/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_STATESET #define OSG_STATESET 1 #include <osg/Object> #include <osg/StateAttribute> #include <osg/ref_ptr> #include <osg/Uniform> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <string> #ifndef GL_RESCALE_NORMAL // allow compilation against GL1.1 headers. #define GL_RESCALE_NORMAL 0x803A #endif namespace osg { // forward declare for the purposes of the UpdateCallback. class NodeVisitor; /** Stores a set of modes and attributes which represent a set of OpenGL state. * Notice that a \c StateSet contains just a subset of the whole OpenGL state. * <p>In OSG, each \c Drawable and each \c Node has a reference to a * \c StateSet. These <tt>StateSet</tt>s can be shared between * different <tt>Drawable</tt>s and <tt>Node</tt>s (that is, several * <tt>Drawable</tt>s and <tt>Node</tt>s can reference the same \c StateSet). * Indeed, this practice is recommended whenever possible, * as this minimizes expensive state changes in the graphics pipeline. */ class OSG_EXPORT StateSet : public Object { public : StateSet(); StateSet(const StateSet&,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); virtual Object* cloneType() const { return new StateSet(); } virtual Object* clone(const CopyOp& copyop) const { return new StateSet(*this,copyop); } virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const StateSet*>(obj)!=NULL; } virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osg"; } virtual const char* className() const { return "StateSet"; } /** return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs.*/ int compare(const StateSet& rhs,bool compareAttributeContents=false) const; bool operator < (const StateSet& rhs) const { return compare(rhs)<0; } bool operator == (const StateSet& rhs) const { return compare(rhs)==0; } bool operator != (const StateSet& rhs) const { return compare(rhs)!=0; } /** A vector of osg::Object pointers which is used to store the parent(s) of this Stateset, the parents could be osg::Node or osg::Drawable.*/ typedef std::vector<Object*> ParentList; /** Get the parent list of this StateSet. */ inline const ParentList& getParents() const { return _parents; } /** Get the a copy of parent list of node. A copy is returned to * prevent modification of the parent list.*/ inline ParentList getParents() { return _parents; } inline Object* getParent(unsigned int i) { return _parents[i]; } /** * Get a single const parent of this StateSet. * @param i index of the parent to get. * @return the parent i. */ inline const Object* getParent(unsigned int i) const { return _parents[i]; } /** * Get the number of parents of this StateSet. * @return the number of parents of this StateSet. */ inline unsigned int getNumParents() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(_parents.size()); } /** Compute the DataVariance based on an assessment of callback etc.*/ virtual void computeDataVariance(); /** Set all the modes to on or off so that it defines a complete state, typically used for a default global state.*/ void setGlobalDefaults(); /** Clear the StateSet of all modes and attributes.*/ void clear(); /** Merge this \c StateSet with the \c StateSet passed as parameter. * Every mode and attribute in this \c StateSet that is marked with * \c StateAttribute::OVERRIDE is replaced with the * equivalent mode or attribute from \c rhs. */ void merge(const StateSet& rhs); /** a container to map GLModes to their respective GLModeValues.*/ typedef std::map<StateAttribute::GLMode,StateAttribute::GLModeValue> ModeList; /** Set this \c StateSet to contain the specified \c GLMode with a given * value. * @note Don't use this method to set modes related to textures. For this * purpose, use \c setTextureMode(), that accepts an extra parameter * specifying which texture unit shall be affected by the call. */ void setMode(StateAttribute::GLMode mode, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value); /** Remove \c mode from this \c StateSet. * @note Don't use this method to remove modes related to textures. For * this purpose, use \c removeTextureMode(), that accepts an extra * parameter specifying which texture unit shall be affected by * the call. */ void removeMode(StateAttribute::GLMode mode); /** Get the value for a given \c GLMode. * @param mode The \c GLMode whose value is desired. * @return If \c mode is contained within this \c StateSet, returns the * value associated with it. Otherwise, returns * \c StateAttribute::INHERIT. * @note Don't use this method to get the value of modes related to * textures. For this purpose, use \c removeTextureMode(), that * accepts an extra parameter specifying which texture unit shall * be affected by the call. */ StateAttribute::GLModeValue getMode(StateAttribute::GLMode mode) const; /** Set the list of all <tt>GLMode</tt>s contained in this \c StateSet.*/ inline void setModeList(ModeList& ml) { _modeList=ml; } /** Return the list of all <tt>GLMode</tt>s contained in this \c StateSet.*/ inline ModeList& getModeList() { return _modeList; } /** Return the \c const list of all <tt>GLMode</tt>s contained in this * <tt>const StateSet</tt>. */ inline const ModeList& getModeList() const { return _modeList; } /** Simple pairing between an attribute and its override flag.