/* * Unofficial Qt Serial Port Library * * Copyright (c) 2010 Inbiza Systems Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * author labs@inbiza.com */ #include #include "qserialport.h" #ifdef TNX_POSIX_SERIAL_PORT # include # include # include # include # include "../posix/termioshelper.h" #elif defined(TNX_WINDOWS_SERIAL_PORT) # include "win32/commdcbhelper.h" # include "win32/qwincommevtnotifier.h" #endif namespace TNX { /*! Constructs a QSerialPort object with the given \a port name and \a parent. */ QSerialPort::QSerialPort(const QString &portName, QObject *parent) : QSerialPortNative(portName, parent), pendingByteCount_(0), doNotify_(false), readNotifyThreshold_(1) { } /*! Constructs a QSerialPort object with the given \a port name, \a settings and \a parent. */ QSerialPort::QSerialPort(const QString &portName, const QPortSettings &settings, QObject *parent) : QSerialPortNative(portName, settings, parent), pendingByteCount_(0), doNotify_(false), readNotifyThreshold_(1) { } /*! Constructs a QSerialPort object with the given \a port name, \a settings and \a parent. */ QSerialPort::QSerialPort(const QString &portName, const QString &settings, QObject *parent) : QSerialPortNative(portName, settings, parent), pendingByteCount_(0), doNotify_(false), readNotifyThreshold_(1) { } QSerialPort::~QSerialPort() { close(); } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setPortSettings(const QPortSettings &portSettings) { bool result = false; if ( isOpen() ) { portHelper_->setBaudRate(portSettings.baudRate()); portHelper_->setDataBits(portSettings.dataBits()); portHelper_->setStopBits(portSettings.stopBits()); portHelper_->setFlowControl(portSettings.flowControl()); portHelper_->setParity(portSettings.parity()); result = portHelper_->applyChanges(PortAttrOnlyAppTy); } else { portSettings_ = portSettings; result = true; } if ( !result ) setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); else portSettings_ = portSettings; return result; } /*! \reimp */ bool QSerialPort::isSequential() const { return true; } /*! Opens the I/O device for the serial port. */ bool QSerialPort::open(OpenMode mode) { if ( isOpen() ) return true; // mode argument is ignored intentionally if ( portName_.isEmpty() ) { setErrorString("Port name is empty."); return false; } if ( !open_impl() ) { qCritical() << QString("QSerialPort::open(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); // we don't know exactly what state this object in before the error. // make sure that we don't leave any unused object hanging in the memory. delete portHelper_; delete readNotifier_; readNotifier_ = NULL; portHelper_ = NULL; return false; } // open QIODevice setOpenMode(mode | QIODevice::Unbuffered); qDebug() << "Serial port \"" << portName_ << "\" is successfully opened"; // Set port attributes setPortSettings(portSettings_); // Set communication timing values setCommTimeouts(commTimeouts_); if ( !portHelper_->applyChanges() ) { qCritical() << QString("QSerialPort::open(%1) failed when setting up the port: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } return true; } /*! Closes the I/O device for the serial port. See QIODevice::close() for a description of the actions that occur when an I/O device is closed. */ void QSerialPort::close() { if ( isOpen() ) { delete portHelper_; portHelper_ = NULL; // disconnect the ReadNotifier if ( readNotifier_ ) { disconnect(readNotifier_, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(onDataReceived())); delete readNotifier_; readNotifier_ = NULL; } close_impl(); // Close the device QIODevice::close(); qDebug() << "Serial port \"" << portName_ << "\" is successfully closed"; } } /*! \reimp */ qint64 QSerialPort::pos() const { return 0; } /*! \reimp */ qint64 QSerialPort::size() const { return bytesAvailable(); } /*! \reimp */ bool QSerialPort::seek(qint64 /*pos*/) { return false; } /*! \reimp */ bool QSerialPort::atEnd() const { return true; } /*! \reimp */ qint64 QSerialPort::bytesAvailable() const { qint64 nBytes = bytesAvailable_impl(); if ( nBytes == -1LL ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::bytesAvailable(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); const_cast(this)->setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return -1LL; } return QIODevice::bytesAvailable() + nBytes; } /*! \reimp */ qint64 QSerialPort::bytesToWrite() const { return 0LL; } /*! \reimp */ bool QSerialPort::canReadLine() const { return false; } /*! \reimp */ bool QSerialPort::waitForReadyRead(int timeout) { bool ret = false; readNotifier_->setEnabled(false); int result = waitForReadyRead_impl((timeout < 0 ? -1 : timeout)); if ( result > 0 ) { ret = true; emit readyRead(); } else if ( result == 0 ) ; // Timeout occurred. Do nothing, return