# # [REQUIRED] Tell the Linux build to look in a few additional places for libs # LinuxBuild { INCLUDEPATH += \ /usr/include \ /usr/local/include LIBS += \ -L/usr/lib linux-g++-64 { LIBS += \ -L/usr/local/lib64 \ -L/usr/lib64 } } # # [REQUIRED] Add support for to Windows. # WindowsBuild { INCLUDEPATH += libs/lib/msinttypes } # # [OPTIONAL] QUpgrade support. # # Allow the user to override QUpgrade compilation through a DISABLE_QUPGRADE # define like: `qmake DEFINES=DISABLE_QUPGRADE` contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_QUPGRADE) { message("Skipping support for QUpgrade (manual override)") DEFINES -= DISABLE_QUPGRADE } # If the QUpgrade submodule has been initialized, build in support by default. else:exists(qupgrade/.git) { message("Including support for QUpgrade") DEFINES += QGC_QUPGRADE_ENABLED INCLUDEPATH += qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade FORMS += \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/dialog_bare.ui \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/boardwidget.ui HEADERS += \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/qgcfirmwareupgradeworker.h \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/uploader.h \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/dialog_bare.h \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/boardwidget.h SOURCES += \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/qgcfirmwareupgradeworker.cpp \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/uploader.cpp \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/dialog_bare.cpp \ qupgrade/src/apps/qupgrade/boardwidget.cpp RESOURCES += \ qupgrade/qupgrade.qrc LinuxBuild:CONFIG += qesp_linux_udev include(qupgrade/libs/qextserialport/src/qextserialport.pri) } # Otherwise notify the user and don't compile it. else { warning("Skipping support for QUpgrade (missing submodule, see README)") } # # [REQUIRED] Add support for the MAVLink communications protocol. # Some logic is involved here in selecting the proper dialect for # the selected autopilot system. # # If the user config file exists, it will be included. If this file # specifies the MAVLINK_CONF variable with a list of MAVLink # dialects, support for them will be compiled in to QGC. It will also # create a QGC_USE_{AUTOPILOT_NAME}_MESSAGES macro for use within # the actual code. # MAVLINKPATH_REL = libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v1.0 MAVLINKPATH = $$BASEDIR/$$MAVLINKPATH_REL DEFINES += MAVLINK_NO_DATA # First we select the dialect, checking for valid user selection # Users can override all other settings by specifying MAVLINK_CONF as an argument to qmake !isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) { for(dialect, MAVLINK_CONF) { exists($$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect) { MAVLINK_DIALECTS += $$dialect message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified at the command line.", $$dialect)) } else { error($$sprintf("MAVLink dialect '%1' specified at the command line does not exist at '%2'!", $$dialect, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL)) } } } # Otherwise they can specify MAVLINK_CONF within user_config.pri else:exists(user_config.pri) { include(user_config.pri) !isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) { for(dialect, MAVLINK_CONF) { exists($$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect) { MAVLINK_DIALECTS += $$dialect message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified in user_config.pri", $$dialect)) } else { error($$sprintf("MAVLink dialect '%1' specified in user_config.pri does not exist at '%2'!", $$dialect, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL)) } } } } # If no valid user selection is found, default to the ardupilotmega if it's available. # Note: This can be a list of several dialects. else { DEFAULT_MAVLINK_DIALECTS=ardupilotmega for(dialect, DEFAULT_MAVLINK_DIALECTS) { exists($$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect) { MAVLINK_DIALECTS += $$dialect message($$sprintf("Using default MAVLink dialect '%1'.", $$dialect)) } else { warning($$sprintf("Default