*/ typedef std::pair<ref_ptr<StateAttribute>,StateAttribute::OverrideValue> RefAttributePair; /** a container to map <StateAttribyte::Types,Member> to their respective RefAttributePair.*/ typedef std::map<StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair,RefAttributePair> AttributeList; /** Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and override flag.*/ void setAttribute(StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF); /** Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and set the associated GLMode's to specified value.*/ void setAttributeAndModes(StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value=StateAttribute::ON); /** remove attribute of specified type from StateSet.*/ void removeAttribute(StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member=0); /** remove attribute from StateSet.*/ void removeAttribute(StateAttribute *attribute); /** Get specified StateAttribute for specified type. * Returns NULL if no type is contained within StateSet.*/ StateAttribute* getAttribute(StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member = 0); /** Get specified const StateAttribute for specified type. * Returns NULL if no type is contained within const StateSet.*/ const StateAttribute* getAttribute(StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member = 0) const; /** Get specified RefAttributePair for specified type. * Returns NULL if no type is contained within StateSet.*/ const RefAttributePair* getAttributePair(StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member = 0) const; /** set the list of all StateAttributes contained in this StateSet.*/ inline void setAttributeList(AttributeList& al) { _attributeList=al; } /** return the list of all StateAttributes contained in this StateSet.*/ inline AttributeList& getAttributeList() { return _attributeList; } /** return the const list of all StateAttributes contained in this const StateSet.*/ inline const AttributeList& getAttributeList() const { return _attributeList; } typedef std::vector<ModeList> TextureModeList; /** Set this \c StateSet to contain specified \c GLMode with a given * value. * @param unit The texture unit to be affected (used with * multi-texturing). * @param mode The OpenGL mode to be added to the \c StateSet. * @param value The value to be assigned to \c mode. */ void setTextureMode(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute::GLMode mode, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value); /** Remove texture mode from StateSet.*/ void removeTextureMode(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute::GLMode mode); /** Get specified GLModeValue for specified GLMode. * returns INHERIT if no GLModeValue is contained within StateSet.*/ StateAttribute::GLModeValue getTextureMode(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute::GLMode mode) const; /** set the list of all Texture related GLModes contained in this StateSet.*/ inline void setTextureModeList(TextureModeList& tml) { _textureModeList=tml; } /** return the list of all Texture related GLModes contained in this StateSet.*/ inline TextureModeList& getTextureModeList() { return _textureModeList; } /** return the const list of all Texture related GLModes contained in this const StateSet.*/ inline const TextureModeList& getTextureModeList() const { return _textureModeList; } /** Return the number texture units active in the TextureModeList.*/ inline unsigned int getNumTextureModeLists() const { return _textureModeList.size(); } typedef std::vector<AttributeList> TextureAttributeList; /** Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and override flag.*/ void setTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF); /** Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and set the associated GLMode's to specified value.*/ void setTextureAttributeAndModes(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value=StateAttribute::ON); /** remove texture attribute of specified type from StateSet.*/ void removeTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::Type type); /** remove texture attribute from StateSet.*/ void removeTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit, StateAttribute *attribute); /** Get specified Texture related StateAttribute for specified type. * Returns NULL if no type is contained within StateSet.*/ StateAttribute* getTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute::Type type); /** Get specified Texture related const StateAttribute for specified type. * Returns NULL if no type is contained within const StateSet.*/ const StateAttribute* getTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute::Type type) const; /** Get specified Texture related RefAttributePair for specified type. * Returns NULL if no type is contained within StateSet.*/ const RefAttributePair* getTextureAttributePair(unsigned int unit,StateAttribute::Type type) const; /** Set the list of all Texture related StateAttributes contained in this StateSet.*/ inline void setTextureAttributeList(TextureAttributeList& tal) { _textureAttributeList=tal; } /** Return the list of all Texture related StateAttributes contained in this StateSet.*/ inline TextureAttributeList& getTextureAttributeList() { return _textureAttributeList; } /** Return the const list of all Texture related StateAttributes contained in this const StateSet.