/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_color_map.h" #include "qwt_math.h" #include "qwt_interval.h" #include class QwtLinearColorMap::ColorStops { public: ColorStops() { _stops.reserve( 256 ); } void insert( double pos, const QColor &color ); QRgb rgb( QwtLinearColorMap::Mode, double pos ) const; QVector stops() const; private: class ColorStop { public: ColorStop(): pos( 0.0 ), rgb( 0 ) { }; ColorStop( double p, const QColor &c ): pos( p ), rgb( c.rgb() ) { r = qRed( rgb ); g = qGreen( rgb ); b = qBlue( rgb ); } double pos; QRgb rgb; int r, g, b; }; inline int findUpper( double pos ) const; QVector _stops; }; void QwtLinearColorMap::ColorStops::insert( double pos, const QColor &color ) { // Lookups need to be very fast, insertions are not so important. // Anyway, a balanced tree is what we need here. TODO ... if ( pos < 0.0 || pos > 1.0 ) return; int index; if ( _stops.size() == 0 ) { index = 0; _stops.resize( 1 ); } else { index = findUpper( pos ); if ( index == _stops.size() || qAbs( _stops[index].pos - pos ) >= 0.001 ) { _stops.resize( _stops.size() + 1 ); for ( int i = _stops.size() - 1; i > index; i-- ) _stops[i] = _stops[i-1]; } } _stops[index] = ColorStop( pos, color ); } inline QVector QwtLinearColorMap::ColorStops::stops() const { QVector positions( _stops.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < _stops.size(); i++ ) positions[i] = _stops[i].pos; return positions; } inline int QwtLinearColorMap::ColorStops::findUpper( double pos ) const { int index = 0; int n = _stops.size(); const ColorStop *stops = _stops.data(); while ( n > 0 ) { const int half = n >> 1; const int middle = index + half; if ( stops[middle].pos <= pos ) { index = middle + 1; n -= half + 1; } else n = half; } return index; } inline QRgb QwtLinearColorMap::ColorStops::rgb( QwtLinearColorMap::Mode mode, double pos ) const { if ( pos <= 0.0 ) return _stops[0].rgb; if ( pos >= 1.0 ) return _stops[ _stops.size() - 1 ].rgb; const int index = findUpper( pos ); if ( mode == FixedColors ) { return _stops[index-1].rgb; } else { const ColorStop &s1 = _stops[index-1]; const ColorStop &s2 = _stops[index]; const double ratio = ( pos - s1.pos ) / ( s2.pos - s1.pos ); const int r = s1.r + qRound( ratio * ( s2.r - s1.r ) ); const int g = s1.g + qRound( ratio * ( s2.g - s1.g ) ); const int b = s1.b + qRound( ratio * ( s2.b - s1.b ) ); return qRgb( r, g, b ); } } //! Constructor QwtColorMap::QwtColorMap( Format format ): d_format( format ) { } //! Destructor QwtColorMap::~QwtColorMap() { } /*! Build and return a color map of 256 colors The color table is needed for rendering indexed images in combination with using colorIndex(). \param interval Range for the values \return A color table, that can be used for a QImage */ QVector QwtColorMap::colorTable( const QwtInterval &interval ) const { QVector table( 256 ); if ( interval.isValid() ) { const double step = interval.width() / ( table.size() - 1 ); for ( int i = 0; i < table.size(); i++ ) table[i] = rgb( interval, interval.minValue() + step * i ); } return table; } class QwtLinearColorMap::PrivateData { public: ColorStops colorStops; QwtLinearColorMap::Mode mode; }; /*! Build a color map with two stops at 0.0 and 1.0. The color at 0.0 is Qt::blue, at 1.0 it is Qt::yellow. \param format Preferred format of the color map */ QwtLinearColorMap::QwtLinearColorMap( QwtColorMap::Format format ): QwtColorMap( format ) { d_data = new PrivateData; d_data->mode = ScaledColors; setColorInterval( Qt::blue, Qt::yellow ); } /*! Build a color map with two stops at 0.0 and 1.0. \param color1 Color used for the minimum value of the value interval \param color2 Color used for the maximum value of the value interval \param format Preferred format for the color map */ QwtLinearColorMap::QwtLinearColorMap( const QColor &color1, const QColor &color2, QwtColorMap::Format format ): QwtColorMap( format ) { d_data = new PrivateData; d_data->mode = ScaledColors; setColorInterval( color1, color2 ); } //! Destructor QwtLinearColorMap::~QwtLinearColorMap() { delete d_data; } /*! \brief Set the mode of the color map FixedColors means the color is calculated from the next lower color stop. ScaledColors means the color is calculated by interpolating the colors of the adjacent stops. \sa mode() */ void