/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ //osgManipulator - Copyright (C) 2007 Fugro-Jason B.V. #ifndef OSGMANIPULATOR_SCALE2DDRAGGER #define OSGMANIPULATOR_SCALE2DDRAGGER 1 #include <osgManipulator/Dragger> #include <osgManipulator/Projector> namespace osgManipulator { /** * Dragger for performing 2D scaling. */ class OSGMANIPULATOR_EXPORT Scale2DDragger : public Dragger { public: enum ScaleMode { SCALE_WITH_ORIGIN_AS_PIVOT = 0, SCALE_WITH_OPPOSITE_HANDLE_AS_PIVOT }; Scale2DDragger(ScaleMode scaleMode=SCALE_WITH_ORIGIN_AS_PIVOT); META_OSGMANIPULATOR_Object(osgManipulator,Scale2DDragger) /** * Handle pick events on dragger and generate TranslateInLine commands. */ virtual bool handle(const PointerInfo& pi, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& us); /** Setup default geometry for dragger. */ void setupDefaultGeometry(); /** Set/Get min scale for dragger. */ inline void setMinScale(const osg::Vec2d& min) { _minScale = min; } inline const osg::Vec2d& getMinScale() const { return _minScale; } /** Set/Get color for dragger. */ inline void setColor(const osg::Vec4& color) { _color = color; setMaterialColor(_color,*this); } inline const osg::Vec4& getColor() const { return _color; } /** * Set/Get pick color for dragger. Pick color is color of the dragger * when picked. It gives a visual feedback to show that the dragger has * been picked. */ inline void setPickColor(const osg::Vec4& color) { _pickColor = color; } inline const osg::Vec4& getPickColor() const { return _pickColor; } /** Set/Get the handle nodes for dragger. */ inline void setTopLeftHandleNode (osg::Node& node) { _topLeftHandleNode = &node; } inline osg::Node* getTopLeftHandleNode() { return _topLeftHandleNode.get(); } inline const osg::Node* getTopLeftHandleNode() const { return _topLeftHandleNode.get(); } inline void setBottomLeftHandleNode (osg::Node& node) { _bottomLeftHandleNode = &node; } inline osg::Node* getBottomLeftHandleNode() { return _bottomLeftHandleNode.get(); } inline const osg::Node* getBottomLeftHandleNode() const { return _bottomLeftHandleNode.get(); } inline void setTopRightHandleNode(osg::Node& node) { _topRightHandleNode = &node; } inline osg::Node* getTopRightHandleNode() { return _topRightHandleNode.get(); } inline const osg::Node* getTopRightHandleNode() const { return _topRightHandleNode.get(); } inline void setBottomRightHandleNode(osg::Node& node) { _bottomRightHandleNode = &node; } inline osg::Node* getBottomRightHandleNode() { return _bottomRightHandleNode.get(); } inline const osg::Node* getBottomRightHandleNode() const { return _bottomRightHandleNode.get(); } /** Set/Get the handle nodes postion for dragger. */ inline void setTopLeftHandlePosition(const osg::Vec2d& pos) { _topLeftHandlePosition = pos; } const osg::Vec2d& getTopLeftHandlePosition() const { return _topLeftHandlePosition; } inline void setBottomLeftHandlePosition(const osg::Vec2d& pos) { _bottomLeftHandlePosition = pos; } const osg::Vec2d& getBottomLeftHandlePosition() const { return _bottomLeftHandlePosition; } inline void setTopRightHandlePosition(const osg::Vec2d& pos) { _topRightHandlePosition = pos; } const osg::Vec2d& getTopRightHandlePosition() const { return _topRightHandlePosition; } inline void setBottomRightHandlePosition(const osg::Vec2d& pos){ _bottomRightHandlePosition = pos; } const osg::Vec2d& getBottomRightHandlePosition() const { return _bottomRightHandlePosition; } protected: virtual ~Scale2DDragger(); osg::ref_ptr< PlaneProjector > _projector; osg::Vec3d _startProjectedPoint; osg::Vec2d _scaleCenter; osg::Vec2d _referencePoint; osg::Vec2d _minScale; osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > _topLeftHandleNode; osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > _bottomLeftHandleNode; osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > _topRightHandleNode; osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > _bottomRightHandleNode; osg::Vec2d _topLeftHandlePosition; osg::Vec2d _bottomLeftHandlePosition; osg::Vec2d _topRightHandlePosition; osg::Vec2d _bottomRightHandlePosition; osg::Vec4 _color; osg::Vec4 _pickColor; ScaleMode _scaleMode; }; } #endif