MAVLink dialect '%1' does not exist at '%2'!", $$dialect, $$MAVLINKPATH_REL)) } } } # Then we add the proper include paths dependent on the dialects and notify # the user of the current dialect. INCLUDEPATH += $$MAVLINKPATH !isEmpty(MAVLINK_DIALECTS) { for(dialect, MAVLINK_DIALECTS) { INCLUDEPATH += $$MAVLINKPATH/$$dialect DEFINES += $$sprintf('QGC_USE_%1_MESSAGES', $$upper($$dialect)) } } else { warning("No valid MAVLink dialects found, only common messages supported.") INCLUDEPATH += $$MAVLINKPATH/common } # # [DEPRECATED] MAVLink generator UI. Provides a GUI interface for generating MAVLink dialects. # Replaced by mavgenerator.py within the MAVLink project. # contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_MAVGEN) { warning("Including support for MAVLink generator GUI (caution: deprecated)") DEPENDPATH += \ src/apps/mavlinkgen INCLUDEPATH += \ src/apps/mavlinkgen \ src/apps/mavlinkgen/ui \ src/apps/mavlinkgen/generator include(src/apps/mavlinkgen/mavlinkgen.pri) } else { message("Skipping support for MAVLink generator GUI (deprecated, see README)") } # # [OPTIONAL] OpenSceneGraph # MacBuild { # GLUT and OpenSceneGraph are part of standard install on Mac message("Including support for OpenSceneGraph") CONFIG += OSGDependency INCLUDEPATH += \ $$BASEDIR/libs/lib/mac64/include LIBS += \ -L$$BASEDIR/libs/lib/mac64/lib \ -losgWidget } else:LinuxBuild { exists(/usr/include/osg) | exists(/usr/local/include/osg) { message("Including support for OpenSceneGraph") CONFIG += OSGDependency exists(/usr/include/osg/osgQt) | exists(/usr/include/osgQt) | exists(/usr/local/include/osg/osgQt) | exists(/usr/local/include/osgQt) { message("Including support for Linux OpenSceneGraph Qt") LIBS += -losgQt DEFINES += QGC_OSG_QT_ENABLED } else { warning("Skipping support for Linux OpenSceneGraph Qt (missing libraries, see README)") } } else { warning("Skipping support for OpenSceneGraph (missing libraries, see README)") } } else:WindowsBuild { exists($$BASEDIR/libs/lib/osg123) { message("Including support for OpenSceneGraph") CONFIG += OSGDependency INCLUDEPATH += \ $$BASEDIR/libs/lib/osgEarth/win32/include \ $$BASEDIR/libs/lib/osgEarth_3rdparty/win32/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2/include LIBS += -L$$BASEDIR/libs/lib/osgEarth_3rdparty/win32/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2/lib } else { warning("Skipping support for OpenSceneGraph (missing libraries, see README)") } } else { message("Skipping support for OpenSceneGraph (unsupported platform)") } OSGDependency { DEFINES += QGC_OSG_ENABLED LIBS += \ -losg \ -losgViewer \ -losgGA \ -losgDB \ -losgText \ -lOpenThreads HEADERS += \ src/ui/map3D/gpl.h \ src/ui/map3D/CameraParams.h \ src/ui/map3D/ViewParamWidget.h \ src/ui/map3D/SystemContainer.h \ src/ui/map3D/SystemViewParams.h \ src/ui/map3D/GlobalViewParams.h \ src/ui/map3D/SystemGroupNode.h \ src/ui/map3D/Q3DWidget.h \ src/ui/map3D/GCManipulator.h \ src/ui/map3D/ImageWindowGeode.h \ src/ui/map3D/PixhawkCheetahNode.h \ src/ui/map3D/Pixhawk3DWidget.h \ src/ui/map3D/Q3DWidgetFactory.h \ src/ui/map3D/WebImageCache.h \ src/ui/map3D/WebImage.h \ src/ui/map3D/TextureCache.h \ src/ui/map3D/Texture.h \ src/ui/map3D/Imagery.h \ src/ui/map3D/HUDScaleGeode.h \ src/ui/map3D/WaypointGroupNode.h \ src/ui/map3D/TerrainParamDialog.h \ src/ui/map3D/ImageryParamDialog.h SOURCES += \ src/ui/map3D/gpl.cc \ src/ui/map3D/CameraParams.cc \ src/ui/map3D/ViewParamWidget.cc \ src/ui/map3D/SystemContainer.cc \ src/ui/map3D/SystemViewParams.cc \ src/ui/map3D/GlobalViewParams.cc \ src/ui/map3D/SystemGroupNode.cc \ src/ui/map3D/Q3DWidget.cc \ src/ui/map3D/ImageWindowGeode.cc \ src/ui/map3D/GCManipulator.cc \ src/ui/map3D/PixhawkCheetahNode.cc \ src/ui/map3D/Pixhawk3DWidget.cc \ src/ui/map3D/Q3DWidgetFactory.cc \ src/ui/map3D/WebImageCache.cc \ src/ui/map3D/WebImage.cc \ src/ui/map3D/TextureCache.cc \ src/ui/map3D/Texture.cc \ src/ui/map3D/Imagery.cc \ src/ui/map3D/HUDScaleGeode.cc \ src/ui/map3D/WaypointGroupNode.cc \ src/ui/map3D/TerrainParamDialog.cc \ src/ui/map3D/ImageryParamDialog.cc } # # [OPTIONAL] Google Earth dependency. Provides