false else { // Error occurred. Logs the error and return false qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::waitForReadyRead(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } readNotifier_->setEnabled(true); return ret; } /*! \reimp */ bool QSerialPort::waitForBytesWritten(int /*msecs*/) { return true; } /*! \reimp */ qint64 QSerialPort::readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) { Q_CHECK_PTR(data); qint64 bytesRead = readData_impl(data, maxlen); if ( bytesRead == -1LL ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::readData(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } if ( bytesRead > 0LL ) { doNotify_ = false; // the number of bytes consumed can be higher than the pending byte count pendingByteCount_ = (pendingByteCount_ - bytesRead) < 0LL ? 0LL : (pendingByteCount_ - bytesRead); } readNotifier_->setEnabled(true); return bytesRead; } /*! \reimp */ qint64 QSerialPort::writeData(const char *data, qint64 len) { Q_CHECK_PTR(data); qint64 nBytes = writeData_impl(data, len); if ( nBytes == -1LL ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::writeData(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } if ( 0LL == nBytes && 0LL < len ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::writeData(%1) - method returns no error but " \ "number of bytes written is zero: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); } if ( nBytes > 0LL ) emit bytesWritten(nBytes); return nBytes; } /*! */ void QSerialPort::onDataReceived() { qint64 nBytes = bytesAvailable_impl(); if ( -1LL == nBytes ) return; if ( nBytes > pendingByteCount_ || (nBytes > 0LL && nBytes == pendingByteCount_ && !doNotify_) ) { pendingByteCount_ = nBytes; doNotify_ = true; if ( pendingByteCount_ >= (qint64)readNotifyThreshold_ ) { readNotifier_->setEnabled(false); emit readyRead(); } } } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::flushOutBuffer() { bool result = flushOutBuffer_impl(); if ( !result ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::flushOutBuffer(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } return result; } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::flushInBuffer() { bool result = flushInBuffer_impl(); if ( !result ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::flushInBuffer(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } else { pendingByteCount_ = 0LL; readNotifier_->setEnabled(true); } return result; } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::sendBreak(int timeout) { bool result = sendBreak_impl(timeout); if ( !result ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::sendBreak(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } return result; } CommTimeouts QSerialPort::commTimeouts() { if ( !isOpen() ) return commTimeouts_; Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); CommTimeouts commtimeouts; bool res = portHelper_->commTimeouts(commtimeouts); if ( !res ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::commTimeouts(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } else { commTimeouts_ = commtimeouts; } return commTimeouts_; } bool QSerialPort::setCommTimeouts(const CommTimeouts commtimeouts) { commTimeouts_ = commtimeouts; if ( !isOpen() ) return true; Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); portHelper_->setCommTimeouts(commTimeouts_); bool result = portHelper_->applyChanges(CommTimeoutsOnlyAppTy); if ( !result ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::setCommTimouts(%1) failed: %2(Err #%3)") .arg(portName_) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } return result; } bool QSerialPort::setCommTimeouts(CommTimeoutSchemes scheme, int timeout) { if ( scheme == CtScheme_NonBlockingRead ) { commTimeouts_.PosixVMIN = 0; commTimeouts_.PosixVTIME = 0; commTimeouts_.Win32ReadIntervalTimeout = CommTimeouts::NoTimeout; commTimeouts_.Win32ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; commTimeouts_.Win32ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; } else if ( scheme == CtScheme_TimedRead ) { commTimeouts_.PosixVMIN = 0; // converting ms to one-tenths-of-second (sec * 0.1) commTimeouts_.PosixVTIME = timeout / 100; commTimeouts_.Win32ReadIntervalTimeout = 0; commTimeouts_.Win32ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout; commTimeouts_.Win32ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; } if ( !isOpen() ) return true; Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); portHelper_->setCommTimeouts(commTimeouts_); bool result = portHelper_->applyChanges(CommTimeoutsOnlyAppTy); if ( !result ) { qDebug() << QString("QSerialPort::setCommTimouts(%1, scheme: %2) failed: %3(Err #%4)") .arg(portName_) .arg((int)scheme) .arg(lastErrorText_impl()) .arg(lastError_impl()); setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); } return