/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield 
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under  
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or 
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.


#include <osgUtil/Export>

#include <osg/PrimitiveSet>
#include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osg/NodeVisitor>
#include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/LOD>
#include <osg/Switch>
#include <osg/Geometry>
#include <osg/Transform>

#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <ostream>

namespace osgUtil {

 * Statistics base class. Used to extract primitive information from 
 * the renderBin(s).  Add a case of getStats(osgUtil::Statistics *stat)
 * for any new drawable (or drawable derived class) that you generate 
 * (eg see Geometry.cpp).  There are 20 types of drawable counted - actually only
 * 14 cases can occur in reality.  these represent sets of GL_POINTS, GL_LINES
 * GL_LINESTRIPS, LOOPS, TRIANGLES, TRI-fans, tristrips, quads, quadstrips etc
 * The number of triangles rendered is inferred:
 * each triangle = 1 triangle (number of vertices/3)
 * each quad = 2 triangles (nverts/2)
 * each trifan or tristrip = (length-2) triangles and so on.

class OSGUTIL_EXPORT Statistics : public osg::PrimitiveFunctor

        typedef std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>    PrimitivePair;
        typedef std::map<GLenum,PrimitivePair>          PrimitiveValueMap;
        typedef std::map<GLenum, unsigned int>          PrimitiveCountMap;


        enum StatsType
            STAT_NONE, // default
            STAT_RESTART // hint to restart the stats
        void reset();

        void setType(StatsType t) {stattype=t;}
        virtual void setVertexArray(unsigned int count,const osg::Vec3*) { _vertexCount += count; }
        virtual void setVertexArray(unsigned int count,const osg::Vec2*) { _vertexCount += count; }
        virtual void setVertexArray(unsigned int count,const osg::Vec4*) { _vertexCount += count; }
        virtual void setVertexArray(unsigned int count,const osg::Vec3d*) { _vertexCount += count; }
        virtual void setVertexArray(unsigned int count,const osg::Vec2d*) { _vertexCount += count; }
        virtual void setVertexArray(unsigned int count,const osg::Vec4d*) { _vertexCount += count; }

        virtual void drawArrays(GLenum mode,GLint,GLsizei count);
        virtual void drawElements(GLenum mode,GLsizei count,const GLubyte*);
        virtual void drawElements(GLenum mode,GLsizei count,const GLushort*);
        virtual void drawElements(GLenum mode,GLsizei count,const GLuint*);

        virtual void begin(GLenum mode);

        inline void vertex() 
            PrimitivePair& prim = _primitiveCount[_currentPrimitiveFunctorMode]; 
        virtual void vertex(float,float,float) { vertex(); }
        virtual void vertex(const osg::Vec3&)  { vertex(); }
        virtual void vertex(const osg::Vec2&)  { vertex(); }
        virtual void vertex(const osg::Vec4&)  { vertex(); }
        virtual void vertex(float,float)   { vertex(); }
        virtual void vertex(float,float,float,float)  { vertex(); }

        virtual void end();
        void addDrawable() { numDrawables++;}
        void addFastDrawable() { numFastDrawables++;}
        void addMatrix() { nummat++;}
        void addLight(int np) { nlights+=np;}
        void addImpostor(int np) { nimpostor+= np; }
        inline int getBins() { return nbins;}
        void setDepth(int d) { depth=d; }
        void addBins(int np) { nbins+= np; }

        void setBinNo(int n) { _binNo=n;}
        void addStateGraphs(int n) { numStateGraphs += n; }
        void addOrderedLeaves(int n) { numOrderedLeaves += n; }
        void add(const Statistics& stats);
        PrimitiveCountMap& getPrimitiveCountMap() { return _primitives_count; }
        const PrimitiveCountMap& getPrimitiveCountMap() const { return _primitives_count; }
        PrimitiveValueMap& getPrimitiveValueMap() { return _primitiveCount; }
        const PrimitiveValueMap& getPrimitiveValueMap() const { return _primitiveCount; }

        /// deprecated
        PrimitiveCountMap::iterator GetPrimitivesBegin() { return _primitives_count.begin(); }
        /// deprecated
        PrimitiveCountMap::iterator GetPrimitivesEnd() { return _primitives_count.end(); }

        int numDrawables, nummat, nbins, numStateGraphs;
        int numFastDrawables;
        int nlights;
        int depth; // depth into bins - eg 1.1,1.2,1.3 etc
        int _binNo;
        StatsType stattype;
        int nimpostor; // number of impostors rendered
        int numOrderedLeaves;   // leaves from RenderBin fine grain ordering
        unsigned int        _vertexCount;
        PrimitiveValueMap    _primitiveCount;
        GLenum              _currentPrimitiveFunctorMode;

        PrimitiveCountMap                     _primitives_count;

        unsigned int                         _total_primitives_count;
        unsigned int                         _number_of_vertexes;

        inline unsigned int _calculate_primitives_number_by_mode(GLenum, GLsizei);

inline unsigned int Statistics::_calculate_primitives_number_by_mode(GLenum mode, GLsizei count)
    switch (mode)
        case GL_POINTS: 
        case GL_LINE_LOOP:
        case GL_POLYGON:  return count; 
        case GL_LINES: return count / 2; 
        case GL_LINE_STRIP: return count - 1; 
        case GL_TRIANGLES: return count / 3; 
        case GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP:
        case GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: return count - 2; 
        case GL_QUADS: return count / 4; 
        case GL_QUAD_STRIP: return count / 2 - 1; 
        default: return 0;

/** StatsVisitor for collecting statistics about scene graph.*/
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT StatsVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor

    typedef std::set<osg::Node*> NodeSet;
    typedef std::set<osg::Drawable*> DrawableSet;
    typedef std::set<osg::StateSet*> StateSetSet;


    void reset();
    void apply(osg::Node& node);

    void apply(osg::Group& node);

    void apply(osg::Transform& node);

    void apply(osg::LOD& node);

    void apply(osg::Switch& node);

    void apply(osg::Geode& node);

    void apply(osg::Drawable& drawable);

    void totalUpStats();
    void print(std::ostream& out);
    unsigned int _numInstancedGroup;
    unsigned int _numInstancedSwitch;
    unsigned int _numInstancedLOD;
    unsigned int _numInstancedTransform;
    unsigned int _numInstancedGeode;
    unsigned int _numInstancedDrawable;
    unsigned int _numInstancedGeometry;
    unsigned int _numInstancedFastGeometry;
    unsigned int _numInstancedStateSet;

    NodeSet _groupSet;
    NodeSet _transformSet;
    NodeSet _lodSet;
    NodeSet _switchSet;
    NodeSet _geodeSet;
    DrawableSet _drawableSet;
    DrawableSet _geometrySet;
    DrawableSet _fastGeometrySet;
    StateSetSet _statesetSet;

    osgUtil::Statistics _uniqueStats;
    osgUtil::Statistics _instancedStats;