Google Earth view to supplement 2D map view. # Only supported on Mac and Windows where Google Earth can be installed. # contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_GOOGLE_EARTH) { message("Skipping support for Google Earth view (manual override)") } else:MacBuild { message("Including support for Google Earth view") HEADERS += src/ui/map3D/QGCGoogleEarthView.h SOURCES += src/ui/map3D/QGCGoogleEarthView.cc } else:WindowsBuild { message("Including support for Google Earth view") HEADERS += src/ui/map3D/QGCGoogleEarthView.h SOURCES += src/ui/map3D/QGCGoogleEarthView.cc CONFIG += qaxcontainer } else { message("Skipping support for Google Earth view (unsupported platform)") } # # [OPTIONAL] Protcol Buffers for PixHawk # LinuxBuild : contains(MAVLINK_DIALECT, pixhawk) { exists(/usr/local/include/google/protobuf) | exists(/usr/include/google/protobuf) { message("Including support for Protocol Buffers") DEFINES += QGC_PROTOBUF_ENABLED LIBS += \ -lprotobuf \ -lprotobuf-lite \ -lprotoc HEADERS += \ libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v1.0/pixhawk/pixhawk.pb.h \ src/ui/map3D/ObstacleGroupNode.h \ src/ui/map3D/GLOverlayGeode.h SOURCES += \ libs/mavlink/share/mavlink/src/v1.0/pixhawk/pixhawk.pb.cc \ src/ui/map3D/ObstacleGroupNode.cc \ src/ui/map3D/GLOverlayGeode.cc } else { warning("Skipping support for Protocol Buffers (missing libraries, see README)") } } else { message("Skipping support for Protocol Buffers (unsupported platform)") } # # [OPTIONAL] Kinect support using libfreenect on POSIX systems. # contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_KINECT) { message("Skipping support for the Kinect (manual override)") } else:MacBuild | LinuxBuild { exists(/opt/local/include/libfreenect) | exists(/usr/local/include/libfreenect) { message("Including support for the Kinect") #INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/libusb-1.0 DEFINES += QGC_LIBFREENECT_ENABLED LIBS += -lfreenect HEADERS += src/input/Freenect.h SOURCES += src/input/Freenect.cc } else { warning("Skipping support for the Kinect (missing libraries, see README)") } } else { message("Skipping support for the Kinect (unsupported platform)") } # # [REQUIRED] EIGEN matrix library (NOMINMAX needed to make internal min/max work) # INCLUDEPATH += libs/eigen DEFINES += NOMINMAX # # [REQUIRED] OPMapControl library from OpenPilot. Provides 2D mapping functionality. # include(libs/utils/utils_external.pri) include(libs/opmapcontrol/opmapcontrol_external.pri) DEPENDPATH += \ libs/utils \ libs/utils/src \ libs/opmapcontrol \ libs/opmapcontrol/src \ libs/opmapcontrol/src/mapwidget INCLUDEPATH += \ libs/utils \ libs \ libs/opmapcontrol # # [REQUIRED] QWT plotting library dependency. Provides plotting capabilities. # include(libs/qwt/qwt.pri) # # [REQUIRED] QSerialPort library. Provides serial port wrapper library. # include(libs/serialport/qserialport.pri) # # [OPTIONAL] XBee wireless support. This is not necessary for basic serial/UART communications. # It's only required for speaking directly to the Xbee using their proprietary API. # Unsupported on Mac. # Installation on Windows is unnecessary, as we just link to our included .dlls directly. # Installing on Linux involves running `make;sudo make install` in `libs/thirdParty/libxbee` # Uninstalling from Linux can be done with `sudo make uninstall`. # XBEE_DEPENDENT_HEADERS += \ src/comm/XbeeLinkInterface.h \ src/comm/XbeeLink.h \ src/comm/HexSpinBox.h \ src/ui/XbeeConfigurationWindow.h \ src/comm/CallConv.h XBEE_DEPENDENT_SOURCES += \ src/comm/XbeeLink.cpp \ src/comm/HexSpinBox.cpp \ src/ui/XbeeConfigurationWindow.cpp XBEE_DEFINES = XBEELINK contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_XBEE) { message("Skipping support for native XBee API (manual override)") } else:LinuxBuild { exists(/usr/include/xbee.h) { message("Including support for XBee API") HEADERS += $$XBEE_DEPENDENT_HEADERS SOURCES += $$XBEE_DEPENDENT_SOURCES DEFINES += $$XBEE_DEFINES LIBS += -lxbee } else { warning("Skipping support for XBee API (missing libraries, see README)") } } else:WindowsBuild { message("Including