/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtLocation 5.3 import QtPositioning 5.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QGroundControl 1.0 import QGroundControl.FlightMap 1.0 import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0 import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0 import QGroundControl.Mavlink 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0 /// Mission Editor QGCView { id: _root property bool syncNeeded: controller.visualItems.dirty // Unsaved changes, visible to parent container viewPanel: panel // zOrder comes from the Loader in MainWindow.qml z: QGroundControl.zOrderTopMost readonly property int _decimalPlaces: 8 readonly property real _horizontalMargin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 readonly property real _margin: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5 readonly property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle readonly property real _rightPanelWidth: Math.min(parent.width / 3, ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 30) readonly property real _rightPanelOpacity: 0.8 readonly property int _toolButtonCount: 6 readonly property string _autoSyncKey: "AutoSync" readonly property int _addMissionItemsButtonAutoOffTimeout: 10000 readonly property var _defaultVehicleCoordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(37.803784, -122.462276) property var _visualItems: controller.visualItems property var _currentMissionItem property int _currentMissionIndex: 0 property bool _firstVehiclePosition: true property var activeVehiclePosition: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate() property bool _lightWidgetBorders: editorMap.isSatelliteMap onActiveVehiclePositionChanged: updateMapToVehiclePosition() Connections { target: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager onActiveVehicleChanged: { // When the active vehicle changes we need to allow the first vehicle position to move the map again _firstVehiclePosition = true updateMapToVehiclePosition() } } function updateMapToVehiclePosition() { if (_activeVehicle && _activeVehicle.coordinateValid && _activeVehicle.coordinate.isValid && _firstVehiclePosition) { _firstVehiclePosition = false editorMap.center = _activeVehicle.coordinate } } function loadFromVehicle() { controller.getMissionItems() } function loadFromFile() { if (ScreenTools.isMobile) { _root.showDialog(mobileFilePicker, qsTr("Select Mission File"), _root.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.Cancel) } else { controller.loadMissionFromFilePicker() fitViewportToMissionItems() _currentMissionItem = _visualItems.get(0) } } function saveToFile() { if (ScreenTools.isMobile) { _root.showDialog(mobileFileSaver, qsTr("Save Mission File"), _root.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Save | StandardButton.Cancel) } else { controller.saveMissionToFilePicker() } } function normalizeLat(lat) { // Normalize latitude to range: 0 to 180, S to N return lat + 90.0 } function normalizeLon(lon) { // Normalize longitude to range: 0 to 360, W to E return lon + 180.0 } /// Fix the map viewport to the current mission items. function fitViewportToMissionItems() { if (_visualItems.count == 1) { editorMap.center = _visualItems.get(0).coordinate } else { var missionItem = _visualItems.get(0) var north = normalizeLat(missionItem.coordinate.latitude) var south = north var east = normalizeLon(missionItem.coordinate.longitude) var west = east for (var i=1; i<_visualItems.count; i++) { missionItem = _visualItems.get(i) if (missionItem.specifiesCoordinate && !missionItem.isStandaloneCoordinate) { var lat = normalizeLat(missionItem.coordinate.latitude) var lon = normalizeLon(missionItem.coordinate.longitude) north = Math.max(north, lat) south = Math.min(south, lat) east = Math.max(east, lon) west = Math.min(west, lon) } } editorMap.visibleRegion = QtPositioning.rectangle(QtPositioning.coordinate(north - 90.0, west - 180.0), QtPositioning.coordinate(south - 90.0, east - 180.0)) } } MissionController { id: controller Component.onCompleted: { start(true /* editMode */) setCurrentItem(0) } /* FIXME: autoSync is temporarily disconnected since it's still buggy autoSync: QGroundControl.flightMapSettings.loadMapSetting(editorMap.mapName, _autoSyncKey, true) onAutoSyncChanged: QGroundControl.flightMapSettings.saveMapSetting(editorMap.mapName, _autoSyncKey, autoSync) */ onVisualItemsChanged: itemDragger.clearItem() onNewItemsFromVehicle: fitViewportToMissionItems() } QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: enabled } ExclusiveGroup { id: _mapTypeButtonsExclusiveGroup } ExclusiveGroup { id: _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup } function setCurrentItem(sequenceNumber) { _currentMissionItem = undefined for (var i=0; i<_visualItems.count; i++) { var visualItem = _visualItems.get(i) if (visualItem.sequenceNumber == sequenceNumber) { _currentMissionItem = visualItem _currentMissionItem.isCurrentItem = true _currentMissionIndex = i } else { visualItem.isCurrentItem = false } } } property int _moveDialogMissionItemIndex Component { id: mobileFilePicker QGCMobileFileDialog { openDialog: true fileExtension: QGroundControl.missionFileExtension onFilenameReturned: { controller.loadMissionFromFile(filename) fitViewportToMissionItems() _currentMissionItem = _visualItems.get(0) } } } Component { id: mobileFileSaver QGCMobileFileDialog { openDialog: false fileExtension: QGroundControl.missionFileExtension onFilenameReturned: { controller.saveMissionToFile(filename) } } } Component { id: moveDialog QGCViewDialog { function accept() { var toIndex = toCombo.currentIndex if (toIndex == 0) { toIndex = 1 } controller.moveMissionItem(_moveDialogMissionItemIndex, toIndex) hideDialog() } Column { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight QGCLabel { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: qsTr("Move the selected mission item to the be after following mission item:") } QGCComboBox { id: toCombo model: _visualItems.count currentIndex: _moveDialogMissionItemIndex } } } } QGCViewPanel { id: panel height: ScreenTools.availableHeight anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right Item { anchors.fill: parent FlightMap { id: editorMap height: _root.height anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right mapName: "MissionEditor" signal mapClicked(var coordinate) readonly property real animationDuration: 500 // Initial map position duplicates Fly view position Component.onCompleted: editorMap.center = QGroundControl.flightMapPosition Behavior on zoomLevel { NumberAnimation { duration: editorMap.animationDuration easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } MouseArea { //-- It's a whole lot faster to just fill parent and deal with top offset below // than computing the coordinate offset. anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { //-- Don't pay attention to items beneath the toolbar. var topLimit = parent.height - ScreenTools.availableHeight if(mouse.y >= topLimit) { var coordinate = editorMap.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y)) coordinate.latitude = coordinate.latitude.toFixed(_decimalPlaces) coordinate.longitude = coordinate.longitude.toFixed(_decimalPlaces) coordinate.altitude = coordinate.altitude.toFixed(_decimalPlaces) if (addMissionItemsButton.checked) { var sequenceNumber = controller.insertSimpleMissionItem(coordinate, controller.visualItems.count) setCurrentItem(sequenceNumber) } else { editorMap.mapClicked(coordinate) } } } } // We use this item to support dragging since dragging a MapQuickItem just doesn't seem to work Rectangle { id: itemDragger x: missionItemIndicator ? (missionItemIndicator.x + missionItemIndicator.anchorPoint.x - (itemDragger.width / 2)) : 100 y: missionItemIndicator ? (missionItemIndicator.y + missionItemIndicator.anchorPoint.y - (itemDragger.height / 2)) : 100 width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2 height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2 color: "transparent" visible: false z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 1 // Above item icons property var missionItem property var missionItemIndicator property bool preventCoordinateBindingLoop: false onXChanged: liveDrag() onYChanged: liveDrag() function liveDrag() { if (!itemDragger.preventCoordinateBindingLoop && Drag.active) { var point = Qt.point(itemDragger.x + (itemDragger.width / 2), itemDragger.y + (itemDragger.height / 2)) var coordinate = editorMap.toCoordinate(point) coordinate.altitude = itemDragger.missionItem.coordinate.altitude itemDragger.preventCoordinateBindingLoop = true itemDragger.missionItem.coordinate = coordinate itemDragger.preventCoordinateBindingLoop = false } } function clearItem() { itemDragger.visible = false itemDragger.missionItem = undefined itemDragger.missionItemIndicator = undefined } Drag.active: itemDrag.drag.active Drag.hotSpot.x: width / 2 Drag.hotSpot.y: height / 2 MouseArea { id: itemDrag anchors.fill: parent drag.target: parent drag.minimumX: 0 drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumX: itemDragger.parent.width - parent.width drag.maximumY: itemDragger.parent.height - parent.height } } // Add the complex mission item polygon to the map MapItemView { model: controller.complexVisualItems delegate: MapPolygon { color: 'green' path: object.polygonPath opacity: 0.5 } } // Add the complex mission item grid to the map MapItemView { model: controller.complexVisualItems delegate: MapPolyline { line.color: "white" path: object.gridPoints } } // Add the complex mission item exit coordinates MapItemView { model: controller.complexVisualItems delegate: exitCoordinateComponent } Component { id: exitCoordinateComponent MissionItemIndicator { coordinate: object.exitCoordinate z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems missionItem: object sequenceNumber: object.lastSequenceNumber visible: object.specifiesCoordinate } } // Add the simple mission items to the map MapItemView { model: controller.visualItems delegate: missionItemComponent } Component { id: missionItemComponent MissionItemIndicator { id: itemIndicator coordinate: object.coordinate visible: object.specifiesCoordinate z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems missionItem: object sequenceNumber: object.sequenceNumber //-- If you don't want to allow selecting items beneath the // toolbar, the code below has to check and see if mouse.y // is greater than (map.height - ScreenTools.availableHeight) onClicked: setCurrentItem(object.sequenceNumber) function updateItemIndicator() { if (object.isCurrentItem && itemIndicator.visible && object.specifiesCoordinate && object.isSimpleItem) { // Setup