/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Map Tile Set * * @author Gus Grubba <mavlink@grubba.com> * */ #ifndef QGC_MAP_TILE_SET_H #define QGC_MAP_TILE_SET_H #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <QHash> #include <QDateTime> #include <QImage> #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include "QGCMapEngineData.h" #include "QGCMapUrlEngine.h" Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QGCCachedTileSetLog) class QGCTile; class QGCMapEngineManager; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class QGCCachedTileSet : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QGCCachedTileSet (const QString& name, const QString& description); ~QGCCachedTileSet (); Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QString mapTypeStr READ mapTypeStr CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(double topleftLon READ topleftLon CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(double topleftLat READ topleftLat CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(double bottomRightLon READ bottomRightLon CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(double bottomRightLat READ bottomRightLat CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int minZoom READ minZoom CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int maxZoom READ maxZoom CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(quint32 numTiles READ numTiles NOTIFY numTilesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString numTilesStr READ numTilesStr NOTIFY numTilesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint64 tilesSize READ tilesSize NOTIFY tilesSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString tilesSizeStr READ tilesSizeStr NOTIFY tilesSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint32 savedTiles READ savedTiles NOTIFY savedTilesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString savedTilesStr READ savedTilesStr NOTIFY savedTilesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint64 savedSize READ savedSize NOTIFY savedSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString savedSizeStr READ savedSizeStr NOTIFY savedSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString downloadStatus READ downloadStatus NOTIFY savedSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime creationDate READ creationDate CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(bool complete READ complete NOTIFY completeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool defaultSet READ defaultSet CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(quint64 setID READ setID CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(bool deleting READ deleting NOTIFY deletingChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool downloading READ downloading NOTIFY downloadingChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint32 errorCount READ errorCount NOTIFY errorCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString errorCountStr READ errorCountStr NOTIFY errorCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QImage thumbNail READ thumbNail CONSTANT) Q_INVOKABLE void createDownloadTask (); Q_INVOKABLE void resumeDownloadTask (); Q_INVOKABLE void cancelDownloadTask (); void setManager (QGCMapEngineManager* mgr); QString name () { return _name; } QString description () { return _description; } QString mapTypeStr () { return _mapTypeStr; } double topleftLat () { return _topleftLat; } double topleftLon () { return _topleftLon; } double bottomRightLat () { return _bottomRightLat; } double bottomRightLon () { return _bottomRightLon; } quint32 numTiles () { return (quint32)_numTiles; } QString numTilesStr (); quint64 tilesSize () { return (quint64)_tilesSize; } QString tilesSizeStr (); quint32 savedTiles () { return (quint32)_savedTiles; } QString savedTilesStr (); quint64 savedSize () { return (quint64)_savedSize; } QString savedSizeStr (); QString downloadStatus (); int minZoom () { return _minZoom; } int maxZoom () { return _maxZoom; } QDateTime creationDate () { return _creationDate; } quint64 id () { return _id; } UrlFactory::MapType type () { return _type; } bool complete () { return _defaultSet || (_numTiles == _savedTiles); } bool defaultSet () { return _defaultSet; } quint64 setID () { return _id; } bool deleting () { return _deleting; } bool downloading () { return _downloading; } quint32 errorCount () { return _errorCount; } QString errorCountStr (); QImage thumbNail () { return _thumbNail; } void setName (QString name) { _name = name; } void setDescription (QString desc) { _description = desc; } void setMapTypeStr (QString typeStr) { _mapTypeStr = typeStr; } void setTopleftLat (double lat) { _topleftLat = lat; } void setTopleftLon (double lon) { _topleftLon = lon; } void setBottomRightLat (double lat) { _bottomRightLat = lat; } void setBottomRightLon (double lon) { _bottomRightLon = lon; } void setNumTiles (quint32 num) { _numTiles = num; } void setTilesSize (quint64 size) { _tilesSize = size; } void setSavedTiles (quint32 num) { _savedTiles = num; emit savedTilesChanged(); } void setSavedSize (quint64 size) { _savedSize = size; emit savedSizeChanged(); } void setMinZoom (int zoom) { _minZoom = zoom; } void setMaxZoom (int zoom) { _maxZoom = zoom; } void setCreationDate (QDateTime date) { _creationDate = date; } void setId (quint64 id) { _id = id; } void setType (UrlFactory::MapType type) { _type = type; } void setDefaultSet (bool def) { _defaultSet = def; } void setDeleting (bool del) { _deleting = del; emit deletingChanged(); } void setDownloading (bool down) { _downloading = down; } void setThumbNail (const QImage& thumb) { _thumbNail = thumb; } signals: void deletingChanged (); void downloadingChanged (); void numTilesChanged (); void tilesSizeChanged (); void savedTilesChanged (); void savedSizeChanged (); void completeChanged (); void errorCountChanged (); private slots: void _tileListFetched (QList<QGCTile*> tiles); void _networkReplyFinished (); void _networkReplyError (QNetworkReply::NetworkError error); private: void _prepareDownload (); private: QString _name; QString _description; QString _mapTypeStr; double _topleftLat; double _topleftLon; double _bottomRightLat; double _bottomRightLon; quint32 _numTiles; quint64 _tilesSize; quint32 _savedTiles; quint64 _savedSize; int _minZoom; int _maxZoom; bool _defaultSet; bool _deleting; bool _downloading; QDateTime _creationDate; quint64 _id; UrlFactory::MapType _type; QNetworkAccessManager* _networkManager; QHash<QString, QNetworkReply*> _replies; quint32 _errorCount; //-- Tile download QList<QGCTile *> _tilesToDownload; bool _noMoreTiles; bool _batchRequested; QGCMapEngineManager* _manager; QImage _thumbNail; }; #endif // QGC_MAP_TILE_SET_H