[ { "name": "DeltaR", "shortDescription": "The distance between two consecutive circles.", "type": "double", "units": "m", "min": 0.3, "decimalPlaces": 1, "defaultValue": 20.0 }, { "name": "DeltaAlpha", "shortDescription": "Angle discretisation of the circles.", "type": "double", "units": "Deg", "min": 0.3, "max": 90, "decimalPlaces": 1, "defaultValue": 5.0 }, { "name": "TransectMinLength", "shortDescription": "The minimal length transects must have to be accepted.", "type": "double", "units": "m", "min": 0.3, "decimalPlaces": 1, "defaultValue": 5.0 }, { "name": "IsSnakePath", "shortDescription": "Determines whether the transects are arranged in a snake or a zig-zag manner.", "type": "bool", "defaultValue": 1 }, { "name": "Reverse", "shortDescription": "Reverses the transect path.", "type": "bool", "defaultValue": 0 }, { "name": "MaxWaypoints", "shortDescription": "The maximum number of waypoints the circular survey can containt. To many waypoints cause a performance hit.", "type": "uint32", "defaultValue": 2000, "min": 1, "max": 20000 } ]