{ "version": 1, "mavCmdInfo": [ { "id": 16, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT", "friendlyName": "Waypoint", "description": "Travel to a position in 3D space.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Basic", "param1": { "label": "Hold:", "units": "secs", "default": 0, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 } }, { "id": 17, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM", "friendlyName": "Loiter", "description": "Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius indefinitely.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Loiter", "param3": { "label": "Radius:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 } }, { "id": 18, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS", "friendlyName": "Loiter (turns)", "description": "Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius for a number of turns.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Loiter", "param1": { "label": "Turns:", "default": 1, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param3": { "label": "Radius:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param4": { "label": "Next waypoint start:", "enumStrings": "Center,On Loiter", "enumValues": "0,1", "default": 1, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 } }, { "id": 19, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME", "friendlyName": "Loiter (time)", "description": "Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius for a number of seconds.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Loiter", "param1": { "label": "Seconds:", "units": "secs", "default": 30, "decimalPlaces": 1 }, "param3": { "label": "Radius:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param4": { "label": "Next waypoint start:", "enumStrings": "Center,On Loiter", "enumValues": "0,1", "default": 1, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 } }, { "id": 21, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND", "friendlyName": "Land", "description": "Land vehicle at the specified location.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Basic", "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 0, "decimalPlaces": 1 } }, { "id": 22, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF", "friendlyName": "Takeoff", "description": "Take off from the ground and travel towards the specified position.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Basic", "param1": { "label": "Pitch:", "units": "degrees", "default": 10, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 25, "decimalPlaces": 0 } }, { "id": 31, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT", "friendlyName": "Loiter (altitude)", "description": "Travel to a position and Loiter around the specified radius until the given altitude.", "specifiesCoordinate": true, "friendlyEdit": true, "category": "Loiter", "param1": { "label": "Heading wait:", "enumStrings": "False,True", "enumValues": "0,1", "default": 1, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param2": { "label": "Radius:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param4": { "label": "Next waypoint start:", "enumStrings": "Center,On Loiter", "enumValues": "0,1", "default": 1, "decimalPlaces": 0 }, "param7": { "label": "Altitude:", "units": "m", "default": 50, "decimalPlaces": 0 } }, { "id": 206, "rawName": "MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST", "friendlyName": "Camera trigger distance", "description": "Set camera trigger distance.", "category": "Camera", "param1": { "label": "Distance:", "default": 25, "units": "m", "decimalPlaces": 1 } } ] }