#include "WimaController.h" WimaController::WimaController(QObject *parent) : QObject (parent) ,_planView (true) ,_visualItems (new QmlObjectListModel(parent)) ,_currentPolygonIndex (-1) { connect(this, &WimaController::currentPolygonIndexChanged, this, &WimaController::recalcPolygonInteractivity); } void WimaController::setMasterController(PlanMasterController *masterC) { _masterController = masterC; emit masterControllerChanged(); } void WimaController::setMissionController(MissionController *missionC) { _missionController = missionC; emit missionControllerChanged(); } void WimaController::setCurrentPolygonIndex(int index) { if(index >= 0 && index < _visualItems->count() && index != _currentPolygonIndex){ _currentPolygonIndex = index; emit currentPolygonIndexChanged(index); } } void WimaController::removeArea(int index) { if(index >= 0 && index < _visualItems->count()){ _visualItems->removeAt(index); emit visualItemsChanged(); if (_visualItems->count() == 0) { // this branch is reached if all items are removed // to guarentee proper behavior, _currentPolygonIndex must be set to a invalid value, as on constructor init. _currentPolygonIndex = -1; return; } if(_currentPolygonIndex >= _visualItems->count()){ setCurrentPolygonIndex(_visualItems->count() - 1); }else{ recalcPolygonInteractivity(_currentPolygonIndex); } }else{ qWarning("Index out of bounds!"); } } void WimaController::addGOperationArea() { WimaGOperationArea* newPoly = new WimaGOperationArea(this); _visualItems->append(newPoly); int newIndex = _visualItems->count()-1; setCurrentPolygonIndex(newIndex); emit visualItemsChanged(); } void WimaController::addServiceArea() { WimaServiceArea* newPoly = new WimaServiceArea(this); _visualItems->append(newPoly); int newIndex = _visualItems->count()-1; setCurrentPolygonIndex(newIndex); emit visualItemsChanged(); } bool WimaController::addVehicleCorridor(WimaGOperationArea *opArea, WimaServiceArea *serviceArea) { WimaVCorridor* corridor = nullptr; if (opArea != nullptr && serviceArea != nullptr){ for (int i = 0; i < _visualItems->count(); i++) { corridor = qobject_cast(_visualItems->get(i)); if (corridor != nullptr){ if (corridor->serviceArea() == serviceArea && corridor->opArea() == opArea){ break; }else { corridor = nullptr; } } } bool newCorridorCreated = false; if(corridor == nullptr){ corridor = new WimaVCorridor(this); newCorridorCreated = true; }else { corridor->clear(); } QList opAreaPolyline = opArea->polyline()->coordinateList(); QList serAreaPolyline = serviceArea->polyline()->coordinateList(); if (opAreaPolyline.size() > 1 && serAreaPolyline.size() > 1){ corridor->appendVertices(opAreaPolyline); corridor->appendVertices(serAreaPolyline); if (newCorridorCreated){ corridor->setServiceArea(serviceArea); corridor->setOpArea(opArea); serviceArea->setVehicleCorridor(corridor); opArea->setVehicleCorridor(corridor); _visualItems->append(corridor); emit visualItemsChanged(); } return true; }else { qWarning("WimaController::addVehicleCorridor(): OpArea or serviceArea polyline size <= 1!"); if (newCorridorCreated){ corridor->deleteLater(); } return false; } }else { return false; } } void WimaController::startMission() { } void WimaController::abortMission() { } void WimaController::pauseMission() { } void WimaController::resumeMission() { } bool WimaController::updateMission() { // pick first WimaGOperationArea WimaGOperationArea* opArea = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < _visualItems->count(); i++) { WimaGOperationArea* currentArea = qobject_cast(_visualItems->get(i)); if (currentArea != nullptr){ opArea = currentArea; break; } } // pick first WimaServiceArea WimaServiceArea* serArea = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < _visualItems->count(); i++) { WimaServiceArea* currentArea = qobject_cast(_visualItems->get(i)); if (currentArea != nullptr){ serArea = currentArea; break; } } // calc. vehicle corridor if (opArea != nullptr && serArea != nullptr){ if(!addVehicleCorridor(opArea, serArea)){ return false; } }else{ return false; } // create survey mission, will be extened with more mission types in the future int secNumber = _missionController->insertComplexMissionItem(_missionController->surveyComplexItemName(), new QGeoCoordinate(), _missionController->visualItems()->count()); SurveyComplexItem* survey = qobject_cast(_missionController->visualItems()->get(secNumber)); if (survey != nullptr) { survey-> }else{ return false; } } void WimaController::saveMission() { } void WimaController::loadMission() { } void WimaController::recalcVehicleCorridor() { } void WimaController::recalcVehicleMeasurementAreas() { } void WimaController::recalcAll() { } void WimaController::recalcPolygonInteractivity(int index) { resetAllIsCurrentPolygon(); WimaArea* interactivePoly = qobject_cast(_visualItems->get(index)); interactivePoly->setInteractive(true); } void WimaController::resetAllIsCurrentPolygon() { int itemCount = _visualItems->count(); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { WimaArea* iteratorPoly = qobject_cast(_visualItems->get(i)); iteratorPoly->setInteractive(false); } }