/** * \file PolarStereographic.cpp * \brief Implementation for GeographicLib::PolarStereographic class * * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2008-2017) <charles@karney.com> and licensed * under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/ **********************************************************************/ #include "PolarStereographic.hpp" namespace GeographicLib { using namespace std; PolarStereographic::PolarStereographic(real a, real f, real k0) : _a(a) , _f(f) , _e2(_f * (2 - _f)) , _es((_f < 0 ? -1 : 1) * sqrt(abs(_e2))) , _e2m(1 - _e2) , _c( (1 - _f) * exp(Math::eatanhe(real(1), _es)) ) , _k0(k0) { if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1)) throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(_k0) && _k0 > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive"); } const PolarStereographic& PolarStereographic::UPS() { static const PolarStereographic ups(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f(), Constants::UPS_k0()); return ups; } // This formulation converts to conformal coordinates by tau = tan(phi) and // tau' = tan(phi') where phi' is the conformal latitude. The formulas are: // tau = tan(phi) // secphi = hypot(1, tau) // sig = sinh(e * atanh(e * tau / secphi)) // taup = tan(phip) = tau * hypot(1, sig) - sig * hypot(1, tau) // c = (1 - f) * exp(e * atanh(e)) // // Forward: // rho = (2*k0*a/c) / (hypot(1, taup) + taup) (taup >= 0) // = (2*k0*a/c) * (hypot(1, taup) - taup) (taup < 0) // // Reverse: // taup = ((2*k0*a/c) / rho - rho / (2*k0*a/c))/2 // // Scale: // k = (rho/a) * secphi * sqrt((1-e2) + e2 / secphi^2) // // In limit rho -> 0, tau -> inf, taup -> inf, secphi -> inf, secphip -> inf // secphip = taup = exp(-e * atanh(e)) * tau = exp(-e * atanh(e)) * secphi void PolarStereographic::Forward(bool northp, real lat, real lon, real& x, real& y, real& gamma, real& k) const { lat = Math::LatFix(lat); lat *= northp ? 1 : -1; real tau = Math::tand(lat), secphi = Math::hypot(real(1), tau), taup = Math::taupf(tau, _es), rho = Math::hypot(real(1), taup) + abs(taup); rho = taup >= 0 ? (lat != 90 ? 1/rho : 0) : rho; rho *= 2 * _k0 * _a / _c; k = lat != 90 ? (rho / _a) * secphi * sqrt(_e2m + _e2 / Math::sq(secphi)) : _k0; Math::sincosd(lon, x, y); x *= rho; y *= (northp ? -rho : rho); gamma = Math::AngNormalize(northp ? lon : -lon); } void PolarStereographic::Reverse(bool northp, real x, real y, real& lat, real& lon, real& gamma, real& k) const { real rho = Math::hypot(x, y), t = rho != 0 ? rho / (2 * _k0 * _a / _c) : Math::sq(numeric_limits<real>::epsilon()), taup = (1 / t - t) / 2, tau = Math::tauf(taup, _es), secphi = Math::hypot(real(1), tau); k = rho != 0 ? (rho / _a) * secphi * sqrt(_e2m + _e2 / Math::sq(secphi)) : _k0; lat = (northp ? 1 : -1) * Math::atand(tau); lon = Math::atan2d(x, northp ? -y : y ); gamma = Math::AngNormalize(northp ? lon : -lon); } void PolarStereographic::SetScale(real lat, real k) { if (!(Math::isfinite(k) && k > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive"); if (!(-90 < lat && lat <= 90)) throw GeographicErr("Latitude must be in (-90d, 90d]"); real x, y, gamma, kold; _k0 = 1; Forward(true, lat, 0, x, y, gamma, kold); _k0 *= k/kold; } } // namespace GeographicLib