QGroundControl Open Source Micro Air Vehicle Ground Control Station Project: http://qgroundcontrol.org Files: http://github.com/mavlink/qgroundcontrol http://github.com/mavlink/mavlink Credits: http://qgroundcontrol.org/credits ********************************************************************************************** * PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE MAVLINK LIBRARY IN ORDER TO COMPILE THIS APPLICATION * ********************************************************************************************** Mac OS X ======== To build on Mac OS X (10.5 or later): Install SDL ----------- 1) Download SDL from: 2) From the SDL disk image, copy the `sdl.framework` bundle to `/Library/Frameworks` directory (if you are not an admin copy to `~/Library/Framewroks`) Install QT with Cocoa ---------------------- 1) Download Qt 4.6.2 with Cocoa from `http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-cocoa-opensource-4.6.2.dmg` 2) Double click the package installer Get the MAVLINK Library ----------------------- 1) Clone the MAVLINK repository : `git clone git@github.com:pixhawk/mavlink.git`. **NOTE:** Make sure that the mavlink directory is in the same directory as groundcontrol. QGround control will look for mavlink library in ../mavlink Build QGroundControl -------------------- 1) From the terminal go to the `groundcontrol` directory 2) Run `qmake` 3) Run `xcodebuild -configuration Release` or open `qgroundcontrol.xcodeproj` in Xcode and build. Linux ===== To build on Linux: sudo apt-get install phonon libqt4-dev \ libphonon-dev libphonon4 phonon-backend-gstreamer \ qtcreator libsdl1.2-dev libflite1 flite1-dev build-essential cd directory git clone https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink.git git clone https://github.com/mavlink/qgroundcontrol.git go to thirdParty -> libxbee Create Library -> Readme file in folder Ubuntu Application Menu -> Development -> Qt Creator QtCreator Menu File -> Open File or Project.. Open directory/qgroundcontrol/qgroundcontrol.pro Hit the green play button to compile and launch it Done. Windows ======= GNU GCC / MINGW IS UNTESTED, COULD WORK VISUAL STUDIO 2008 / 2010 EXPRESS EDITION IS FREE! Steps for Visual Studio 2008 / 2010: Windows XP/7: 1) Download and install the Qt libraries for Windows from https://qt.nokia.com/downloads/ (the Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 version as appropriate) 2) Download and install Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 Express Edition (free) from https://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio 3) Go to the QGroundControl folder and then to thirdParty/libxbee and build it following the instructions in win32.README 4) Open the Qt Command Prompt program (should be in the Start Menu), navigate to the source folder of QGroundControl and create the Visual Studio project by typing: `qmake -tp vc qgroundcontrol.pro` 5) Now start Visual Studio and load the qgroundcontrol.vcproj if using Visual Studio 2008 or qgroundcontrol.vcxproj if using Visual Studio 2010 6) Compile and edit in Visual Studio. If you need to add new files, add them to qgroundcontrol.pro and re-run `qmake -tp vc qgroundcontrol.pro`