result; } /*! */ QPortSettings::BaudRate QSerialPort::baudRate() const { if ( !isOpen() ) return portSettings_.baudRate(); Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); return portHelper_->baudRate(); } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setBaudRate(QPortSettings::BaudRate baudRate) { if ( !isOpen() ) { portSettings_.setBaudRate(baudRate); return true; } Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); bool result = false; portHelper_->setBaudRate(baudRate); if ( (result = portHelper_->applyChanges(PortAttrOnlyAppTy)) ) portSettings_.setBaudRate(baudRate); else setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return result; } /*! */ QPortSettings::Parity QSerialPort::parity() const { if ( !isOpen() ) return portSettings_.parity(); Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); return portHelper_->parity(); } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setParity(QPortSettings::Parity parity) { if ( !isOpen() ) { portSettings_.setParity(parity); return true; } Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); bool result = false; portHelper_->setParity(parity); if ( (result = portHelper_->applyChanges(PortAttrOnlyAppTy)) ) portSettings_.setParity(parity); else setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return result; } /*! */ QPortSettings::StopBits QSerialPort::stopBits() const { if ( !isOpen() ) return portSettings_.stopBits(); Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); return portHelper_->stopBits(); } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setStopBits(QPortSettings::StopBits stopBits) { if ( !isOpen() ) { portSettings_.setStopBits(stopBits); return true; } Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); bool result = false; portHelper_->setStopBits(stopBits); if ( (result = portHelper_->applyChanges(PortAttrOnlyAppTy)) ) portSettings_.setStopBits(stopBits); else setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return result; } /*! */ QPortSettings::DataBits QSerialPort::dataBits() const { if ( !isOpen() ) return portSettings_.dataBits(); Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); return portHelper_->dataBits(); } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setDataBits(QPortSettings::DataBits dataBits) { if ( !isOpen() ) { portSettings_.setDataBits(dataBits); return true; } Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); bool result = false; portHelper_->setDataBits(dataBits); if ( (result = portHelper_->applyChanges(PortAttrOnlyAppTy)) ) portSettings_.setDataBits(dataBits); else setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return result; } /*! */ QPortSettings::FlowControl QSerialPort::flowControl() const { if ( !isOpen() ) return portSettings_.flowControl(); Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); return portHelper_->flowControl(); } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setFlowControl(QPortSettings::FlowControl flowControl) { if ( !isOpen() ) { portSettings_.setFlowControl(flowControl); return true; } Q_CHECK_PTR(portHelper_); bool result = false; portHelper_->setFlowControl(flowControl); if ( (result = portHelper_->applyChanges(PortAttrOnlyAppTy)) ) portSettings_.setFlowControl(flowControl); else setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return result; } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setRts(bool on) { if ( !isOpen() ) return false; if ( !portHelper_->setRts(on) ) { setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return false; } return true; } /*! */ bool QSerialPort::setDtr(bool on) { if ( !isOpen() ) return false; if ( !portHelper_->setDtr(on) ) { setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return false; } return true; } /*! */ QSerialPort::CommSignalValues QSerialPort::cts() { if ( !isOpen() ) return Signal_Unknown; CommSignalValues cts; if ( Signal_Unknown == (cts = portHelper_->cts()) ) setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return cts; } /*! */ QSerialPort::CommSignalValues QSerialPort::dsr() { if ( !isOpen() ) return Signal_Unknown; CommSignalValues dsr; if ( Signal_Unknown == (dsr = portHelper_->dsr()) ) setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return dsr; } /*! */ QSerialPort::CommSignalValues QSerialPort::dcd() { if ( !isOpen() ) return Signal_Unknown; CommSignalValues dcd; if ( Signal_Unknown == (dcd = portHelper_->dcd()) ) setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return dcd; } /*! */ QSerialPort::CommSignalValues QSerialPort::ri() { if ( !isOpen() ) return Signal_Unknown; CommSignalValues ri; if ( Signal_Unknown == (ri = portHelper_->ri()) ) setErrorString(lastErrorText_impl()); return ri; } } // namespace