#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2011-01-11T08:54:37 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += network \ phonon \ testlib \ svg TEMPLATE = app TARGET = qgcunittest BASEDIR = $$IN_PWD TESTDIR = $$BASEDIR/qgcunittest TARGETDIR = $$OUT_PWD BUILDDIR = $$TARGETDIR/build LANGUAGE = C++ CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle OBJECTS_DIR = $$BUILDDIR/obj MOC_DIR = $$BUILDDIR/moc UI_HEADERS_DIR = src/ui/generated MAVLINK_CONF = "" # If the user config file exists, it will be included. # if the variable MAVLINK_CONF contains the name of an # additional project, QGroundControl includes the support # of custom MAVLink messages of this project exists(user_config.pri) { include(user_config.pri) message("----- USING CUSTOM USER QGROUNDCONTROL CONFIG FROM user_config.pri -----") message("Adding support for additional MAVLink messages for: " $$MAVLINK_CONF) message("------------------------------------------------------------------------") } INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/common contains(MAVLINK_CONF, pixhawk) { # Remove the default set - it is included anyway INCLUDEPATH -= $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/common # PIXHAWK SPECIAL MESSAGES INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/pixhawk DEFINES += QGC_USE_PIXHAWK_MESSAGES } contains(MAVLINK_CONF, slugs) { # Remove the default set - it is included anyway INCLUDEPATH -= $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/common # SLUGS SPECIAL MESSAGES INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/slugs DEFINES += QGC_USE_SLUGS_MESSAGES } contains(MAVLINK_CONF, ualberta) { # Remove the default set - it is included anyway INCLUDEPATH -= $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/common # UALBERTA SPECIAL MESSAGES INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/ualberta DEFINES += QGC_USE_UALBERTA_MESSAGES } contains(MAVLINK_CONF, ardupilotmega) { # Remove the default set - it is included anyway INCLUDEPATH -= $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/common # UALBERTA SPECIAL MESSAGES INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include/ardupilotmega DEFINES += QGC_USE_ARDUPILOTMEGA_MESSAGES } # Include general settings for MAVGround # necessary as last include to override any non-acceptable settings # done by the plugins above include(qgroundcontrol.pri) # QWT plot and QExtSerial depend on paths set by qgroundcontrol.pri # Include serial port library include(src/lib/qextserialport/qextserialport.pri) # Include QWT plotting library include(src/lib/qwt/qwt.pri) DEPENDPATH += . \ lib/QMapControl \ lib/QMapControl/src \ plugins INCLUDEPATH += . \ lib/QMapControl \ $$BASEDIR/../mavlink/include \ $$BASEDIR/src/uas \ $$BASEDIR/src/comm \ $$BASEDIR/src/ \ $$BASEDIR/src/ui/RadioCalibration \ $$BASEDIR/src/ui/ \ SOURCES += src/uas/UAS.cc \ src/comm/MAVLinkProtocol.cc \ src/uas/UASWaypointManager.cc \ src/Waypoint.cc \ src/ui/RadioCalibration/RadioCalibrationData.cc \ src/uas/SlugsMAV.cc \ src/uas/PxQuadMAV.cc \ src/uas/ArduPilotMegaMAV.cc \ src/GAudioOutput.cc \ src/uas/UASManager.cc \ src/comm/LinkManager.cc \ src/QGC.cc \ src/comm/SerialLink.cc \ $$TESTDIR/SlugsMavUnitTest.cc \ $$TESTDIR/testSuite.cc \ $$TESTDIR/UASUnitTest.cc HEADERS += src/uas/UASInterface.h \ src/uas/UAS.h \ src/comm/MAVLinkProtocol.h \ src/comm/ProtocolInterface.h \ src/uas/UASWaypointManager.h \ src/Waypoint.h \ src/ui/RadioCalibration/RadioCalibrationData.h \ src/uas/SlugsMAV.h \ src/uas/PxQuadMAV.h \ src/uas/ArduPilotMegaMAV.h \ src/GAudioOutput.h \ src/uas/UASManager.h \ src/comm/LinkManager.h \ src/comm/LinkInterface.h \ src/QGC.h \ src/comm/SerialLinkInterface.h \ src/comm/SerialLink.h \ $$TESTDIR//SlugsMavUnitTest.h \ $$TESTDIR/AutoTest.h \ $$TESTDIR/UASUnitTest.h DEFINES += SRCDIR=\\\"$$PWD/\\\"