// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver;
/// Sample showing how to model and solve a capacitated vehicle routing
/// problem with time windows using the swig-wrapped version of the vehicle
/// routing library in src/constraint_solver.
public class CapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows {
/// A position on the map with (x, y) coordinates.
class Position {
public Position() {
this.x_ = 0;
this.y_ = 0;
public Position(int x, int y) {
this.x_ = x;
this.y_ = y;
public int x_;
public int y_;
/// A time window with start/end data.
class TimeWindow {
public TimeWindow() {
this.start_ = -1;
this.end_ = -1;
public TimeWindow(int start, int end) {
this.start_ = start;
this.end_ = end;
public int start_;
public int end_;
/// Manhattan distance implemented as a callback. It uses an array of
/// positions and computes the Manhattan distance between the two
/// positions of two different indices.
class Manhattan {
public Manhattan(
RoutingIndexManager manager,
Position[] locations,
int coefficient) {
this.manager_ = manager;
this.locations_ = locations;
this.coefficient_ = coefficient;
public long Call(long first_index, long second_index) {
if (first_index >= locations_.Length ||
second_index >= locations_.Length) {
return 0;
int first_node = manager_.IndexToNode(first_index);
int second_node = manager_.IndexToNode(second_index);
return (Math.Abs(locations_[first_node].x_ -
locations_[second_node].x_) +
Math.Abs(locations_[first_node].y_ -
locations_[second_node].y_)) * coefficient_;
private readonly RoutingIndexManager manager_;
private readonly Position[] locations_;
private readonly int coefficient_;
/// A callback that computes the volume of a demand stored in an
/// integer array.
class Demand {
public Demand(
RoutingIndexManager manager,
int[] order_demands) {
this.manager_ = manager;
this.order_demands_ = order_demands;
public long Call(long index) {
if (index < order_demands_.Length) {
int node = manager_.IndexToNode(index);
return order_demands_[node];
return 0;
private readonly RoutingIndexManager manager_;
private readonly int[] order_demands_;
/// Locations representing either an order location or a vehicle route
/// start/end.
private Position[] locations_;
/// Quantity to be picked up for each order.
private int[] order_demands_;
/// Time window in which each order must be performed.
private TimeWindow[] order_time_windows_;
/// Penalty cost "paid" for dropping an order.
private int[] order_penalties_;
/// Capacity of the vehicles.
private int vehicle_capacity_ = 0;
/// Latest time at which each vehicle must end its tour.
private int[] vehicle_end_time_;
/// Cost per unit of distance of each vehicle.
private int[] vehicle_cost_coefficients_;
/// Vehicle start and end indices. They have to be implemented as int[] due
/// to the available SWIG-ed interface.
private int[] vehicle_starts_;
private int[] vehicle_ends_;
/// Random number generator to produce data.
private Random random_generator = new Random(0xBEEF);
/// Constructs a capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows.
private CapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows() {}
/// Creates order data. Location of the order is random, as well
/// as its demand (quantity), time window and penalty. ///
/// number of orders to build.
/// maximum x coordinate in which orders are located.
/// maximum y coordinate in which orders are located.
/// maximum quantity of a demand.
/// maximum starting time of the order time
/// window.
/// duration of the order time window.
/// minimum pernalty cost if order is dropped.
/// maximum pernalty cost if order is dropped.
private void BuildOrders(int number_of_orders,
int number_of_vehicles,
int x_max, int y_max,
int demand_max,
int time_window_max,
int time_window_width,
int penalty_min,
int penalty_max) {
Console.WriteLine("Building orders.");
locations_ = new Position[number_of_orders + 2 * number_of_vehicles];
order_demands_ = new int[number_of_orders];
order_time_windows_ = new TimeWindow[number_of_orders];
order_penalties_ = new int[number_of_orders];
for (int order = 0; order < number_of_orders; ++order) {
locations_[order] =
new Position(random_generator.Next(x_max + 1),
random_generator.Next(y_max + 1));
order_demands_[order] = random_generator.Next(demand_max + 1);
int time_window_start = random_generator.Next(time_window_max + 1);
order_time_windows_[order] =
new TimeWindow(time_window_start,
time_window_start + time_window_width);
order_penalties_[order] =
random_generator.Next(penalty_max - penalty_min + 1) + penalty_min;
/// Creates fleet data. Vehicle starting and ending locations are
/// random, as well as vehicle costs per distance unit.
/// number of orders
/// number of vehicles
/// maximum x coordinate in which orders are located.
