/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2008, University of Florida * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of OpenJAUS. OpenJAUS is distributed under the BSD * license. See the LICENSE file for details. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Florida nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ****************************************************************************/ #include <jaus.h> // JAUS message set (USER: JAUS libraries must be installed first) #include <openJaus.h> #include <pthread.h> // Multi-threading functions (standard to unix) #include <stdlib.h> //#include <unistd.h> // Unix standard functions #include <string.h> #include "properties.h" #include "vehicleSim.h" #if defined (WIN32) #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <math.h> #define CONFIG_DIRECTORY ".\\config\\" #elif defined(__linux) || defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) #define CONFIG_DIRECTORY "./config/" #endif #define MIN_TURNING_RADIUS_M 4.25 #define IDLE_FORCE_N 200.0 #define VEHICLE_MASS_KG 1700.0 #define DRAG_COEFF_N_PER_MPS_SQ 100.0 #define K_STEERING 2.0 #define MAX_STEERING_RATE 50.0 #define K_THROTTLE 40.0 #define BRAKE_TAU 1.0 #define K_DYNAMIC_BRAKE 60.0 #define K_STATIC_BRAKE 100.0 void *vehicleSimThread(void *); static int vehicleSimRun = FALSE; static double vehicleSimThreadHz = 0; // Stores the calculated uvehicleSimate rate for main state thread static int vehicleSimThreadRunning = FALSE; static pthread_t vehicleSimThreadId; // pthread component thread identifier static Properties vehicleSimProperties; static int vehicleRunPause = VEHICLE_SIM_RUN; static PointLla vehiclePosLla = NULL; static PointUtm vehiclePosUtm = NULL; static double vehicleH = 0; static double vehicleSpeed = 0; static double vehicleDesiredRotationalEffort = 0; static double vehicleDesiredLinearEffortX = 0; static double vehicleDesiredResistiveEffortX = 0; static double vehicleRotationalEffort = 0; static double vehicleLinearEffortX = 0; static double vehicleResistiveEffortX = 0; int vehicleSimStartup(void) { FILE * propertyFile = NULL; char *property = NULL; pthread_attr_t attr; // Thread attributed for the component threads spawned in this function char fileName[128] = {0}; // Create vehiclePosLla object vehiclePosLla = pointLlaCreate(); if(!vehiclePosLla) { //cError("vehicleSim: Could not create vehicleSimThread\n"); vehicleSimShutdown(); return VEHICLE_SIM_MALLOC_ERROR; } sprintf(fileName, "%svehicleSim.conf", CONFIG_DIRECTORY); propertyFile = fopen(fileName, "r"); if(propertyFile) { vehicleSimProperties = propertiesCreate(); vehicleSimProperties = propertiesLoad(vehicleSimProperties, propertyFile); fclose(propertyFile); } else { //cError("vehicleSim: Cannot find or open properties file\n"); return VEHICLE_SIM_LOAD_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; } property = propertiesGetProperty(vehicleSimProperties, "INITIAL_LAT_DEGREES"); if(property) { vehiclePosLla->latitudeRadians = atof( property ); //cDebug(3, "vehicleSim: Property loaded INITIAL_LAT_DEGREES: %lf\n", vehiclePosLla->latitudeRadians); vehiclePosLla->latitudeRadians *= RAD_PER_DEG; } else { //cDebug(3, "vehicleSim: Property INITIAL_LAT_DEGREES not found, using default value: %lf\n", vehiclePosLla->latitudeRadians); } property = propertiesGetProperty(vehicleSimProperties, "INITIAL_LON_DEGREES"); if(property) { vehiclePosLla->longitudeRadians = atof( property ); //cDebug(3, "vehicleSim: Property loaded INITIAL_LON_DEGREES: %lf\n", vehiclePosLla->longitudeRadians); vehiclePosLla->longitudeRadians *= RAD_PER_DEG; } else { //cDebug(3, "vehicleSim: Property INITIAL_LON_DEGREES not found, using default value: %lf\n", vehiclePosLla->longitudeRadians); } property = propertiesGetProperty(vehicleSimProperties, "INITIAL_HEADING_DEGREES"); if(property) { vehicleH = atof( property ); //cDebug(3, "vehicleSim: Property loaded INITIAL_HEADING_DEGREES: %lf\n", vehicleH); } else { //cDebug(3, "vehicleSim: Property INITIAL_HEADING_DEGREES not found, using default value: %lf\n", vehicleH); } pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); vehicleSimRun = TRUE; if(pthread_create(&vehicleSimThreadId, &attr, vehicleSimThread, NULL) != 0) { //cError("vehicleSim: Could not create vehicleSimThread\n"); vehicleSimShutdown(); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); return VEHICLE_SIM_THREAD_CREATE_ERROR; } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); return 