PX4RCCalibration 0 0 1562 1286 Form 760 0 252 715 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 0 0 486 525 false Copy the trim values from roll / pitch / yaw from manual flight to the autonomous flight modes. Copy Attitude Trims 0 0 0 180 Please turn on Radio Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true 0 0 400 16 TextLabel Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true Try Again Skip Cancel Next Qt::Vertical 20 60 Spektrum RC Pair Receiver DSM2 Mode true DSMX Mode (3 to 7 channels) DSMX Mode (8 or more channels) 490 0 252 715 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 250 65 RCChannelWidget QGroupBox