*/ inline const TextureAttributeList& getTextureAttributeList() const { return _textureAttributeList; } /** Return the number of texture units active in the TextureAttributeList.*/ inline unsigned int getNumTextureAttributeLists() const { return _textureAttributeList.size(); } void setAssociatedModes(const StateAttribute* attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value); void removeAssociatedModes(const StateAttribute* attribute); void setAssociatedTextureModes(unsigned int unit,const StateAttribute* attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value); void removeAssociatedTextureModes(unsigned int unit,const StateAttribute* attribute); /** Simple pairing between a Uniform and its override flag.*/ typedef std::pair<ref_ptr<Uniform>,StateAttribute::OverrideValue> RefUniformPair; /** a container to map Uniform name to its respective RefUniformPair.*/ typedef std::map<std::string,RefUniformPair> UniformList; /** Set this StateSet to contain specified uniform and override flag.*/ void addUniform(Uniform* uniform, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::ON); /** remove uniform of specified name from StateSet.*/ void removeUniform(const std::string& name); /** remove Uniform from StateSet.*/ void removeUniform(Uniform* uniform); /** Get Uniform for specified name. * Returns NULL if no matching Uniform is contained within StateSet.*/ Uniform* getUniform(const std::string& name); /** Get Uniform for specified name, if one is not available create it, add it to this StateSet and return a pointer to it.*/ Uniform* getOrCreateUniform(const std::string& name, Uniform::Type type, unsigned int numElements=1); /** Get const Uniform for specified name. * Returns NULL if no matching Uniform is contained within StateSet.*/ const Uniform* getUniform(const std::string& name) const; /** Get specified RefUniformPair for specified Uniform name. * Returns NULL if no Uniform is contained within StateSet.*/ const RefUniformPair* getUniformPair(const std::string& name) const; /** set the list of all Uniforms contained in this StateSet.*/ inline void setUniformList(UniformList& al) { _uniformList=al; } /** return the list of all Uniforms contained in this StateSet.*/ inline UniformList& getUniformList() { return _uniformList; } /** return the const list of all Uniforms contained in this const StateSet.*/ inline const UniformList& getUniformList() const { return _uniformList; } enum RenderingHint { DEFAULT_BIN = 0, OPAQUE_BIN = 1, TRANSPARENT_BIN = 2 }; /** Set the \c RenderingHint of this \c StateSet. \c RenderingHint is * used by the renderer to determine which draw bin to drop associated * <tt>osg::Drawable</tt>s in. Typically, users will set this to either * \c StateSet::OPAQUE_BIN or \c StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN. * <tt>Drawable</tt>s in the opaque bin are sorted by their * \c StateSet, so that the number of expensive changes in the OpenGL * state is minimized. <tt>Drawable</tt>s in the transparent bin are * sorted by depth, so that objects farther from the viewer are * rendered first (and hence alpha blending works nicely for * translucent objects). */ void setRenderingHint(int hint); /** Get the \c RenderingHint of this \c StateSet.*/ inline int getRenderingHint() const { return _renderingHint; } enum RenderBinMode { INHERIT_RENDERBIN_DETAILS, USE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS, OVERRIDE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS }; /** Set the render bin details.*/ void setRenderBinDetails(int binNum,const std::string& binName,RenderBinMode mode=USE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS); /** Set the render bin details to inherit.*/ void setRenderBinToInherit(); /** Get whether the render bin details are set and should be used.*/ inline bool useRenderBinDetails() const { return _binMode!=INHERIT_RENDERBIN_DETAILS; } /** Set the render bin mode.*/ inline void setRenderBinMode(RenderBinMode mode) { _binMode=mode; } /** Get the render bin mode.*/ inline RenderBinMode getRenderBinMode() const { return _binMode; } /** Set the render bin number.*/ inline void setBinNumber(int num) { _binNum=num; } /** Get the render bin number.*/ inline int getBinNumber() const { return _binNum; } /** Set the render bin name.*/ inline void setBinName(const std::string& name) { _binName=name; } /** Get the render bin name.*/ inline const std::string& getBinName() const { return _binName; } /** By default render bins will be nested within each other dependent * upon where they are set in the scene graph. This can be problematic * if a transparent render bin is attached to an opaque render bin * which is attached to another transparent render bin as these render * bins will be sorted separately, giving the wrong draw ordering for * back-to-front transparency. Therefore, to prevent render bins being * nested, call setNestRenderBins(false). */ inline void setNestRenderBins(bool val) { _nestRenderBins = val; } /** Get whether associated RenderBin should be nested within parents RenderBin.*/ inline bool getNestRenderBins() const { return _nestRenderBins; } struct Callback : public virtual osg::Object { Callback() {} Callback(const Callback&,const CopyOp&) {} META_Object(osg,Callback); /** do customized callback code.