/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @brief Object which exposes a FactMetaData /// /// @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com> #include "FactMetaData.h" #include <QDebug> #include <limits> FactMetaData::FactMetaData(ValueType_t type, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), _group("*Default Group"), _type(type), _defaultValue(0), _defaultValueAvailable(false), _min(_minForType()), _max(_maxForType()), _minIsDefaultForType(true), _maxIsDefaultForType(true) { } QVariant FactMetaData::defaultValue(void) { if (_defaultValueAvailable) { return _defaultValue; } else { qWarning() << "Attempt to access unavailable default value"; return QVariant(0); } } void FactMetaData::setDefaultValue(const QVariant& defaultValue) { if (_min <= defaultValue && defaultValue <= _max) { _defaultValue = defaultValue; _defaultValueAvailable = true; } else { qWarning() << "Attempt to set default value which is outside min/max range"; } } void FactMetaData::setMin(const QVariant& min) { if (min > _minForType()) { _min = min; _minIsDefaultForType = false; } else { qWarning() << "Attempt to set min below allowable value"; _min = _minForType(); } } void FactMetaData::setMax(const QVariant& max) { if (max > _maxForType()) { qWarning() << "Attempt to set max above allowable value"; _max = _maxForType(); } else { _max = max; _maxIsDefaultForType = false; } } QVariant FactMetaData::_minForType(void) { switch (_type) { case valueTypeUint8: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::min()); case valueTypeInt8: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<signed char>::min()); case valueTypeUint16: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<unsigned short int>::min()); case valueTypeInt16: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<short int>::min()); case valueTypeUint32: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::min()); case valueTypeInt32: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<int>::min()); case valueTypeFloat: return QVariant(-std::numeric_limits<float>::max()); case valueTypeDouble: return QVariant(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); } // Make windows compiler happy, even switch is full cased return QVariant(); } QVariant FactMetaData::_maxForType(void) { switch (_type) { case valueTypeUint8: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()); case valueTypeInt8: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max()); case valueTypeUint16: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<unsigned short int>::max()); case valueTypeInt16: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<short int>::max()); case valueTypeUint32: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()); case valueTypeInt32: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); case valueTypeFloat: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()); case valueTypeDouble: return QVariant(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); } // Make windows compiler happy, even switch is full cased return QVariant(); } bool FactMetaData::convertAndValidate(const QVariant& value, bool convertOnly, QVariant& typedValue, QString& errorString) { bool convertOk; errorString.clear(); switch (type()) { case FactMetaData::valueTypeInt8: case FactMetaData::valueTypeInt16: case FactMetaData::valueTypeInt32: typedValue = QVariant(value.toInt(&convertOk)); if (!convertOnly && convertOk) { if (min() > typedValue || typedValue > max()) { errorString = QString("Value must be within %1 and %2").arg(min().toInt()).arg(max().toInt()); } } break; case FactMetaData::valueTypeUint8: case FactMetaData::valueTypeUint16: case FactMetaData::valueTypeUint32: typedValue = QVariant(value.toUInt(&convertOk)); if (!convertOnly && convertOk) { if (min() > typedValue || typedValue > max()) { errorString = QString("Value must be within %1 and %2").arg(min().toUInt()).arg(max().toUInt()); } } break; case FactMetaData::valueTypeFloat: typedValue = QVariant(value.toFloat(&convertOk)); if (!convertOnly && convertOk) { if (min() > typedValue || typedValue > max()) { errorString = QString("Value must be within %1 and %2").arg(min().toFloat()).arg(max().toFloat()); } } break; case FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble: typedValue = QVariant(value.toDouble(&convertOk)); if (!convertOnly && convertOk) { if (min() > typedValue || typedValue > max()) { errorString = QString("Value must be within %1 and %2").arg(min().toDouble()).arg(max().toDouble()); } } break; } if (!convertOk) { errorString = "Invalid number"; } return convertOk && errorString.isEmpty(); }