QwtLinearColorMap::setMode( Mode mode ) { d_data->mode = mode; } /*! \return Mode of the color map \sa setMode() */ QwtLinearColorMap::Mode QwtLinearColorMap::mode() const { return d_data->mode; } /*! Set the color range Add stops at 0.0 and 1.0. \param color1 Color used for the minimum value of the value interval \param color2 Color used for the maximum value of the value interval \sa color1(), color2() */ void QwtLinearColorMap::setColorInterval( const QColor &color1, const QColor &color2 ) { d_data->colorStops = ColorStops(); d_data->colorStops.insert( 0.0, color1 ); d_data->colorStops.insert( 1.0, color2 ); } /*! Add a color stop The value has to be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. F.e. a stop at position 17.0 for a range [10.0,20.0] must be passed as: (17.0 - 10.0) / (20.0 - 10.0) \param value Value between [0.0, 1.0] \param color Color stop */ void QwtLinearColorMap::addColorStop( double value, const QColor& color ) { if ( value >= 0.0 && value <= 1.0 ) d_data->colorStops.insert( value, color ); } /*! \return Positions of color stops in increasing order */ QVector QwtLinearColorMap::colorStops() const { return d_data->colorStops.stops(); } /*! \return the first color of the color range \sa setColorInterval() */ QColor QwtLinearColorMap::color1() const { return QColor( d_data->colorStops.rgb( d_data->mode, 0.0 ) ); } /*! \return the second color of the color range \sa setColorInterval() */ QColor QwtLinearColorMap::color2() const { return QColor( d_data->colorStops.rgb( d_data->mode, 1.0 ) ); } /*! Map a value of a given interval into a RGB value \param interval Range for all values \param value Value to map into a RGB value \return RGB value for value */ QRgb QwtLinearColorMap::rgb( const QwtInterval &interval, double value ) const { if ( qIsNaN(value) ) return qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); const double width = interval.width(); double ratio = 0.0; if ( width > 0.0 ) ratio = ( value - interval.minValue() ) / width; return d_data->colorStops.rgb( d_data->mode, ratio ); } /*! \brief Map a value of a given interval into a color index \param interval Range for all values \param value Value to map into a color index \return Index, between 0 and 255 */ unsigned char QwtLinearColorMap::colorIndex( const QwtInterval &interval, double value ) const { const double width = interval.width(); if ( qIsNaN(value) || width <= 0.0 || value <= interval.minValue() ) return 0; if ( value >= interval.maxValue() ) return 255; const double ratio = ( value - interval.minValue() ) / width; unsigned char index; if ( d_data->mode == FixedColors ) index = static_cast( ratio * 255 ); // always floor else index = static_cast( qRound( ratio * 255 ) ); return index; } class QwtAlphaColorMap::PrivateData { public: QColor color; QRgb rgb; }; /*! Constructor \param color Color of the map */ QwtAlphaColorMap::QwtAlphaColorMap( const QColor &color ): QwtColorMap( QwtColorMap::RGB ) { d_data = new PrivateData; d_data->color = color; d_data->rgb = color.rgb() & qRgba( 255, 255, 255, 0 ); } //! Destructor QwtAlphaColorMap::~QwtAlphaColorMap() { delete d_data; } /*! Set the color \param color Color \sa color() */ void QwtAlphaColorMap::setColor( const QColor &color ) { d_data->color = color; d_data->rgb = color.rgb(); } /*! \return the color \sa setColor() */ QColor QwtAlphaColorMap::color() const { return d_data->color; } /*! \brief Map a value of a given interval into a alpha value alpha := (value - interval.minValue()) / interval.width(); \param interval Range for all values \param value Value to map into a RGB value \return RGB value, with an alpha value */ QRgb QwtAlphaColorMap::rgb( const QwtInterval &interval, double value ) const { const double width = interval.width(); if ( !qIsNaN(value) && width >= 0.0 ) { const double ratio = ( value - interval.minValue() ) / width; int alpha = qRound( 255 * ratio ); if ( alpha < 0 ) alpha = 0; if ( alpha > 255 ) alpha = 255; return d_data->rgb | ( alpha << 24 ); } return d_data->rgb; } /*! Dummy function, needed to be implemented as it is pure virtual in QwtColorMap. Color indices make no sense in combination with an alpha channel. \return Always 0 */ unsigned char QwtAlphaColorMap::colorIndex( const QwtInterval &, double ) const { return 0; }