/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ #include "FlightModeConfigTest.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "MockQGCUASParamManager.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" /// @file /// @brief FlightModeConfig Widget unit test /// /// @author Don Gagne // Turned off due to signletonn shutdown sequencing problem. Also since FlightMode config is // being re-written this test will need to be re-written as well. //UT_REGISTER_TEST(FlightModeConfigTest) FlightModeConfigTest::FlightModeConfigTest(void) : _mockUASManager(NULL), _paramMgr(NULL), _configWidget(NULL), _defaultComponentId(0) { } void FlightModeConfigTest::initTestCase(void) { } void FlightModeConfigTest::init(void) { UnitTest::init(); _mockUASManager = new MockUASManager(); Q_ASSERT(_mockUASManager); UASManager::setMockInstance(_mockUASManager); _mockUAS = new MockUAS(); Q_CHECK_PTR(_mockUAS); _paramMgr = _mockUAS->getParamManager(); _defaultComponentId = _paramMgr->getDefaultComponentId(); _mockUASManager->setMockActiveUAS(_mockUAS); struct SetupParamInfo { const char* param; int mappedChannel; }; struct SetupParamInfo rgSetupParamInfo[] = { { "RC_MAP_MODE_SW", 5 }, { "RC_MAP_ACRO_SW", 0 }, { "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW", 0 }, { "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW", 0 }, { "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW", 0 }, { "RC_MAP_THROTTLE", 1 }, { "RC_MAP_YAW", 2 }, { "RC_MAP_ROLL", 3 }, { "RC_MAP_PITCH", 4 }, { "RC_MAP_AUX1", 0 }, { "RC_MAP_AUX2", 0 }, { "RC_MAP_AUX3", 0 } }; size_t crgSetupParamInfo = sizeof(rgSetupParamInfo) / sizeof(rgSetupParamInfo[0]); // Set initial parameter values for (size_t i=0; isetParameter(_defaultComponentId, info->param, info->mappedChannel); } _configWidget = new FlightModeConfig; Q_CHECK_PTR(_configWidget); // Setup combo maps struct SetupComboInfo { QGCComboBox* combo; QButtonGroup* buttonGroup; const char* param; }; struct SetupComboInfo rgSetupComboInfo[] = { { _configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel, _configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchGroup, "RC_MAP_MODE_SW" }, { _configWidget->_ui->manualSwitchChannel, _configWidget->_ui->manualSwitchGroup, "RC_MAP_ACRO_SW" }, { _configWidget->_ui->assistSwitchChannel, _configWidget->_ui->assistSwitchGroup, "RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW" }, { _configWidget->_ui->returnSwitchChannel, _configWidget->_ui->returnSwitchGroup, "RC_MAP_RETURN_SW" }, { _configWidget->_ui->loiterSwitchChannel, _configWidget->_ui->loiterSwitchGroup, "RC_MAP_LOITER_SW" } }; size_t crgSetupComboInfo = sizeof(rgSetupComboInfo) / sizeof(rgSetupComboInfo[0]); Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2Param.count() == 0); for (size_t i=0; icombo)); _mapChannelCombo2Param[info->combo] = info->param; Q_ASSERT(!_mapChannelCombo2ButtonGroup.contains(info->combo)); _mapChannelCombo2ButtonGroup[info->combo] = info->buttonGroup; } } void FlightModeConfigTest::cleanup(void) { Q_ASSERT(_configWidget); delete _configWidget; Q_ASSERT(_mockUAS); delete _mockUAS; UASManager::setMockInstance(NULL); Q_ASSERT(_mockUASManager); delete _mockUASManager; _mapChannelCombo2Param.clear(); _mapChannelCombo2ButtonGroup.clear(); UnitTest::cleanup(); } /// @brief Returns channel mapping for the specified parameters int FlightModeConfigTest::_getChannelMapForParam(const QString& paramId) { QVariant value; bool found = _paramMgr->getParameterValue(_defaultComponentId, paramId, value); Q_UNUSED(found); Q_ASSERT(found); bool conversionOk; int channel = value.toInt(&conversionOk); Q_UNUSED(conversionOk); Q_ASSERT(conversionOk); return channel; } void FlightModeConfigTest::_create_test(void) { // This just test widget creation which is handled in init } void FlightModeConfigTest::_validateInitialState_test(void) { // Make sure that the combo boxes are set to the correct selections foreach(QGCComboBox* combo, _mapChannelCombo2Param.keys()) { QVariant value; Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2Param.contains(combo)); int expectedMappedChannel = _getChannelMapForParam(_mapChannelCombo2Param[combo]); int currentIndex = combo->currentIndex(); QVERIFY(currentIndex != -1); int comboMappedChannel = combo->itemData(currentIndex).toInt(); QCOMPARE(comboMappedChannel, expectedMappedChannel); } QGCComboBox* combo = _configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel; // combo should have entry for each channel plus disabled QCOMPARE(combo->count(), _availableChannels + 1); for (int i=0; icount(); i++) { // Combo data equates to channel mapping value. These are one-base channel values with // 0 meaning disabled. The channel should match the index. QCOMPARE(i, combo->itemData(i).toInt()); // Channels which are mapped are displayed after the channel number in the form "(name)". // Check for the ending parentheses to indicate mapped channels QString text = combo->itemText(i); if (text.endsWith(")")) { // Channels 1-5 are mapped QVERIFY(i >= 1 && i <= 5); } else { QVERIFY(!(i >= 1 && i <= 5)); } } } void FlightModeConfigTest::_validateRCCalCheck_test(void) { // Mode switch mapped is used to signal RC Calibration not complete. You must complete RC Cal before // doing Flight Mode Config. // Set mode switch mapping to not set Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2Param.contains(_configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel)); _paramMgr->setParameter(_defaultComponentId, _mapChannelCombo2Param[_configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel], 0); // Widget should disable QCOMPARE(_configWidget->isEnabled(), false); // Set mode switch mapping to mapped Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2Param.contains(_configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel)); _paramMgr->setParameter(_defaultComponentId, _mapChannelCombo2Param[_configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel], 5); // Widget should re-enable QCOMPARE(_configWidget->isEnabled(), true); } void FlightModeConfigTest::_attempChannelReuse_test(void) { // Attempt to select a channel that is already in use for a switch mapping foreach(QGCComboBox* combo, _mapChannelCombo2Param.keys()) { Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2Param.contains(combo)); int beforeMapping = _getChannelMapForParam(_mapChannelCombo2Param[combo]); setExpectedMessageBox(QMessageBox::Ok); // Channel 1 mapped to throttle. This should pop a message box and the parameter value should // not change. combo->simulateUserSetCurrentIndex(1); checkExpectedMessageBox(); int afterMapping = _getChannelMapForParam(_mapChannelCombo2Param[combo]); QCOMPARE(beforeMapping, afterMapping); } } void FlightModeConfigTest::_validateRadioButtonEnableDisable_test(void) { // Radio button should enable/disable according to selection foreach(QGCComboBox* combo, _mapChannelCombo2Param.keys()) { // Mode switch can't be disabled if (combo == _configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel) { continue; } // Index 0 is disabled combo->simulateUserSetCurrentIndex(0); Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2ButtonGroup.contains(combo)); QButtonGroup* buttonGroup = _mapChannelCombo2ButtonGroup[combo]; foreach(QAbstractButton* button, buttonGroup->buttons()) { QRadioButton* radio = qobject_cast(button); Q_ASSERT(radio); QCOMPARE(radio->isEnabled(), false); } // Index 6 should be a valid mapping combo->simulateUserSetCurrentIndex(6); foreach(QAbstractButton* button, buttonGroup->buttons()) { QRadioButton* radio = qobject_cast(button); Q_ASSERT(radio); QCOMPARE(radio->isEnabled(), true); } // Set back to disabled for next iteration through loop. Otherwise we'll error out // with the channel already in use combo->simulateUserSetCurrentIndex(0); } } void FlightModeConfigTest::_validateModeSwitchMustBeEnabled_test(void) { QGCComboBox* modeCombo = _configWidget->_ui->modeSwitchChannel; Q_ASSERT(_mapChannelCombo2Param.contains(modeCombo)); int beforeMapping = _getChannelMapForParam(_mapChannelCombo2Param[modeCombo]); setExpectedMessageBox(QMessageBox::Ok); // Index 0 is disabled. This should pop a message box and the parameter value should // not change. modeCombo->simulateUserSetCurrentIndex(0); checkExpectedMessageBox(); int afterMapping = _getChannelMapForParam(_mapChannelCombo2Param[modeCombo]); QCOMPARE(beforeMapping, afterMapping); }