*/ virtual void operator() (StateSet*, NodeVisitor*) {} }; /** Set the Update Callback which allows users to attach customize the updating of an object during the update traversal.*/ void setUpdateCallback(Callback* ac); /** Get the non const Update Callback.*/ Callback* getUpdateCallback() { return _updateCallback.get(); } /** Get the const Update Callback.*/ const Callback* getUpdateCallback() const { return _updateCallback.get(); } /** Return whether this StateSet has update callbacks associated with it, and therefore must be traversed.*/ bool requiresUpdateTraversal() const { return _updateCallback.valid() || getNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal()!=0; } /** Get the number of Objects of this StateSet which require Update traversal, * since they have an Update Callback attached to them or their children.*/ inline unsigned int getNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal() const { return _numChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal; } /** Run the update callbacks attached directly to this StateSet or to its children.*/ void runUpdateCallbacks(osg::NodeVisitor* nv); /** Set the Event Callback which allows users to attach customize the updating of an object during the event traversal.*/ void setEventCallback(Callback* ac); /** Get the non const Event Callback.*/ Callback* getEventCallback() { return _eventCallback.get(); } /** Get the const Event Callback.*/ const Callback* getEventCallback() const { return _eventCallback.get(); } /** Return whether this StateSet has event callbacks associated with it, and therefore must be traversed.*/ bool requiresEventTraversal() const { return _eventCallback.valid() || getNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal()!=0; } /** Get the number of Objects of this StateSet which require Event traversal, * since they have an Eevnt Callback attached to them or their children.*/ inline unsigned int getNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal() const { return _numChildrenRequiringEventTraversal; } /** Run the event callbacks attached directly to this StateSet or to its children.*/ void runEventCallbacks(osg::NodeVisitor* nv); /** Check the modes associated with this StateSet are supported by current OpenGL drivers, * and if not set the associated mode in osg::State to be black listed/invalid. * Return true if all associated modes are valid.*/ bool checkValidityOfAssociatedModes(State& state) const; /** Set whether to use a mutex to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe.*/ virtual void setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe); /** call compile on all StateAttributes contained within this StateSet.*/ void compileGLObjects(State& state) const; /** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */ virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize); /** call release on all StateAttributes contained within this StateSet.*/ virtual void releaseGLObjects(State* state=0) const; protected : virtual ~StateSet(); StateSet& operator = (const StateSet&) { return *this; } void addParent(osg::Object* object); void removeParent(osg::Object* object); ParentList _parents; friend class osg::Node; friend class osg::Drawable; friend class osg::Uniform; friend class osg::StateAttribute; ModeList _modeList; AttributeList _attributeList; TextureModeList _textureModeList; TextureAttributeList _textureAttributeList; UniformList _uniformList; inline ModeList& getOrCreateTextureModeList(unsigned int unit) { if (unit>=_textureModeList.size()) _textureModeList.resize(unit+1); return _textureModeList[unit]; } inline AttributeList& getOrCreateTextureAttributeList(unsigned int unit) { if (unit>=_textureAttributeList.size()) _textureAttributeList.resize(unit+1); return _textureAttributeList[unit]; } int compareModes(const ModeList& lhs,const ModeList& rhs); int compareAttributePtrs(const AttributeList& lhs,const AttributeList& rhs); int compareAttributeContents(const AttributeList& lhs,const AttributeList& rhs); void setMode(ModeList& modeList,StateAttribute::GLMode mode, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value); void setModeToInherit(ModeList& modeList,StateAttribute::GLMode mode); StateAttribute::GLModeValue getMode(const ModeList& modeList,StateAttribute::GLMode mode) const; void setAttribute(AttributeList& attributeList,StateAttribute *attribute, const StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF); StateAttribute* getAttribute(AttributeList& attributeList,const StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member); const StateAttribute* getAttribute(const AttributeList& attributeList,const StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member) const; const RefAttributePair* getAttributePair(const AttributeList& attributeList,const StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member) const; int _renderingHint; RenderBinMode _binMode; int _binNum; std::string _binName; bool _nestRenderBins; ref_ptr<Callback> _updateCallback; unsigned int _numChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal; void setNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal(unsigned int num); ref_ptr<Callback> _eventCallback; unsigned int _numChildrenRequiringEventTraversal; void setNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal(unsigned int num); }; extern OSG_EXPORT bool isTextureMode(StateAttribute::GLMode mode); } #endif