#include "PolygonCalculus.h" #include "PlanimetryCalculus.h" #include "OptimisationTools.h" #include #include namespace PolygonCalculus { namespace { bool isReflexVertex(const QPolygonF& polygon, const QPointF *vertex) { // Original Code from SurveyComplexItem::_VertexIsReflex() auto vertexBefore = vertex == polygon.begin() ? polygon.end() - 1 : vertex - 1; auto vertexAfter = vertex == polygon.end() - 1 ? polygon.begin() : vertex + 1; auto area = ( ((vertex->x() - vertexBefore->x())*(vertexAfter->y() - vertexBefore->y())) -((vertexAfter->x() - vertexBefore->x())*(vertex->y() - vertexBefore->y()))); return area > 0; } } // end anonymous namespace /*! * \fn bool containsPath(QPolygonF polygon, const QPointF &c1, const QPointF &c2) * Returns true if the shortest path between the two coordinates is not fully inside the \a area. * * \sa QPointF, QPolygonF */ bool containsPath(QPolygonF polygon, const QPointF &c1, const QPointF &c2) { if ( !polygon.isEmpty()) { if ( !polygon.containsPoint(c1, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill) || !polygon.containsPoint(c2, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill)) return false; QLineF line(c1, c2); if (PlanimetryCalculus::intersectsFast(polygon, line)) return false; return true; } else { return false; } } /*! * \fn int closestVertexIndex(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &coordinate) * Returns the vertex index of \a polygon which has the least distance to \a coordinate. * * \sa QPointF, QPolygonF */ int closestVertexIndex(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &coordinate) { if (polygon.size() == 0) { qWarning("Path is empty!"); return -1; }else if (polygon.size() == 1) { return 0; }else { int index = 0; // the index of the closest vertex double min_dist = PlanimetryCalculus::distance(coordinate, polygon[index]); for(int i = 1; i < polygon.size(); i++){ double dist = PlanimetryCalculus::distance(coordinate, polygon[i]); if (dist < min_dist){ min_dist = dist; index = i; } } return index; } } /*!auto distance * \fn QPointF closestVertex(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &coordinate); * Returns the vertex of \a polygon with the least distance to \a coordinate. * * \sa QPointF, QPolygonF */ QPointF closestVertex(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &coordinate) { int index = closestVertexIndex(polygon, coordinate); if (index >=0 ) { return polygon[index]; } else { return QPointF(); } } /*! * \fn int nextPolygonIndex(int pathsize, int index) * Returns the index of the next vertex (of a polygon), which is \a index + 1 if \a index is smaller than \c {\a pathsize - 1}, * or 0 if \a index equals \c {\a pathsize - 1}, or -1 if the \a index is out of bounds. * \note \a pathsize is usually obtained by invoking polygon.size() */ int nextVertexIndex(int pathsize, int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < pathsize-1) { return index + 1; } else if (index == pathsize-1) { return 0; } else { qWarning("nextPolygonIndex(): Index out of bounds! index:count = %i:%i", index, pathsize); return -1; } } /*! * \fn int previousPolygonIndex(int pathsize, int index) * Returns the index of the previous vertex (of a polygon), which is \a index - 1 if \a index is larger 0, * or \c {\a pathsize - 1} if \a index equals 0, or -1 if the \a index is out of bounds. * \note pathsize is usually obtained by invoking polygon.size() */ int previousVertexIndex(int pathsize, int index) { if (index > 0 && index = 3 && polygon2.size() >= 3) { if ( !isSimplePolygon(polygon1) || !isSimplePolygon(polygon2)) { return JoinPolygonError::NotSimplePolygon; } if ( !hasClockwiseWinding(polygon1)) { reversePath(polygon1); } if ( !hasClockwiseWinding(polygon2)) { reversePath(polygon2); } const QPolygonF *walkerPoly = &polygon1; // "walk" on this polygon towards higher indices const QPolygonF *crossPoly = &polygon2; // check for crossings with this polygon while "walking" // and swicht to this polygon on a intersection, // continue to walk towards higher indices // begin with the first index which is not inside crosspoly, if all Vertices are inside crosspoly return crosspoly int startIndex = 0; bool crossContainsWalker = true; for (int i = 0; i < walkerPoly->size(); i++) { if ( !contains(*crossPoly, walkerPoly->at(i)) ) { crossContainsWalker = false; startIndex = i; break; } } if ( crossContainsWalker == true) { joinedPolygon.append(*crossPoly); return JoinPolygonError::PolygonJoined; } QPointF currentVertex = walkerPoly->at(startIndex); QPointF startVertex = currentVertex; // possible nextVertex (if no intersection between currentVertex and protoVertex with crossPoly) int nextVertexNumber = nextVertexIndex(walkerPoly->size(), startIndex); QPointF protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->value(nextVertexNumber); while (1) { //qDebug("nextVertexNumber: %i", nextVertexNumber); joinedPolygon.append(currentVertex); QLineF walkerPolySegment; walkerPolySegment.setP1(currentVertex); walkerPolySegment.setP2(protoNextVertex); QVector> neighbourList; QVector intersectionList; //qDebug("IntersectionList.size() on init: %i", intersectionList.size()); PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(*crossPoly, walkerPolySegment, intersectionList, neighbourList); //qDebug("IntersectionList.size(): %i", intersectionList.size()); if (intersectionList.size() > 0) { int minDistIndex = -1; double minDist = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); for (int i = 0; i < intersectionList.size(); i++) { double currentDist = PlanimetryCalculus::distance(currentVertex, intersectionList[i]); if ( minDist > currentDist && !qFuzzyIsNull(distance(currentVertex, intersectionList[i])) ) { minDist = currentDist; minDistIndex = i; } } if (minDistIndex != -1){ currentVertex = intersectionList.value(minDistIndex); QPair neighbours = neighbourList.value(minDistIndex); protoNextVertex = crossPoly->value(neighbours.second); nextVertexNumber = neighbours.second; // switch walker and cross poly const QPolygonF *temp = walkerPoly; walkerPoly = crossPoly; crossPoly = temp; } else { currentVertex = walkerPoly->value(nextVertexNumber); nextVertexNumber = nextVertexIndex(walkerPoly->size(), nextVertexNumber); protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->value(nextVertexNumber); } } else { currentVertex = walkerPoly->value(nextVertexNumber); nextVertexNumber = nextVertexIndex(walkerPoly->size(), nextVertexNumber); protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->value(nextVertexNumber); } if (currentVertex == startVertex) { if (polygon1.size() == joinedPolygon.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < polygon1.size(); i++) { if (polygon1[i] != joinedPolygon[i]) return PolygonJoined; } return Disjoint; } else { return PolygonJoined; } } } } else { return PathSizeLow; } } /*! * \fn bool isSimplePolygon(const QPolygonF &polygon); * Returns \c true if \a polygon is a \l {Simple Polygon}, \c false else. * \note A polygon is a Simple Polygon iff it is not self intersecting. */ bool isSimplePolygon(const QPolygonF &polygon) { int i = 0; if (polygon.size() > 3) { // check if any edge of the area (formed by two adjacent vertices) intersects with any other edge of the area while(i < polygon.size()-1) { double cCIntersectCounter = 0; // corner corner intersection counter QPointF refBeginCoordinate = polygon[i]; QPointF refEndCoordinate = polygon[nextVertexIndex(polygon.size(), i)]; QLineF refLine; refLine.setP1(refBeginCoordinate); refLine.setP2(refEndCoordinate); int j = nextVertexIndex(polygon.size(), i); while(j < polygon.size()) { QPointF intersectionPt; QLineF iteratorLine; iteratorLine.setP1(polygon[j]); iteratorLine.setP2(polygon[nextVertexIndex(polygon.size(), j)]); PlanimetryCalculus::IntersectType intersectType; PlanimetryCalculus::intersects(refLine, iteratorLine, intersectionPt, intersectType); if ( intersectType == PlanimetryCalculus::CornerCornerIntersection) { cCIntersectCounter++; // max two corner corner intersections allowed, a specific coordinate can appear only once in a simple polygon } if ( cCIntersectCounter > 2 || intersectType == PlanimetryCalculus::EdgeEdgeIntersection || intersectType == PlanimetryCalculus::EdgeCornerIntersection || intersectType == PlanimetryCalculus::LinesEqual || intersectType == PlanimetryCalculus::Error){ return false; } j++; } i++; } } return true; } /*! * \fn bool hasClockwiseWinding(const QPolygonF &polygon) * Returns \c true if \a path has clockwiauto distancese winding, \c false else. */ bool hasClockwiseWinding(const QPolygonF &polygon) { if (polygon.size() <= 2) { return false; } double sum = 0; for (int i=0; i 2) { // Walk the edges, offsetting by theauto distance specified distance QList rgOffsetEdges; for (int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); i++) { int nextIndex = nextVertexIndex(polygon.size(), i); QLineF offsetEdge; QLineF originalEdge(polygon[i], polygon[nextIndex]); QLineF workerLine = originalEdge; workerLine.setLength(offset); workerLine.setAngle(workerLine.angle() - 90.0); offsetEdge.setP1(workerLine.p2()); workerLine.setPoints(originalEdge.p2(), originalEdge.p1()); bool containsPath (const QPointF &c1, const QPointF &c2, QPolygonF polygon); workerLine.setLength(offset); workerLine.setAngle(workerLine.angle() + 90.0); offsetEdge.setP2(workerLine.p2()); rgOffsetEdges << offsetEdge; } // Intersect the offset edges to generate new vertices polygon.clear(); QPointF newVertex; for (int i=0; i &convexPolygons) { // Original Code SurveyComplexItem::_PolygonDecomposeConvex() // this follows "Mark Keil's