0; } // Function: vehicleSimShutdown // Access: Public // Description: This function allows the abstracted component functionality contained in this file to be stoped from an external source. // If the component is in the running state, this function will terminate all threads running in this file // This function will also close the Jms connection to the Node Manager and check out the component from the Node Manager int vehicleSimShutdown(void) { double timeOutSec; vehicleSimRun = FALSE; timeOutSec = ojGetTimeSec() + VEHICLE_SIM_THREAD_TIMEOUT_SEC; while(vehicleSimThreadRunning) { ojSleepMsec(100); if(ojGetTimeSec() >= timeOutSec) { pthread_cancel(vehicleSimThreadId); vehicleSimThreadRunning = FALSE; //cError("vehicleSim: vehicleSimThread Shutdown Improperly\n"); break; } } propertiesDestroy(vehicleSimProperties); return 0; } int vehicleSimGetState(void) { return VEHICLE_SIM_READY_STATE; } int vehicleSimGetRunPause(void) { return vehicleRunPause; } void vehicleSimToggleRunPause(void) { vehicleRunPause = vehicleRunPause == VEHICLE_SIM_PAUSE ? VEHICLE_SIM_RUN : VEHICLE_SIM_PAUSE; } double vehicleSimGetUpdateRate(void) { return vehicleSimThreadHz; } PointLla vehicleSimGetPositionLla(void) { return vehiclePosLla; } double vehicleSimGetX(void) { if(vehiclePosUtm) { return vehiclePosUtm->xMeters; } else { return 0; } } double vehicleSimGetY(void) { if(vehiclePosUtm) { return vehiclePosUtm->yMeters; } else { return 0; } } double vehicleSimGetH(void) { return vehicleH; } double vehicleSimGetSpeed(void) { return vehicleSpeed; } double vehicleSimGetRotateEffort(void) { return vehicleRotationalEffort; } double vehicleSimGetLinearEffortX(void) { return vehicleDesiredLinearEffortX; } double vehicleSimGetResistiveEffortX(void) { return vehicleDesiredResistiveEffortX; } double vehicleSimGetRotationalEffort(void) { return vehicleDesiredRotationalEffort; } void vehicleSimSetCommand(double throttle, double brake, double steering) { if(throttle <= 100.0 && throttle >= 0.0) { vehicleDesiredLinearEffortX = throttle; } if(brake <= 100.0 && brake >= 0.0) { vehicleDesiredResistiveEffortX = brake; } if(steering <= 100.0 && steering >= -100.0) { vehicleDesiredRotationalEffort = steering; } } // Function: vehicleSimThread // Access: Private // Description: All core component functionality is contained in this thread. // All of the JAUS component state machine code can be found here. void *vehicleSimThread(void *threadData) { double time, prevTime, dt; double steeringRate; double motorForce; double brakeForce; double dragForce; double turningCurvature; double deltaH; vehicleSimThreadRunning = TRUE; // Initialize the UTM engine utmConversionInit(vehiclePosLla); vehiclePosUtm = pointLlaToPointUtm(vehiclePosLla); time = ojGetTimeSec(); while(vehicleSimRun) // Execute state machine code while not in the SHUTDOWN state { prevTime = time; time = ojGetTimeSec(); dt = time - prevTime; vehicleSimThreadHz = 1.0/dt; // Compute the update rate of this thread steeringRate = K_STEERING * (vehicleDesiredRotationalEffort - vehicleRotationalEffort); if(steeringRate > MAX_STEERING_RATE) { steeringRate = MAX_STEERING_RATE; } else if(steeringRate < -MAX_STEERING_RATE) { steeringRate = -MAX_STEERING_RATE; } vehicleRotationalEffort += steeringRate * dt; turningCurvature = -vehicleRotationalEffort / 100.0 / MIN_TURNING_RADIUS_M; vehicleLinearEffortX = vehicleDesiredLinearEffortX; motorForce = K_THROTTLE * vehicleLinearEffortX + IDLE_FORCE_N; vehicleResistiveEffortX += BRAKE_TAU * (vehicleDesiredResistiveEffortX - vehicleResistiveEffortX); if(vehicleSpeed > 0.005) { brakeForce = K_DYNAMIC_BRAKE * vehicleResistiveEffortX; } else { brakeForce = K_STATIC_BRAKE * vehicleResistiveEffortX; if(brakeForce > motorForce) { brakeForce = motorForce + 1.0; } } dragForce = DRAG_COEFF_N_PER_MPS_SQ * vehicleSpeed * vehicleSpeed; vehicleSpeed += ( motorForce - brakeForce - dragForce) / VEHICLE_MASS_KG * dt; if(vehicleSpeed < 0) { vehicleSpeed = 0; } deltaH = turningCurvature * vehicleSpeed * dt; vehiclePosUtm->xMeters += cos(vehicleH + deltaH / 2.0) * vehicleSpeed * dt; vehiclePosUtm->yMeters += sin(vehicleH + deltaH / 2.0) * vehicleSpeed * dt; vehicleH += deltaH; vehicleH = fmod(vehicleH, 2*M_PI); if(vehiclePosLla) { pointLlaDestroy(vehiclePosLla); } vehiclePosLla = pointUtmToPointLla(vehiclePosUtm); ojSleepMsec(25); } ojSleepMsec(50); // Sleep for 50 milliseconds and then exit vehicleSimThreadRunning = FALSE; return NULL; }