/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2010 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of class OpalRT::ParameterList * @author Bryan Godbolt */ #include "ParameterList.h" using namespace OpalRT; ParameterList::ParameterList() :params(new QMap >), paramList(new QList >()) { QDir settingsDir = QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); if (settingsDir.dirName() == "bin") settingsDir.cdUp(); settingsDir.cd("settings"); QString filename(settingsDir.path() + "/ParameterList.xml"); if ((QFile::exists(filename)) && open(filename)) { /* Populate the map with parameter names. There is no elegant way of doing this so all parameter paths and names must be known at compile time and defined here. Note: This function is written in a way that calls a lot of copy constructors and is therefore not particularly efficient. However since it is only called once memory and computation time are sacrificed for code clarity when adding and modifying parameters. When defining the path, the trailing slash is necessary */ // Parameter *p; // /* Component: Navigation Filter */ // p = new Parameter("avionics_src/sm_ampro/NAV_FILT_INIT/", // "Value", // OpalRT::NAV_ID, // QGCParamID("NAV_FILT_INIT")); // (*params)[OpalRT::NAV_ID].insert(p->getParamID(), *p); // delete p; // // p = new Parameter("avionics_src/sm_ampro/Gain/", // "Gain", // OpalRT::NAV_ID, // QGCParamID("TEST_OUTP_GAIN")); // (*params)[OpalRT::NAV_ID].insert(p->getParamID(), *p); // delete p; // // /* Component: Log Facility */ // p = new Parameter("avionics_src/sm_ampro/LOG_FILE_ON/", // "Value", // OpalRT::LOG_ID, // QGCParamID("LOG_FILE_ON")); // (*params)[OpalRT::LOG_ID].insert(p->getParamID(), *p); // delete p; /* Get a list of the available parameters from opal-rt */ QMap *opalParams = new QMap; getParameterList(opalParams); /* Iterate over the parameters we want to use in qgc and populate their ids */ QMap >::iterator componentIter; QMap::iterator paramIter; QString s; for (componentIter = params->begin(); componentIter != params->end(); ++componentIter) { paramList->append(QList()); for (paramIter = (*componentIter).begin(); paramIter != (*componentIter).end(); ++paramIter) { paramList->last().append(paramIter.operator ->()); s = (*paramIter).getSimulinkPath() + (*paramIter).getSimulinkName(); if (opalParams->contains(s)) { (*paramIter).setOpalID(opalParams->value(s)); // qDebug() << __FILE__ << " Line:" << __LINE__ << ": Successfully added " << s; } else { qWarning() << __FILE__ << " Line:" << __LINE__ << ": " << s << " was not found in param list"; } } } delete opalParams; } } ParameterList::~ParameterList() { delete params; delete paramList; } /** Get the list of parameters in the simulink model. This function does not require any prior knowlege of the parameters. It works by first calling OpalGetParameterList to get the number of paramters, then allocates the required amount of memory and then gets the paramter list using a second call to OpalGetParameterList. */ void ParameterList::getParameterList(QMap *opalParams) { /* inputs */ unsigned short allocatedParams=0; unsigned short allocatedPathLen=0; unsigned short allocatedNameLen=0; unsigned short allocatedVarLen=0; /* outputs */ unsigned short numParams; unsigned short *idParam=NULL; unsigned short maxPathLen; char **paths=NULL; unsigned short maxNameLen; char **names=NULL; unsigned short maxVarLen; char **var=NULL; int returnValue; returnValue = OpalGetParameterList(allocatedParams, &numParams, idParam, allocatedPathLen, &maxPathLen, paths, allocatedNameLen, &maxNameLen, names, allocatedVarLen, &maxVarLen, var); if (returnValue!=E2BIG) { // OpalRT::setLastErrorMsg(); OpalRT::OpalErrorMsg::displayLastErrorMsg(); return; } // allocate memory for parameter list idParam = new unsigned short[numParams]; allocatedParams = numParams; paths = new char*[numParams]; for (int i=0; iinsert(path+name, idParam[i]); else opalParams->insert(path+'/'+name, idParam[i]); } // Dump out the list of parameters // QMap::const_iterator paramPrint; // for (paramPrint = opalParams->begin(); paramPrint != opalParams->end(); ++paramPrint) // qDebug() << paramPrint.key(); } int ParameterList::indexOf(const Parameter &p) { // incase p is a copy of the actual parameter we want (i.e., addresses differ) Parameter *pPtr = &((*params)[p.getComponentID()][p.getParamID()]); QList >::const_iterator iter; int index = -1; for (iter = paramList->begin(); iter != paramList->end(); ++iter) { if ((index = (*iter).indexOf(pPtr)) != -1) return index; } return index; } ParameterList::const_iterator::const_iterator(QList paramList) { this->paramList = QList(paramList); index = 0; } ParameterList::const_iterator::const_iterator(const const_iterator &other) { paramList = QList(other.paramList); index = other.index; } ParameterList::const_iterator ParameterList::begin() const { QList > compList = params->values(); QList paramList; QList >::const_iterator compIter; for (compIter = compList.begin(); compIter != compList.end(); ++compIter) paramList.append((*compIter).values()); return const_iterator(paramList); } ParameterList::const_iterator ParameterList::end() const { const_iterator iter = begin(); return iter+=iter.paramList.size(); } int ParameterList::count() { int count = 0; QList >::const_iterator iter; for (iter = paramList->begin(); iter != paramList->end(); ++iter) count += (*iter).count(); return count; } /* Functions related to reading the xml config file */ bool ParameterList::open(QString filename) { QFile paramFile(filename); if (!paramFile.exists()) { /// \todo open dialog box (maybe: that could also go in comm config window) return false; } if (!paramFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return false; } read(¶mFile); paramFile.close(); return true; } bool ParameterList::read(QIODevice *device) { QDomDocument *paramConfig = new QDomDocument(); QString errorStr; int errorLine; int errorColumn; if (!paramConfig->setContent(device, true, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { qDebug() << "Error reading XML Parameter File on line: " << errorLine << errorStr; return false; } QDomElement root = paramConfig->documentElement(); if (root.tagName() != "ParameterList") { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "This is not a parameter list xml file"; return false; } QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement("Block"); while (!child.isNull()) { parseBlock(child); child = child.nextSiblingElement("Block"); } delete paramConfig; return true; } void ParameterList::parseBlock(const QDomElement &block) { QDomNodeList paramList; QDomElement e; Parameter *p; SubsystemIds id; if (block.attribute("name") == "Navigation") id = OpalRT::NAV_ID; else if (block.attribute("name") == "Controller") id = OpalRT::CONTROLLER_ID; else if (block.attribute("name") == "ServoOutputs") id = OpalRT::SERVO_OUTPUTS; else if (block.attribute("name") == "ServoInputs") id = OpalRT::SERVO_INPUTS; paramList = block.elementsByTagName("Parameter"); for (int i=0; i < paramList.size(); ++i) { e = paramList.item(i).toElement(); if (e.hasAttribute("SimulinkPath") && e.hasAttribute("SimulinkParameterName") && e.hasAttribute("QGCParamID")) { p = new Parameter(e.attribute("SimulinkPath"), e.attribute("SimulinkParameterName"), static_cast(id), QGCParamID(e.attribute("QGCParamID"))); (*params)[id].insert(p->getParamID(), *p); delete p; } else { qDebug() << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": error in xml doc"; } } }