{ "version": 1, "fileType": "FactMetaData", "QGC.MetaData.Facts": [ { "name": "GimbalPitch", "shortDescription": "Gimbal pitch rotation.", "type": "double", "units": "gimbal-degrees", "min": -90, "max": 0, "decimalPlaces": 0, "defaultValue": 0 }, { "name": "EntranceAltitude", "shortDescription": "Vehicle will fly to/from the structure at this altitude.", "type": "double", "units": "m", "decimalPlaces": 1, "defaultValue": 50 }, { "name": "ScanBottomAlt", "shortDescription": "Altitude for the bottomost covered area of the scan. You can adjust this value such that the Bottom Layer Alt will fly above obstacles on the ground.", "type": "double", "units": "m", "decimalPlaces": 1, "defaultValue": 50 }, { "name": "Layers", "shortDescription": "Number of scan layers.", "type": "uint32", "min": 1, "defaultValue": 1 }, { "name": "StructureHeight", "shortDescription": "Height of structure being scanned.", "type": "double", "decimalPlaces": 2, "units": "m", "min": 1, "defaultValue": 100 }, { "name": "StartFromTop", "shortDescription": "Start scanning from top of structure.", "type": "bool", "defaultValue": true } ] }