Welcome to libxbee! I have proveded sample code in the ./sample directory. Hopefully this will help get you up and running with libxbee. If you would like samples showing a different aspect of libxbee, then please do not hesitate to file an 'issue' on the project site, and I will get to it ASAP: http://code.google.com/p/libxbee/issues/list Documentation is avaliable as HTML in the 'doc' folder. Please note that this project is still in development, so should not be used for any purpose other than learning/playing/testing etc... Basically don't use it to make money, and then hold me responsible if it breaks! Feel free to contact me directly with any queries: attie@attie.co.uk === Compiling & Using === To compile you must: 1) Have Visual C++ 2008 (v9.0) installed (Express or otherwise) 2) Have make installed - see GnuWin 3) Modify win32.makefile so that the paths at the top are correct Compile using `make -f win32.makefile` from the command prompt For C/C++ (and probrably others) just include xbee.h and link with libxbee.dll For VB6 see ./sample/vb6/ for more info & examples