MAVLinkSettingsWidget 0 0 431 349 Form Emit heartbeat Log all MAVLink packets Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 8 0 Only accept MAVs with same protocol version Qt::Horizontal 8 0 MAVLINK_VERSION: Logfile name Select.. Set the groundstation number Set the groundstation number 1 255 The system ID is the number the MAV associates with this computer The system ID is the number the MAV associates with this computer Groundstation MAVLink System ID Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 8 0 Enter a comma-separated list of allowed packets Filter multiplexed packets: Only forward selected IDs Enable Multiplexing: Forward packets to all other links Enable retransmission of parameter read/write requests Qt::Horizontal 8 0 Qt::Horizontal 8 0 Read request retransmission timeout Write request retransmission timeout Time in milliseconds after which a not acknowledged read request is sent again. Time in milliseconds after which a not acknowledged read request is sent again. ms 50 60000 50 50 Time in milliseconds after which a not acknowledged write request is sent again. Time in milliseconds after which a not acknowledged write request is sent again. ms 50 60000 50