# ------------------------------------------------- # QGroundControl - Micro Air Vehicle Groundstation # Please see our website at # Maintainer: # Lorenz Meier # (c) 2009-2015 QGroundControl Developers # # This file is part of the open groundstation project # QGroundControl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # QGroundControl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with QGroundControl. If not, see . # # Author: Gus Grubba # ------------------------------------------------- # #-- Depends on gstreamer, which can be found at: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/ # LinuxBuild { CONFIG += link_pkgconfig packagesExist(gstreamer-1.0) { message("Including support for video streaming") PKGCONFIG += gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-video-1.0 CONFIG += VideoEnabled } } else:MacBuild { #- gstreamer framework installed by the gstreamer devel installer GST_ROOT = /Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework exists($$GST_ROOT) { message("Including support for video streaming") CONFIG += VideoEnabled INCLUDEPATH += $$GST_ROOT/Headers LIBS += -F/Library/Frameworks -framework GStreamer } } else:iOSBuild { #- gstreamer framework installed by the gstreamer iOS SDK installer (default to home directory) GST_ROOT = $$(HOME)/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk/GStreamer.framework exists($$GST_ROOT) { message("Including support for video streaming") CONFIG += VideoEnabled INCLUDEPATH += $$GST_ROOT/Headers LIBS += -F$$(HOME)/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk -framework GStreamer } } else:WindowsBuild { #- gstreamer installed by default under c:/gstreamer # This is not working. It builds but at runtime, it expects to find # the gstreamer DLLs, even though it is, in theory, linking to it # statically. exists(foobar_removethistobuild) { GST_ROOT = c:/gstreamer/1.0/x86 exists($$GST_ROOT) { message("Including support for video streaming") CONFIG += VideoEnabled LIBS += -L$$GST_ROOT/lib/gstreamer-1.0/static -lgstreamer-1.0 -lgstvideo-1.0 -lgstbase-1.0 LIBS += -L$$GST_ROOT/lib -lglib-2.0 -lintl -lgobject-2.0 INCLUDEPATH += \ $$GST_ROOT/include/gstreamer-1.0 \ $$GST_ROOT/include/glib-2.0 \ $$GST_ROOT/lib/gstreamer-1.0\include \ $$GST_ROOT/lib/glib-2.0/include } } } VideoEnabled { DEFINES += \ QGC_GST_STREAMING \ GST_PLUGIN_BUILD_STATIC \ QTGLVIDEOSINK_NAME=qt5glvideosink \ QTVIDEOSINK_NAME=qt5videosink INCLUDEPATH += \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/utils \ #-- QtGstreamer (gutted to our needs) HEADERS += \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/basedelegate.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/qtquick2videosinkdelegate.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/qtvideosinkdelegate.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/qwidgetvideosinkdelegate.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtglvideosink.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtglvideosinkbase.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtquick2videosink.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosink.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosinkbase.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosinkmarshal.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosinkplugin.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqwidgetvideosink.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/abstractsurfacepainter.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/genericsurfacepainter.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/openglsurfacepainter.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/videomaterial.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/videonode.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/utils/bufferformat.h \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/utils/utils.h \ SOURCES += \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/basedelegate.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/qtquick2videosinkdelegate.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/qtvideosinkdelegate.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/delegates/qwidgetvideosinkdelegate.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtglvideosink.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtglvideosinkbase.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosinkmarshal.c \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtquick2videosink.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosink.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosinkbase.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqtvideosinkplugin.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/gstqwidgetvideosink.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/genericsurfacepainter.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/openglsurfacepainter.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/videomaterial.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/painters/videonode.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/utils/bufferformat.cpp \ $$PWD/gstqtvideosink/utils/utils.cpp \ } else { message("Skipping support for video streaming (Unsupported platform)") }