/* * * This file is part of QMapControl, * an open-source cross-platform map widget * * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 Kai Winter * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with QMapControl. If not, see . * * Contact e-mail: kaiwinter@gmx.de * Program URL : http://qmapcontrol.sourceforge.net/ * */ #include "layer.h" namespace qmapcontrol { Layer::Layer(QString layername, MapAdapter* mapadapter, enum LayerType layertype, bool takeevents) :visible(true), mylayername(layername), mylayertype(layertype), mapAdapter(mapadapter), takeevents(takeevents), myoffscreenViewport(QRect(0,0,0,0)) { //qDebug() << "creating new Layer: " << layername << ", type: " << contents; //qDebug() << this->layertype; } Layer::~Layer() { delete mapAdapter; } void Layer::setSize(QSize size) { this->size = size; screenmiddle = QPoint(size.width()/2, size.height()/2); //QMatrix mat; //mat.translate(480/2, 640/2); //mat.rotate(45); //mat.translate(-480/2,-640/2); //screenmiddle = mat.map(screenmiddle); } QString Layer::layername() const { return mylayername; } const MapAdapter* Layer::mapadapter() const { return mapAdapter; } void Layer::setVisible(bool visible) { this->visible = visible; emit(updateRequest()); } void Layer::addGeometry(Geometry* geom) { //qDebug() << geom->getName() << ", " << geom->getPoints().at(0)->getWidget(); geometries.append(geom); emit(updateRequest(geom->boundingBox())); //a geometry can request a redraw, e.g. when its position has been changed connect(geom, SIGNAL(updateRequest(QRectF)), this, SIGNAL(updateRequest(QRectF))); } void Layer::removeGeometry(Geometry* geometry) { for (int i=0; izoom_in(); } void Layer::zoomOut() const { mapAdapter->zoom_out(); } void Layer::mouseEvent(const QMouseEvent* evnt, const QPoint mapmiddle_px) { if (takesMouseEvents()) { if (evnt->button() == Qt::LeftButton && evnt->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { // check for collision QPointF c = mapAdapter->displayToCoordinate(QPoint(evnt->x()-screenmiddle.x()+mapmiddle_px.x(), evnt->y()-screenmiddle.y()+mapmiddle_px.y())); Point* tmppoint = new Point(c.x(), c.y()); for (int i=0; iisVisible() && geometries.at(i)->Touches(tmppoint, mapAdapter)) //if (geometries.at(i)->Touches(c, mapAdapter)) { emit(geometryClicked(geometries.at(i), QPoint(evnt->x(), evnt->y()))); } } delete tmppoint; } } } bool Layer::takesMouseEvents() const { return takeevents; } void Layer::drawYourImage(QPainter* painter, const QPoint mapmiddle_px) const { if (mylayertype == MapLayer) { //qDebug() << ":: " << mapmiddle_px; //QMatrix mat; //mat.translate(480/2, 640/2); //mat.rotate(45); //mat.translate(-480/2,-640/2); //mapmiddle_px = mat.map(mapmiddle_px); //qDebug() << ":: " << mapmiddle_px; _draw(painter, mapmiddle_px); } drawYourGeometries(painter, QPoint(mapmiddle_px.x()-screenmiddle.x(), mapmiddle_px.y()-screenmiddle.y()), myoffscreenViewport); } void Layer::drawYourGeometries(QPainter* painter, const QPoint mapmiddle_px, QRect viewport) const { QPoint offset; if (mylayertype == MapLayer) offset = mapmiddle_px; else offset = mapmiddle_px-screenmiddle; painter->translate(-mapmiddle_px+screenmiddle); for (int i=0; idraw(painter, mapAdapter, viewport, offset); } painter->translate(mapmiddle_px-screenmiddle); } void Layer::_draw(QPainter* painter, const QPoint mapmiddle_px) const { // screen middle rotieren... int tilesize = mapAdapter->tilesize(); int cross_x = int(mapmiddle_px.x())%tilesize; // position on middle tile int cross_y = int(mapmiddle_px.y())%tilesize; //qDebug() << screenmiddle << " - " << cross_x << ", " << cross_y; // calculate how many surrounding tiles have to be drawn to fill the display int space_left = screenmiddle.x() - cross_x; int tiles_left = space_left/tilesize; if (space_left>0) tiles_left+=1; int space_above = screenmiddle.y() - cross_y; int tiles_above = space_above/tilesize; if (space_above>0) tiles_above+=1; int space_right = screenmiddle.x() - (tilesize-cross_x); int tiles_right = space_right/tilesize; if (space_right>0) tiles_right+=1; int space_bottom = screenmiddle.y() - (tilesize-cross_y); int tiles_bottom = space_bottom/tilesize; if (space_bottom>0) tiles_bottom+=1; //int tiles_displayed = 0; int mapmiddle_tile_x = mapmiddle_px.x()/tilesize; int mapmiddle_tile_y = mapmiddle_px.y()/tilesize; const QPoint from = QPoint((-tiles_left+mapmiddle_tile_x)*tilesize, (-tiles_above+mapmiddle_tile_y)*tilesize); const QPoint to = QPoint((tiles_right+mapmiddle_tile_x+1)*tilesize, (tiles_bottom+mapmiddle_tile_y+1)*tilesize); myoffscreenViewport = QRect(from, to); // for the EmptyMapAdapter no tiles should be loaded and painted. if (mapAdapter->host() == "") { return; } if (mapAdapter->isValid(mapmiddle_tile_x, mapmiddle_tile_y, mapAdapter->currentZoom())) { painter->drawPixmap(-cross_x+size.width(), -cross_y+size.height(), ImageManager::instance()->getImage(mapAdapter->host(), mapAdapter->query(mapmiddle_tile_x, mapmiddle_tile_y, mapAdapter->currentZoom()))); } for (int i=-tiles_left+mapmiddle_tile_x; i<=tiles_right+mapmiddle_tile_x; i++) { for (int j=-tiles_above+mapmiddle_tile_y; j<=tiles_bottom+mapmiddle_tile_y; j++) { // check if image is valid if (!(i==mapmiddle_tile_x && j==mapmiddle_tile_y)) if (mapAdapter->isValid(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())) { painter->drawPixmap(((i-mapmiddle_tile_x)*tilesize)-cross_x+size.width(), ((j-mapmiddle_tile_y)*tilesize)-cross_y+size.height(), ImageManager::instance()->getImage(mapAdapter->host(), mapAdapter->query(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom()))); //if (QCoreApplication::hasPendingEvents()) // QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } } } // PREFETCHING int upper = mapmiddle_tile_y-tiles_above-1; int right = mapmiddle_tile_x+tiles_right+1; int left = mapmiddle_tile_x-tiles_right-1; int lower = mapmiddle_tile_y+tiles_bottom+1; int j = upper; for (int i=left; i<=right; i++) { if (mapAdapter->isValid(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())) ImageManager::instance()->prefetchImage(mapAdapter->host(), mapAdapter->query(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())); } j = lower; for (int i=left; i<=right; i++) { if (mapAdapter->isValid(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())) ImageManager::instance()->prefetchImage(mapAdapter->host(), mapAdapter->query(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())); } int i = left; for (int j=upper+1; j<=lower-1; j++) { if (mapAdapter->isValid(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())) ImageManager::instance()->prefetchImage(mapAdapter->host(), mapAdapter->query(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())); } i = right; for (int j=upper+1; j<=lower-1; j++) { if (mapAdapter->isValid(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())) ImageManager::instance()->prefetchImage(mapAdapter->host(), mapAdapter->query(i, j, mapAdapter->currentZoom())); } } QRect Layer::offscreenViewport() const { return myoffscreenViewport; } void Layer::moveWidgets(const QPoint mapmiddle_px) const { for (int i=0; iGeometryType == "Point") { if (((Point*)geom)->widget()!=0) { QPoint topleft_relative = QPoint(mapmiddle_px-screenmiddle); ((Point*)geom)->drawWidget(mapAdapter, topleft_relative); } } } } Layer::LayerType Layer::layertype() const { return mylayertype; } void Layer::setMapAdapter(MapAdapter* mapadapter) { mapAdapter = mapadapter; } }