    "name":             "VideoSource",
    "shortDescription": "Video source",
    "longDescription":  "Source for video. UDP, RTSP and UVC Cameras may be supported depending on Vehicle and ground station version.",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "VideoUDPPort",
    "shortDescription": "Video UDP Port",
    "longDescription":  "UDP port to bind to for video stream.",
    "type":             "uint16",
    "min":              1025,
    "defaultValue":     5600
    "name":             "VideoRTSPUrl",
    "shortDescription": "Video RTSP Url",
    "longDescription":  "RTSP url address and port to bind to for video stream. Example: rtsp://",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "VideoSavePath",
    "shortDescription": "Video save directory",
    "longDescription":  "Directory to save videos to.",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "VideoAspectRatio",
    "shortDescription": "Video Aspect Ratio",
    "longDescription":  "Video Aspect Ratio (width / height). Use 0.0 to ignore it.",
    "type":             "float",
    "decimalPlaces":    6,
    "defaultValue":     1.777777
    "name":             "VideoGridLines",
    "shortDescription": "Video Grid Lines",
    "longDescription":  "Displays a grid overlayed over the video view.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "Hide,Show",
    "enumValues":       "1,0",
    "defaultValue":     0