 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2

import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.FactSystem    1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls  1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers   1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0

QGCView {
    id:         qgcView
    viewPanel:  panel

    // Those user visible strings are hard to translate because we can't send the
    // HTML strings to translation as this can create a security risk. we need to find
    // a better way to hightlight them, or use less hightlights.

    // User visible strings
    readonly property string title:             "FIRMWARE"
    readonly property string highlightPrefix:   "<font color=\"" + qgcPal.warningText + "\">"
    readonly property string highlightSuffix:   "</font>"
    readonly property string welcomeText:       "QGroundControl can upgrade the firmware on Pixhawk devices, SiK Radios and PX4 Flow Smart Cameras."
    readonly property string plugInText:        "<big>" + highlightPrefix + "Plug in your device" + highlightSuffix + " via USB to " + highlightPrefix + "start" + highlightSuffix + " firmware upgrade.</big>"
    readonly property string flashFailText:     "If upgrade failed, make sure to connect " + highlightPrefix + "directly" + highlightSuffix + " to a powered USB port on your computer, not through a USB hub. " +
                                                "Also make sure you are only powered via USB " + highlightPrefix + "not battery" + highlightSuffix + "."
    readonly property string qgcUnplugText1:    "All QGroundControl connections to vehicles must be " + highlightPrefix + " disconnected " + highlightSuffix + "prior to firmware upgrade."
    readonly property string qgcUnplugText2:    highlightPrefix + "<big>Please unplug your Pixhawk and/or Radio from USB.</big>" + highlightSuffix

    property string firmwareWarningMessage
    property bool   controllerCompleted:      false
    property bool   initialBoardSearch:       true
    property string firmwareName

    function cancelFlash() {
        statusTextArea.append(highlightPrefix + qsTr("Upgrade cancelled") + highlightSuffix)

    QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }

    FirmwareUpgradeController {
        id:             controller
        progressBar:    progressBar
        statusLog:      statusTextArea

        property var activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle

        Component.onCompleted: {
            controllerCompleted = true
            if (qgcView.completedSignalled) {
                // We can only start the board search when the Qml and Controller are completely done loading

        onActiveVehicleChanged: {
            if (!activeVehicle) {

        onNoBoardFound: {
            initialBoardSearch = false
            if (!QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable) {

        onBoardGone: {
            initialBoardSearch = false
            if (!QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable) {

        onBoardFound: {
            if (initialBoardSearch) {
                // Board was found right away, so something is already plugged in before we've started upgrade
                QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.autoDisconnect = true
            } else {
                // We end up here when we detect a board plugged in after we've started upgrade
                statusTextArea.append(highlightPrefix + qsTr("Found device") + highlightSuffix + ": " + controller.boardType)
                if (controller.boardType == "Pixhawk" || controller.boardType == "AeroCore" || controller.boardType == "PX4 Flow" || controller.boardType == "PX4 FMU V1" || controller.boardType == "MindPX" || controller.boardType == "TAP V1" || controller.boardType == "ASC V1") {
                    showDialog(pixhawkFirmwareSelectDialogComponent, title, qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)

        onError: {

    onCompleted: {
        if (controllerCompleted) {
            // We can only start the board search when the Qml and Controller are completely done loading

    Component {
        id: pixhawkFirmwareSelectDialogComponent

        QGCViewDialog {
            id:             pixhawkFirmwareSelectDialog
            anchors.fill:   parent

            property bool showFirmwareTypeSelection:    _advanced.checked
            property bool px4Flow:                      controller.boardType == "PX4 Flow"

            function updatePX4VersionDisplay() {
                var versionString = ""
                if (_advanced.checked) {
                    switch (controller.selectedFirmwareType) {
                    case FirmwareUpgradeController.StableFirmware:
                        versionString = controller.px4StableVersion
                    case FirmwareUpgradeController.BetaFirmware:
                        versionString = controller.px4BetaVersion
                } else {
                    versionString = controller.px4StableVersion
                px4FlightStack.text = qsTr("PX4 Flight Stack ") + versionString

            Component.onCompleted: updatePX4VersionDisplay()

            function accept() {
                var stack = apmFlightStack.checked ? FirmwareUpgradeController.AutoPilotStackAPM : FirmwareUpgradeController.AutoPilotStackPX4
                if (px4Flow) {
                    stack = FirmwareUpgradeController.PX4Flow

                var firmwareType = firmwareVersionCombo.model.get(firmwareVersionCombo.currentIndex).firmwareType
                var vehicleType = FirmwareUpgradeController.DefaultVehicleFirmware
                if (apmFlightStack.checked) {
                    vehicleType = controller.vehicleTypeFromVersionIndex(vehicleTypeSelectionCombo.currentIndex)
                controller.flash(stack, firmwareType, vehicleType)

            function reject() {

            ExclusiveGroup {
                id: firmwareGroup

            ListModel {
                id: firmwareTypeList

                ListElement {
                    text:           qsTr("Standard Version (stable)")
                    firmwareType:   FirmwareUpgradeController.StableFirmware
                ListElement {
                    text:           qsTr("Beta Testing (beta)")
                    firmwareType:   FirmwareUpgradeController.BetaFirmware
                ListElement {
                    text:           qsTr("Developer Build (master)")
                    firmwareType:   FirmwareUpgradeController.DeveloperFirmware
                ListElement {
                    text:           qsTr("Custom firmware file...")
                    firmwareType:   FirmwareUpgradeController.CustomFirmware