support for XBee API") HEADERS += $$XBEE_DEPENDENT_HEADERS SOURCES += $$XBEE_DEPENDENT_SOURCES DEFINES += $$XBEE_DEFINES INCLUDEPATH += libs/thirdParty/libxbee LIBS += -l$$BASEDIR/libs/thirdParty/libxbee/lib/libxbee } else { message("Skipping support for XBee API (unsupported platform)") } # # [OPTIONAL] Magellan 3DxWare library. Provides support for 3DConnexion's 3D mice. # contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_3DMOUSE) { message("Skipping support for 3DConnexion mice (manual override)") } else:LinuxBuild { exists(/usr/local/lib/libxdrvlib.so) { message("Including support for 3DConnexion mice") DEFINES += MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX \ ParameterCheck # Hack: Has to be defined for magellan usage HEADERS += src/input/Mouse6dofInput.h SOURCES += src/input/Mouse6dofInput.cpp LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib/ -lxdrvlib } else { warning("Skipping support for 3DConnexion mice (missing libraries, see README)") } } else:WindowsBuild { message("Including support for 3DConnexion mice") DEFINES += MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN INCLUDEPATH += libs/thirdParty/3DMouse/win HEADERS += \ libs/thirdParty/3DMouse/win/I3dMouseParams.h \ libs/thirdParty/3DMouse/win/MouseParameters.h \ libs/thirdParty/3DMouse/win/Mouse3DInput.h \ src/input/Mouse6dofInput.h SOURCES += \ libs/thirdParty/3DMouse/win/MouseParameters.cpp \ libs/thirdParty/3DMouse/win/Mouse3DInput.cpp \ src/input/Mouse6dofInput.cpp } else { message("Skipping support for 3DConnexion mice (unsupported platform)") } # # [OPTIONAL] Opal RT-LAB Library. Provides integration with Opal-RT's RT-LAB simulator. # contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_RTLAB) { message("Skipping support for RT-LAB (manual override)") } else:WindowsBuild { exists(src/lib/opalrt/OpalApi.h) : exists(C:/OPAL-RT/RT-LAB7.2.4/Common/bin) { message("Including support for Opal-RT") DEFINES += OPAL_RT INCLUDEPATH += src/lib/opalrt libs/lib/opal/include \ FORMS += src/ui/OpalLinkSettings.ui HEADERS += \ src/comm/OpalRT.h \ src/comm/OpalLink.h \ src/comm/Parameter.h \ src/comm/QGCParamID.h \ src/comm/ParameterList.h \ src/ui/OpalLinkConfigurationWindow.h SOURCES += \ src/comm/OpalRT.cc \ src/comm/OpalLink.cc \ src/comm/Parameter.cc \ src/comm/QGCParamID.cc \ src/comm/ParameterList.cc \ src/ui/OpalLinkConfigurationWindow.cc LIBS += \ -LC:/OPAL-RT/RT-LAB7.2.4/Common/bin \ -lOpalApi } else { warning("Skipping support for RT-LAB (missing libraries, see README)") } } else { message("Skipping support for RT-LAB (unsupported platform)") } # # [REQUIRED] SDL dependency. Provides joystick/gamepad support. # The SDL is packaged with QGC for the Mac and Windows. Linux support requires installing the SDL # library (development libraries and static binaries). # MacBuild { INCLUDEPATH += \ $$BASEDIR/libs/lib/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers LIBS += \ -F$$BASEDIR/libs/lib/Frameworks \ -framework SDL } else:LinuxBuild { LIBS += \ -lSDL \ -lSDLmain } else:WindowsBuild { INCLUDEPATH += \ $$BASEDIR/libs/lib/sdl/msvc/include \ LIBS += \ -L$$BASEDIR/libs/lib/sdl/msvc/lib \ -lSDLmain \ -lSDL } ## # [OPTIONAL] Speech synthesis library support. # Can be forcibly disabled by adding a `DEFINES+=DISABLE_SPEECH` argument to qmake. # Linux support requires the Festival Lite speech synthesis engine (flite). # Mac support is provided in Snow Leopard and newer (10.6+) # Windows is supported as of Windows 7 # contains (DEFINES, DISABLE_SPEECH) { message("Skipping support for speech output (manual override)") } else:LinuxBuild { exists(/usr/include/flite) | exists(/usr/local/include/flite) { message("Including support for speech output") LIBS += \ -lflite_cmu_us_kal \ -lflite_usenglish \ -lflite_cmulex \ -lflite } else { DEFINES += DISABLE_SPEECH warning("Skipping support for speech output (missing libraries, see README)") } } # Mac support is built into OS 10.6+. else:MacBuild { message("Including support for speech output") } # Windows supports speech through native API. else:WindowsBuild { message("Including support for speech output") }