/// maximum y coordinate in which orders are located.
/// latest end time of a tour of a vehicle.
/// capacity of a vehicle.
/// maximum cost per distance unit of a
/// vehicle (minimum is 1)
private void BuildFleet(int number_of_orders,
int number_of_vehicles,
int x_max, int y_max,
int end_time,
int capacity,
int cost_coefficient_max) {
Console.WriteLine("Building fleet.");
vehicle_capacity_ = capacity;
vehicle_starts_ = new int[number_of_vehicles];
vehicle_ends_ = new int[number_of_vehicles];
vehicle_end_time_ = new int[number_of_vehicles];
vehicle_cost_coefficients_ = new int[number_of_vehicles];
for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle) {
int index = 2 * vehicle + number_of_orders;
vehicle_starts_[vehicle] = index;
locations_[index] =
new Position(random_generator.Next(x_max + 1),
random_generator.Next(y_max + 1));
vehicle_ends_[vehicle] = index + 1;
locations_[index + 1] =
new Position(random_generator.Next(x_max + 1),
random_generator.Next(y_max + 1));
vehicle_end_time_[vehicle] = end_time;
vehicle_cost_coefficients_[vehicle] =
random_generator.Next(cost_coefficient_max) + 1;
/// Solves the current routing problem.
private void Solve(int number_of_orders, int number_of_vehicles) {
Console.WriteLine("Creating model with " + number_of_orders +
" orders and " + number_of_vehicles + " vehicles.");
// Finalizing model
int number_of_locations = locations_.Length;
RoutingIndexManager manager =
new RoutingIndexManager(number_of_locations, number_of_vehicles,
vehicle_starts_, vehicle_ends_);
RoutingModel model = new RoutingModel(manager);
// Setting up dimensions
const int big_number = 100000;
Manhattan manhattan_callback = new Manhattan(manager, locations_, 1);
big_number, big_number, false, "time");
RoutingDimension time_dimension = model.GetDimensionOrDie("time");
Demand demand_callback = new Demand(manager, order_demands_);
0, vehicle_capacity_, true, "capacity");
RoutingDimension capacity_dimension = model.GetDimensionOrDie("capacity");
// Setting up vehicles
Manhattan[] cost_callbacks = new Manhattan[number_of_vehicles];
for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle) {
int cost_coefficient = vehicle_cost_coefficients_[vehicle];
Manhattan manhattan_cost_callback =
new Manhattan(manager, locations_, cost_coefficient);
cost_callbacks[vehicle] = manhattan_cost_callback;
int manhattan_cost_index =
model.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfVehicle(manhattan_cost_index, vehicle);
// Setting up orders
for (int order = 0; order < number_of_orders; ++order) {
long[] orders = {manager.NodeToIndex(order)};
model.AddDisjunction(orders, order_penalties_[order]);
// Solving
RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters =
search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy =
Assignment solution = model.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);
if (solution != null) {
String output = "Total cost: " + solution.ObjectiveValue() + "\n";
// Dropped orders
String dropped = "";
for (int order = 0; order < number_of_orders; ++order) {
if (solution.Value(model.NextVar(order)) == order) {
dropped += " " + order;
if (dropped.Length > 0) {
output += "Dropped orders:" + dropped + "\n";
// Routes
for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle) {
String route = "Vehicle " + vehicle + ": ";
long order = model.Start(vehicle);
if (model.IsEnd(solution.Value(model.NextVar(order)))) {
route += "Empty";
} else {
for (;
order = solution.Value(model.NextVar(order))) {
IntVar local_load = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(order);
IntVar local_time = time_dimension.CumulVar(order);
route += order + " Load(" + solution.Value(local_load) + ") " +
"Time(" + solution.Min(local_time) + ", " +
solution.Max(local_time) + ") -> ";
IntVar load = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(order);
IntVar time = time_dimension.CumulVar(order);
route += order + " Load(" + solution.Value(load) + ") " +
"Time(" + solution.Min(time) + ", " + solution.Max(time) + ")";
output += route + "\n";
public static void Main(String[] args)
CapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows problem =
new CapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows();
int x_max = 20;
int y_max = 20;
int demand_max = 3;
int time_window_max = 24 * 60;
int time_window_width = 4 * 60;
int penalty_min = 50;
int penalty_max = 100;
int end_time = 24 * 60;
int cost_coefficient_max = 3;
int orders = 100;
int vehicles = 20;
int capacity = 50;
problem.Solve(orders, vehicles);