            ListModel {
                id: px4FlowTypeList

                ListElement {
                    text:           qsTr("Standard Version (stable)")
                    firmwareType:   FirmwareUpgradeController.StableFirmware
                ListElement {
                    text:           qsTr("Custom firmware file...")
                    firmwareType:   FirmwareUpgradeController.CustomFirmware

            Column {
                anchors.fill:   parent
                spacing:        defaultTextHeight

                QGCLabel {
                    width:      parent.width
                    wrapMode:   Text.WordWrap
                    text:       px4Flow ? "Detected PX4 Flow board. You can select from the following firmware:" : "Detected Pixhawk board. You can select from the following flight stacks:"

                function firmwareVersionChanged(model) {
                    firmwareVersionWarningLabel.visible = false
                    // All of this bizarre, setting model to null and index to 1 and then to 0 is to work around
                    // strangeness in the combo box implementation. This sequence of steps correctly changes the combo model
                    // without generating any warnings and correctly updates the combo text with the new selection.
                    firmwareVersionCombo.model = null
                    firmwareVersionCombo.model = model
                    firmwareVersionCombo.currentIndex = 1
                    firmwareVersionCombo.currentIndex = 0

                QGCRadioButton {
                    id:             px4FlightStack
                    checked:        true
                    exclusiveGroup: firmwareGroup
                    text:           qsTr("PX4 Flight Stack ")
                    visible:        !px4Flow

                    onClicked: parent.firmwareVersionChanged(firmwareTypeList)

                QGCRadioButton {
                    id:             apmFlightStack
                    exclusiveGroup: firmwareGroup
                    text:           qsTr("ArduPilot Flight Stack")
                    visible:        !px4Flow

                    onClicked: parent.firmwareVersionChanged(firmwareTypeList)

                QGCComboBox {
                    id:             vehicleTypeSelectionCombo
                    anchors.left:   parent.left
                    anchors.right:  parent.right
                    visible:        apmFlightStack.checked
                    model:          controller.apmAvailableVersions

                Row {
                    width:      parent.width
                    spacing:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
                    visible:    !px4Flow

                    Rectangle {
                        height: 1
                        width:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 5
                        color:      qgcPal.text
                        anchors.verticalCenter: _advanced.verticalCenter

                    QGCCheckBox {
                        id:         _advanced
                        text:       qsTr("Advanced settings")
                        checked:    px4Flow ? true : false

                        onClicked: {
                            firmwareVersionCombo.currentIndex = 0
                            firmwareVersionWarningLabel.visible = false

                    Rectangle {
                        height:     1
                        width:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 5
                        color:      qgcPal.text
                        anchors.verticalCenter: _advanced.verticalCenter

                QGCLabel {
                    width:      parent.width
                    wrapMode:   Text.WordWrap
                    visible:    showFirmwareTypeSelection
                    text:       px4Flow ? qsTr("Select which version of the firmware you would like to install:") : qsTr("Select which version of the above flight stack you would like to install:")

                QGCComboBox {
                    id:             firmwareVersionCombo
                    anchors.left:   parent.left
                    anchors.right:  parent.right
                    visible:        showFirmwareTypeSelection
                    model:          px4Flow ? px4FlowTypeList : firmwareTypeList
                    currentIndex:   controller.selectedFirmwareType

                    onActivated: {
                        controller.selectedFirmwareType = index
                        if (model.get(index).firmwareType == FirmwareUpgradeController.BetaFirmware) {
                            firmwareVersionWarningLabel.visible = true
                            firmwareVersionWarningLabel.text = qsTr("WARNING: BETA FIRMWARE. ") +
                                    qsTr("This firmware version is ONLY intended for beta testers. ") +
                                    qsTr("Although it has received FLIGHT TESTING, it represents actively changed code. ") +
                                    qsTr("Do NOT use for normal operation.")
                        } else if (model.get(index).firmwareType == FirmwareUpgradeController.DeveloperFirmware) {
                            firmwareVersionWarningLabel.visible = true
                            firmwareVersionWarningLabel.text = qsTr("WARNING: CONTINUOUS BUILD FIRMWARE. ") +
                                    qsTr("This firmware has NOT BEEN FLIGHT TESTED. ") +
                                    qsTr("It is only intended for DEVELOPERS. ") +
                                    qsTr("Run bench tests without props first. ") +
                                    qsTr("Do NOT fly this without additional safety precautions. ") +
                                    qsTr("Follow the mailing list actively when using it.")
                        } else {
                            firmwareVersionWarningLabel.visible = false

                QGCLabel {
                    id:         firmwareVersionWarningLabel
                    width:      parent.width
                    wrapMode:   Text.WordWrap
                    visible:    false
            } // Column
        } // QGCViewDialog
    } // Component - pixhawkFirmwareSelectDialogComponent

    Component {
        id: firmwareWarningDialog

        QGCViewMessage {
            message: firmwareWarningMessage

            function accept() {

    QGCViewPanel {
        id:             panel
        anchors.fill:   parent

        QGCLabel {
            id:             titleLabel
            text:           title
            font.pointSize: ScreenTools.mediumFontPointSize

        ProgressBar {
            id:                 progressBar
            anchors.topMargin:  ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
            anchors.top:        titleLabel.bottom
            width:              parent.width

        TextArea {
            id:                 statusTextArea
            anchors.topMargin:  ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
            anchors.top:        progressBar.bottom
            anchors.bottom:     parent.bottom
            width:              parent.width
            readOnly:           true
            frameVisible:       false
            font.pointSize:     ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize
            textFormat:         TextEdit.RichText
            text:               welcomeText

            style: TextAreaStyle {
                textColor:          qgcPal.text
                backgroundColor:    qgcPal.windowShade
    } // QGCViewPabel
} // QGCView