Algorithm" https://mpen.ca/406/keil int decompSize = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (polygon.size() < 3) return; if (polygon.size() == 3) { convexPolygons << polygon; return; } QList decomposedPolygonsMin{}; for (const QPointF *vertex = polygon.begin(); vertex != polygon.end(); ++vertex) { // is vertex reflex? bool vertexIsReflex = isReflexVertex(polygon, vertex); if (!vertexIsReflex) continue; for (const QPointF *vertexOther = polygon.begin(); vertexOther != polygon.end(); ++vertexOther) { const QPointF *vertexBefore = vertex == polygon.begin() ? polygon.end() - 1 : vertex - 1; const QPointF *vertexAfter = vertex == polygon.end() - 1 ? polygon.begin() : vertex + 1; if (vertexOther == vertex) continue; if (vertexAfter == vertexOther) continue; if (vertexBefore == vertexOther) continue; bool canSee = containsPath(polygon, *vertex, *vertexOther); if (!canSee) continue; QPolygonF polyLeft; const QPointF *v = vertex; bool polyLeftContainsReflex = false; while ( v != vertexOther) { if (v != vertex && isReflexVertex(polygon, v)) { polyLeftContainsReflex = true; } polyLeft << *v; ++v; if (v == polygon.end()) v = polygon.begin(); } polyLeft << *vertexOther; bool polyLeftValid = !(polyLeftContainsReflex && polyLeft.size() == 3); QPolygonF polyRight; v = vertexOther; bool polyRightContainsReflex = false; while ( v != vertex) { if (v != vertex && isReflexVertex(polygon, v)) { polyRightContainsReflex = true; } polyRight << *v; ++v; if (v == polygon.end()) v = polygon.begin(); } polyRight << *vertex; auto polyRightValid = !(polyRightContainsReflex && polyRight.size() == 3); if (!polyLeftValid || ! polyRightValid) { // decompSize = std::numeric_limits::max(); continue; } // recursion QList polyLeftDecomposed{}; decomposeToConvex(polyLeft, polyLeftDecomposed); QList polyRightDecomposed{}; decomposeToConvex(polyRight, polyRightDecomposed); // compositon int subSize = polyLeftDecomposed.size() + polyRightDecomposed.size(); if ( (polyLeftContainsReflex && polyLeftDecomposed.size() == 1) || (polyRightContainsReflex && polyRightDecomposed.size() == 1)) { // don't accept polygons that contian reflex vertices and were not split subSize = std::numeric_limits::max(); } if (subSize < decompSize) { decompSize = subSize; decomposedPolygonsMin = polyLeftDecomposed + polyRightDecomposed; } } } // assemble output if (decomposedPolygonsMin.size() > 0) { convexPolygons << decomposedPolygonsMin; } else { convexPolygons << polygon; } return; } bool shortestPath(const QPolygonF &polygon,const QPointF &startVertex, const QPointF &endVertex, QVector &shortestPath) { using namespace PlanimetryCalculus; QPolygonF bigPolygon(polygon); offsetPolygon(bigPolygon, 0.1); // solves numerical errors if ( bigPolygon.containsPoint(startVertex, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill) && bigPolygon.containsPoint(endVertex, Qt::FillRule::OddEvenFill)) { QVector elementList; elementList.append(startVertex); elementList.append(endVertex); for (auto vertex : polygon) elementList.append(vertex); const int listSize = elementList.size(); std::function distanceDij = [bigPolygon, elementList](const int ind1, const int ind2) -> double { QPointF p1 = elementList[ind1]; QPointF p2 = elementList[ind2]; double dist = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); if (containsPathFast(bigPolygon, p1, p2)){ // containsPathFast can be used since all points are inside bigPolygon double dx = p1.x()-p2.x(); double dy = p1.y()-p2.y(); dist = sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); } return dist; }; QVector shortestPathIndex; bool retVal = OptimisationTools::dijkstraAlgorithm(listSize, 0, 1, shortestPathIndex, distanceDij); for (auto index : shortestPathIndex) shortestPath.append(elementList[index]); return retVal; } else { return false; } } QVector3DList toQVector3DList(const QPolygonF &polygon) { QVector3DList list; for ( auto vertex : polygon ) list.append(QVector3D(vertex)); return list; } QPolygonF toQPolygonF(const QPointFList &listF) { QPolygonF polygon; for ( auto vertex : listF ) polygon.append(vertex); return polygon; } QPointFList toQPointFList(const QPolygonF &polygon) { QPointFList listF; for ( auto vertex : polygon ) listF.append(vertex); return listF; } void reversePath(QPointFList &path) { QPointFList pathReversed; for ( auto element : path) { pathReversed.prepend(element); } path = pathReversed; } void reversePath(QPointFVector &path) { QPointFVector pathReversed; for ( auto element : path) { pathReversed.prepend(element); } path = pathReversed; } bool containsPathFast(QPolygonF polygon, const QPointF &c1, const QPointF &c2) { if ( !polygon.isEmpty()) { QLineF line(c1, c2); if (PlanimetryCalculus::intersectsFast(polygon, line)) return false; return true; } else { return false; } } } // end PolygonCalculus namespace