image. * The default value is BOTTOM_LEFT and is consistent with OpenGL. * TOP_LEFT is used for imagery that follows standard Imagery convention, such as movies, * and hasn't been flipped yet. For such images one much flip the t axis of the tex coords. * to handle this origin position. */ void setOrigin(Origin origin) { _origin = origin; } /** Get the origin of the image.*/ Origin getOrigin() const { return _origin; } /** Width of image. */ inline int s() const { return _s; } /** Height of image. */ inline int t() const { return _t; } /** Depth of image. */ inline int r() const { return _r; } void setInternalTextureFormat(GLint internalFormat); inline GLint getInternalTextureFormat() const { return _internalTextureFormat; } void setPixelFormat(GLenum pixelFormat); inline GLenum getPixelFormat() const { return _pixelFormat; } void setDataType(GLenum dataType); inline GLenum getDataType() const { return _dataType; } void setPacking(unsigned int packing) { _packing = packing; } inline unsigned int getPacking() const { return _packing; } /** return true of the pixel format is an OpenGL compressed pixel format.*/ bool isCompressed() const; /** Set the pixel aspect ratio, defined as the pixel width divided by the pixel height.*/ inline void setPixelAspectRatio(float pixelAspectRatio) { _pixelAspectRatio = pixelAspectRatio; } /** Get the pixel aspect ratio.*/ inline float getPixelAspectRatio() const { return _pixelAspectRatio; } /** Return the number of bits required for each pixel. */ inline unsigned int getPixelSizeInBits() const { return computePixelSizeInBits(_pixelFormat,_dataType); } /** Return the number of bytes each row of pixels occupies once it has been packed. */ inline unsigned int getRowSizeInBytes() const { return computeRowWidthInBytes(_s,_pixelFormat,_dataType,_packing); } /** Return the number of bytes each image (_s*_t) of pixels occupies. */ inline unsigned int getImageSizeInBytes() const { return getRowSizeInBytes()*_t; } /** Return the number of bytes the whole row/image/volume of pixels occupies. */ inline unsigned int getTotalSizeInBytes() const { return getImageSizeInBytes()*_r; } /** Return the number of bytes the whole row/image/volume of pixels occupies, including all mip maps if included. */ unsigned int getTotalSizeInBytesIncludingMipmaps() const; /** Return true if the Image represent a valid and usable imagery.*/ bool valid() const { return _s!=0 && _t!=0 && _r!=0 && _data!=0 && _dataType!=0; } /** Raw image data. */ inline unsigned char* data() { return _data; } /** Raw const image data. */ inline const unsigned char* data() const { return _data; } inline unsigned char* data(int column, int row=0,int image=0) { if (!_data) return NULL; return _data+(column*getPixelSizeInBits())/8+row*getRowSizeInBytes()+image*getImageSizeInBytes(); } inline const unsigned char* data(int column, int row=0,int image=0) const { if (!_data) return NULL; return _data+(column*getPixelSizeInBits())/8+row*getRowSizeInBytes()+image*getImageSizeInBytes(); } /** Get the color value for specified texcoord.*/ Vec4 getColor(unsigned int s,unsigned t=0,unsigned r=0) const; /** Get the color value for specified texcoord.*/ Vec4 getColor(const Vec2& texcoord) const { return getColor(Vec3(texcoord.x(),texcoord.y(),0.0f)); } /** Get the color value for specified texcoord.*/ Vec4 getColor(const Vec3& texcoord) const; /** Flip the image horizontally. */ void flipHorizontal(); /** Flip the image vertically. */ void flipVertical(); /** Ensure image dimensions are a power of two. * Mipmapped textures require the image dimensions to be * power of two and are within the maxiumum texture size for * the host machine. */ void ensureValidSizeForTexturing(GLint maxTextureSize); static bool isPackedType(GLenum type); static GLenum computePixelFormat(GLenum pixelFormat); static GLenum computeFormatDataType(GLenum pixelFormat); static unsigned int computeNumComponents(GLenum pixelFormat); static unsigned int computePixelSizeInBits(GLenum pixelFormat,GLenum type); static unsigned int computeRowWidthInBytes(int width,GLenum pixelFormat,GLenum type,int packing); static int computeNearestPowerOfTwo(int s,float bias=0.5f); static int computeNumberOfMipmapLevels(int s,int t = 1, int r = 1); /** Precomputed mipmaps stuff. */ typedef std::vector< unsigned int > MipmapDataType; inline bool isMipmap() const {return !