function [lat2, lon2, azi2, S12] = gereckon(lat1, lon1, s12, azi1, ellipsoid) %GERECKON Point along great ellipse at given azimuth and range % % [lat2, lon2, azi2] = GERECKON(lat1, lon1, s12, azi1) % [lat2, lon2, azi2, S12] = GERECKON(lat1, lon1, s12, azi1, ellipsoid) % % solves the direct great ellipse problem of finding the final point and % azimuth given lat1, lon1, s12, and azi1. The input arguments lat1, % lon1, s12, azi1, can be scalars or arrays of equal size. lat1, lon1, % azi1 are given in degrees and s12 in meters. The ellipsoid vector is % of the form [a, e], where a is the equatorial radius in meters, e is % the eccentricity. If ellipsoid is omitted, the WGS84 ellipsoid (more % precisely, the value returned by defaultellipsoid) is used. lat2, % lon2, and azi2 give the position and forward azimuths at the end point % in degrees. The optional output S12 is the area between the great % ellipse and the equator (in meters^2). gedoc gives an example and % provides additional background information. gedoc also gives the % restrictions on the allowed ranges of the arguments. % % When given a combination of scalar and array inputs, GERECKON behaves % as though the inputs were expanded to match the size of the arrays. % However, in the particular case where lat1 and azi1 are the same for % all the input points, they should be specified as scalars since this % will considerably speed up the calculations. (In particular a series % of points along a single geodesic is efficiently computed by specifying % an array for s12 only.) % % geodreckon solves the equivalent geodesic problem and usually this is % preferable to using GERECKON. % % For more information, see % % % % See also GEDOC, GEDISTANCE, DEFAULTELLIPSOID, FLAT2ECC, GEODDISTANCE, % GEODRECKON. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2014-2019) . narginchk(4, 5) if nargin < 5, ellipsoid = defaultellipsoid; end try S = size(lat1 + lon1 + s12 + azi1); catch error('lat1, lon1, s12, azi1 have incompatible sizes') end if length(ellipsoid) ~= 2 error('ellipsoid must be a vector of size 2') end tiny = sqrt(realmin); Z = zeros(prod(S),1); a = ellipsoid(1); e2 = real(ellipsoid(2)^2); f = e2 / (1 + sqrt(1 - e2)); f1 = 1 - f; areap = nargout >= 4; lat1 = AngRound(LatFix(lat1(:))); lon1 = lon1(:); azi1 = AngRound(azi1(:)); s12 = s12(:); [sgam1, cgam1] = sincosdx(azi1); [sbet1, cbet1] = sincosdx(lat1); sbet1 = f1 * sbet1; cbet1 = max(tiny, cbet1); [sbet1, cbet1] = norm2(sbet1, cbet1); [sgam1, cgam1] = norm2(sgam1 .* sqrt(1 - e2 * cbet1.^2), cgam1); sgam0 = sgam1 .* cbet1; cgam0 = hypot(cgam1, sgam1 .* sbet1); ssig1 = sbet1; slam1 = sgam0 .* sbet1; csig1 = cbet1 .* cgam1; csig1(sbet1 == 0 & cgam1 == 0) = 1; clam1 = csig1; [ssig1, csig1] = norm2(ssig1, csig1); k2 = e2 * cgam0.^2; epsi = k2 ./ (2 * (1 + sqrt(1 - k2)) - k2); A1 = a * (1 + A1m1f(epsi)) .* (1 - epsi)./(1 + epsi); C1a = C1f(epsi); B11 = SinCosSeries(true, ssig1, csig1, C1a); s = sin(B11); c = cos(B11); stau1 = ssig1 .* c + csig1 .* s; ctau1 = csig1 .* c - ssig1 .* s; C1pa = C1pf(epsi); tau12 = s12 ./ A1; s = sin(tau12); c = cos(tau12); B12 = - SinCosSeries(true, stau1 .* c + ctau1 .* s, ... ctau1 .* c - stau1 .* s, C1pa); sig12 = tau12 - (B12 - B11); ssig12 = sin(sig12); csig12 = cos(sig12); if abs(f) > 0.01 ssig2 = ssig1 .* csig12 + csig1 .* ssig12; csig2 = csig1 .* csig12 - ssig1 .* ssig12; B12 = SinCosSeries(true, ssig2, csig2, C1a); serr = A1 .* (sig12 + (B12 - B11)) - s12; sig12 = sig12 - serr ./ (a * sqrt(1 - k2 + k2 .* ssig2.^2)); ssig12 = sin(sig12); csig12 = cos(sig12); end ssig2 = ssig1 .* csig12 + csig1 .* ssig12; csig2 = csig1 .* csig12 - ssig1 .* ssig12; sbet2 = cgam0 .* ssig2; cbet2 = hypot(sgam0, cgam0 .* csig2); cbet2(cbet2 == 0) = tiny; slam2 = sgam0 .* ssig2; clam2 = csig2; sgam2 = sgam0; cgam2 = cgam0 .* csig2; lon12 = atan2dx(slam2 .* clam1 - clam2 .* slam1, ... clam2 .* clam1 + slam2 .* slam1); lon2 = AngNormalize(AngNormalize(lon1) + lon12); lat2 = atan2dx(sbet2, f1 * cbet2); azi2 = atan2dx(sgam2, cgam2 .* sqrt(1 - e2 * cbet2.^2)); lat2 = reshape(lat2 + Z, S); lon2 = reshape(lon2, S); azi2 = reshape(azi2 + Z, S); if areap n = f / (2 - f); G4x = G4coeff(n); G4a = C4f(epsi, G4x); A4 = (a^2 * e2) * cgam0 .* sgam0; B41 = SinCosSeries(false, ssig1, csig1, G4a); B42 = SinCosSeries(false, ssig2, csig2, G4a); sgam12 = cgam0 .* sgam0 .* ... cvmgt(csig1 .* (1 - csig12) + ssig12 .* ssig1, ... ssig12 .* (csig1 .* ssig12 ./ (1 + csig12) + ssig1), ... csig12 <= 0); cgam12 = sgam0.^2 + cgam0.^2 .* csig1 .* csig2; s = cgam0 == 0 | sgam0 == 0; sgam12(s) = sgam2(s) .* cgam1(s) - cgam2(s) .* sgam1(s); cgam12(s) = cgam2(s) .* cgam1(s) + sgam2(s) .* sgam1(s); s = s & sgam12 == 0 & cgam12 < 0; sgam12(s) = tiny * cgam1(s); cgam12(s) = -1; if e2 ~= 0 c2 = a^2 * (1 + (1 - e2) * eatanhe(1, e2) / e2) / 2; else c2 = a^2; end S12 = c2 * atan2(sgam12, cgam12) + A4 .* (B42 - B41); S12 = reshape(S12 + Z, S); end end