our drag item itemDragger.visible = true itemDragger.missionItem = Qt.binding(function() { return object }) itemDragger.missionItemIndicator = Qt.binding(function() { return itemIndicator }) } } Connections { target: object onIsCurrentItemChanged: updateItemIndicator() onSpecifiesCoordinateChanged: updateItemIndicator() } // These are the non-coordinate child mission items attached to this item Row { anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.right Repeater { model: object.childItems delegate: MissionItemIndexLabel { label: object.abbreviation isCurrentItem: object.isCurrentItem z: 2 onClicked: setCurrentItem(object.sequenceNumber) } } } } } // Add lines between waypoints MissionLineView { model: controller.waypointLines } // Add the vehicles to the map MapItemView { model: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.vehicles delegate: VehicleMapItem { vehicle: object coordinate: object.coordinate isSatellite: editorMap.isSatelliteMap size: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 5 z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems - 1 } } // Mission Item Editor Item { id: missionItemEditor height: ScreenTools.availableHeight anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right width: _rightPanelWidth opacity: _rightPanelOpacity z: QGroundControl.zOrderTopMost MouseArea { // This MouseArea prevents the Map below it from getting Mouse events. Without this // things like mousewheel will scroll the Flickable and then scroll the map as well. anchors.fill: editorListView onWheel: wheel.accepted = true } ListView { id: editorListView anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top height: parent.height spacing: _margin / 2 orientation: ListView.Vertical model: controller.visualItems cacheBuffer: height * 2 clip: true currentIndex: _currentMissionIndex highlightMoveDuration: 250 delegate: MissionItemEditor { missionItem: object width: parent.width qgcView: _root readOnly: false onClicked: setCurrentItem(object.sequenceNumber) onRemove: { itemDragger.clearItem() controller.removeMissionItem(index) } onInsert: { var sequenceNumber = controller.insertSimpleMissionItem(editorMap.center, insertAfterIndex) setCurrentItem(sequenceNumber) } onMoveHomeToMapCenter: controller.visualItems.get(0).coordinate = editorMap.center } } // ListView } // Item - Mission Item editor //-- Dismiss Drop Down (if any) MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup.current != null onClicked: { if(_dropButtonsExclusiveGroup.current) _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup.current.checked = false _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup.current = null } } //-- Vertical Tool Buttons Column { id: toolColumn anchors.topMargin: parent.height - ScreenTools.availableHeight + ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight z: QGroundControl.zOrderWidgets RoundButton { id: addMissionItemsButton buttonImage: "/qmlimages/MapAddMission.svg" lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders } RoundButton { id: addShapeButton buttonImage: "/qmlimages/MapDrawShape.svg" visible: QGroundControl.experimentalSurvey lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders onClicked: { var coordinate = editorMap.center coordinate.latitude = coordinate.latitude.toFixed(_decimalPlaces) coordinate.longitude = coordinate.longitude.toFixed(_decimalPlaces) coordinate.altitude = coordinate.altitude.toFixed(_decimalPlaces) var sequenceNumber = controller.insertComplexMissionItem(coordinate, controller.visualItems.count) setCurrentItem(sequenceNumber) checked = false addMissionItemsButton.checked = false } } DropButton { id: syncButton dropDirection: dropRight buttonImage: syncNeeded ? "/qmlimages/MapSyncChanged.svg" : "/qmlimages/MapSync.svg" viewportMargins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 exclusiveGroup: _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup dropDownComponent: syncDropDownComponent enabled: !controller.syncInProgress rotateImage: controller.syncInProgress lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders } DropButton { id: centerMapButton dropDirection: dropRight buttonImage: "/qmlimages/MapCenter.svg" viewportMargins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 exclusiveGroup: _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders dropDownComponent: Component { Column { spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 0.5 QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Center map:") } Row { spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth QGCButton { text: qsTr("Home") width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 10 onClicked: { centerMapButton.hideDropDown() editorMap.center = controller.visualItems.get(0).coordinate } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Mission") width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 10 onClicked: { centerMapButton.hideDropDown() fitViewportToMissionItems() } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Vehicle") width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 10 enabled: activeVehicle && activeVehicle.latitude != 0 && activeVehicle.longitude != 0 property var activeVehicle: _activeVehicle onClicked: { centerMapButton.hideDropDown() editorMap.center = activeVehicle.coordinate } } } } } } DropButton { id: mapTypeButton dropDirection: dropRight buttonImage: "/qmlimages/MapType.svg" viewportMargins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 exclusiveGroup: _dropButtonsExclusiveGroup lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders dropDownComponent: Component { Column { spacing: _margin QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Map type:") } Row { spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth Repeater { model: QGroundControl.flightMapSettings.mapTypes QGCButton { checkable: true checked: QGroundControl.flightMapSettings.mapType === text text: modelData exclusiveGroup: _mapTypeButtonsExclusiveGroup onClicked: { QGroundControl.flightMapSettings.mapType = text checked = true mapTypeButton.hideDropDown() } } } } } } } //-- Zoom Map In RoundButton { id: mapZoomPlus visible: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen && !ScreenTools.isShortScreen buttonImage: "/qmlimages/ZoomPlus.svg" lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders onClicked: { if(editorMap) editorMap.zoomLevel += 0.5 checked = false } } //-- Zoom Map Out RoundButton { id: mapZoomMinus visible: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen && !ScreenTools.isShortScreen buttonImage: "/qmlimages/ZoomMinus.svg" lightBorders: _lightWidgetBorders onClicked: { if(editorMap) editorMap.zoomLevel -= 0.5 checked = false } } } MapScale { anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (0.66) anchors.bottom: waypointValuesDisplay.visible ? waypointValuesDisplay.top : parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left z: QGroundControl.zOrderWidgets mapControl: editorMap visible: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen } MissionItemStatus { id: waypointValuesDisplay anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom z: QGroundControl.zOrderTopMost currentMissionItem: _currentMissionItem missionItems: controller.visualItems expandedWidth: missionItemEditor.x - (ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 2) visible: !ScreenTools.isShortScreen } } // FlightMap } // Item - split view container } // QGCViewPanel Component { id: syncLoadFromVehicleOverwrite QGCViewMessage { id: syncLoadFromVehicleCheck message: qsTr("You have unsaved/unsent mission changes. Loading the mission from the Vehicle will lose these changes. Are you sure you want to load the mission from the Vehicle?") function accept() { hideDialog() loadFromVehicle() } } } Component { id: syncLoadFromFileOverwrite QGCViewMessage { id: syncLoadFromVehicleCheck message: qsTr("You have unsaved/unsent mission changes. Loading a mission from a file will lose these changes. Are you sure you want to load a mission from a file?") function accept() { hideDialog() loadFromFile() } } } Component { id: removeAllPromptDialog QGCViewMessage { message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to delete all mission items?") function accept() { itemDragger.clearItem() controller.removeAllMissionItems() hideDialog() } } } Component { id: syncDropDownComponent Column { id: columnHolder spacing: _margin QGCLabel { width: sendSaveGrid.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: syncNeeded && !controller.autoSync ? qsTr("You have unsaved changed to you mission. You should send to your vehicle, or save to a file:") : qsTr("Sync:") } GridLayout { id: sendSaveGrid columns: 2 anchors.margins: _margin rowSpacing: _margin columnSpacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth visible: true //autoSyncCheckBox.enabled && autoSyncCheckBox.checked QGCButton { text: qsTr("Send To Vehicle") Layout.fillWidth: true enabled: _activeVehicle && !controller.syncInProgress onClicked: { syncButton.hideDropDown() controller.sendMissionItems() } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Load From Vehicle") Layout.fillWidth: true enabled: _activeVehicle && !controller.syncInProgress onClicked: { syncButton.hideDropDown() if (syncNeeded) { _root.showDialog(syncLoadFromVehicleOverwrite, qsTr("Mission overwrite"), _root.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.Cancel) } else { loadFromVehicle() } } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Save To File...") Layout.fillWidth: true enabled: !controller.syncInProgress onClicked: { syncButton.hideDropDown() saveToFile() } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Load From File...") Layout.fillWidth: true enabled: !controller.syncInProgress onClicked: { syncButton.hideDropDown() if (syncNeeded) { _root.showDialog(syncLoadFromFileOverwrite, qsTr("Mission overwrite"), _root.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.Cancel) } else { loadFromFile() } } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Remove All") Layout.fillWidth: true onClicked: { syncButton.hideDropDown() _root.showDialog(removeAllPromptDialog, qsTr("Delete all"), _root.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No) } } } /* FIXME: autoSync is temporarily disconnected since it's still buggy QGCLabel { id: autoSyncDisallowedLabel visible: _activeVehicle && _activeVehicle.armed text: "AutoSync is not allowed whie vehicle is armed" } QGCCheckBox { id: autoSyncCheckBox checked: controller.autoSync text: "Automatically sync changes with vehicle" enabled: _activeVehicle ? !_activeVehicle.armed : false onClicked: controller.autoSync = checked } */ } } } // QGCVIew