_mipmapData.empty();}; unsigned int getNumMipmapLevels() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(_mipmapData.size())+1; }; /** Send offsets into data. It is assumed that first mipmap offset (index 0) is 0.*/ inline void setMipmapLevels(const MipmapDataType& mipmapDataVector) { _mipmapData = mipmapDataVector; } inline const MipmapDataType& getMipmapLevels() const { return _mipmapData; } inline unsigned int getMipmapOffset(unsigned int mipmapLevel) const { if(mipmapLevel == 0) return 0; else if (mipmapLevel < getNumMipmapLevels()) return _mipmapData[mipmapLevel-1]; return 0; }; inline unsigned char* getMipmapData(unsigned int mipmapLevel) { return _data+getMipmapOffset(mipmapLevel); } inline const unsigned char* getMipmapData(unsigned int mipmapLevel) const { return _data+getMipmapOffset(mipmapLevel); } /*inline const unsigned char* getMipmapData(unsigned int row, unsigned int column, unsigned int mipmapLevel) const { if (!_data) return NULL; return getMipmapData(mipmapLevel) + (column*getPixelSizeInBits())/8+row*getRowSizeInBytes(); }*/ /** Return true if this image is translucent - i.e. it has alpha values that are less 1.0 (when normalized). */ virtual bool isImageTranslucent() const; /** Set the optional PixelBufferObject used to map the image memory efficiently to graphics memory. */ void setPixelBufferObject(PixelBufferObject* buffer) { setBufferObject(buffer); } /** Get the PixelBufferObject.*/ PixelBufferObject* getPixelBufferObject() { return dynamic_cast<PixelBufferObject*>(_bufferObject.get()); } /** Get the const PixelBufferObject.*/ const PixelBufferObject* getPixelBufferObject() const { return dynamic_cast<const PixelBufferObject*>(_bufferObject.get()); } /** return whether the update(NodeVisitor* nv) should be required on each frame to enable proper working of osg::Image.*/ virtual bool requiresUpdateCall() const { return false; } /** update method for osg::Image subclasses that update themselves during the update traversal.*/ virtual void update(NodeVisitor* /*nv*/) {} /** convience update callback class that can be attached to StateAttribute (such as Textures) to ensure * that the Image::update(NodeVisitor*) method is called during the update traversal. This callback * is automatically attached when Image::requiresUpdateCall() is true (it's false by default.) */ struct OSG_EXPORT UpdateCallback : public osg::StateAttributeCallback { virtual void operator () (osg::StateAttribute* attr, osg::NodeVisitor* nv); }; /** method for hinting whether to enable or disable focus to images acting as front ends to interactive surfaces such as a vnc or browser window. Return true if handled. */ virtual bool sendFocusHint(bool /*focus*/) { return false; } /** method for sending pointer events to images that are acting as front ends to interactive surfaces such as a vnc or browser window. Return true if handled. */ virtual bool sendPointerEvent(int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*buttonMask*/) { return false; } /** method for sending key events to images that are acting as front ends to interactive surfaces such as a vnc or browser window. Return true if handled.*/ virtual bool sendKeyEvent(int /*key*/, bool /*keyDown*/) { return false; } /** method for passing frame information to the custom Image classes, to be called only when objects associated with imagery are not culled.*/ virtual void setFrameLastRendered(const osg::FrameStamp* /*frameStamp*/) {} protected : virtual ~Image(); Image& operator = (const Image&) { return *this; } std::string _fileName; WriteHint _writeHint; Origin _origin; int _s, _t, _r; GLint _internalTextureFormat; GLenum _pixelFormat; GLenum _dataType; unsigned int _packing; float _pixelAspectRatio; AllocationMode _allocationMode; unsigned char* _data; void deallocateData(); void setData(unsigned char* data,AllocationMode allocationMode); MipmapDataType _mipmapData; ref_ptr<PixelBufferObject> _bufferObject; }; class Geode; /** Convenience function to be used by image loaders to generate a valid geode * to return for readNode(). * Use the image's s and t values to scale the dimensions of the image. */ extern OSG_EXPORT Geode* createGeodeForImage(Image* image); /** Convenience function to be used by image loaders to generate a valid geode * to return for readNode(). * Use the specified s and t values to scale the dimensions of the image. */ extern OSG_EXPORT Geode* createGeodeForImage(Image* image,float s,float t); } #endif // __SG_IMAGE_H