/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield 
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under  
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or 
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.


#include <osgDB/Callbacks>
#include <osg/ObserverNodePath>

#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <iosfwd>

namespace osgDB {

/** Options base class used for passing options into plugins to control their operation.*/
class OSGDB_EXPORT Options : public osg::Object

        /// bit mask for setting up which object types get cached by readObject/Image/HeightField/Node(filename) calls
        enum CacheHintOptions
        {   /// do not cache objects of any type
            CACHE_NONE          = 0,

            /// cache nodes loaded via readNode(filename)
            CACHE_NODES         = 1<<0,

            /// cache images loaded via readImage(filename)
            CACHE_IMAGES        = 1<<1,

            /// cache heightfield loaded via readHeightField(filename)
            CACHE_HEIGHTFIELDS  = 1<<2,

            /// cache heightfield loaded via readHeightField(filename)
            CACHE_ARCHIVES      = 1<<3,

            /// cache objects loaded via readObject(filename)
            CACHE_OBJECTS       = 1<<4,

            /// cache shaders loaded via readShader(filename)
            CACHE_SHADERS       = 1<<5,

            /// cache on all read*(filename) calls
            CACHE_ALL           = CACHE_NODES |
                                    CACHE_IMAGES |
                                    CACHE_HEIGHTFIELDS |
                                    CACHE_ARCHIVES |
                                    CACHE_OBJECTS |

        /// Bit mask for which geometry attributes should be imported with double precision where source data is held in double precision
        /// This is useful for data that will be pre-processed before rendering.
        /// In general the geometry should be converted to floating point before rendering to ensure good performance.
        enum PrecisionHint
            FLOAT_PRECISION_ALL              = 0,

            DOUBLE_PRECISION_VERTEX          = 1<<0,
            DOUBLE_PRECISION_NORMAL          = 1<<1,
            DOUBLE_PRECISION_COLOR           = 1<<2,
            DOUBLE_PRECISION_FOG_COORD       = 1<<4,
            DOUBLE_PRECISION_TEX_COORD       = 1<<5,

                                   DOUBLE_PRECISION_NORMAL |
                                   DOUBLE_PRECISION_COLOR |
                                   DOUBLE_PRECISION_SECONDARY_COLOR |
                                   DOUBLE_PRECISION_FOG_COORD |
                                   DOUBLE_PRECISION_TEX_COORD |

        /// range of options of whether to build kdtrees automatically on loading
        enum BuildKdTreesHint

            _buildKdTreesHint(NO_PREFERENCE) {}

        Options(const std::string& str):

        Options(const Options& options,const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);


        Options* cloneOptions(const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) const { return static_cast<Options*>(clone(copyop)); }

        /** Set the general Options string.*/
        void setOptionString(const std::string& str) { _str = str; parsePluginStringData(str); }

        /** Get the general Options string.*/
        const std::string& getOptionString() const { return _str; }

        /** Set the database path to use a hint of where to look when loading models.*/
        void setDatabasePath(const std::string& str) { _databasePaths.clear();  _databasePaths.push_back(str); }

        /** Get the database path which is used a hint of where to look when loading models.*/
        FilePathList& getDatabasePathList() { return _databasePaths; }

        /** Get the const database path which is used a hint of where to look when loading models.*/
        const FilePathList& getDatabasePathList() const { return _databasePaths; }

        /** Set whether the Registry::ObjectCache should be used by default.*/
        void setObjectCacheHint(CacheHintOptions useObjectCache) { _objectCacheHint = useObjectCache; }

        /** Get whether the Registry::ObjectCache should be used by default.*/
        CacheHintOptions getObjectCacheHint() const { return _objectCacheHint; }

        /** Set which geometry attributes plugins should import at double precision. */
        void setPrecisionHint(PrecisionHint hint) { _precisionHint = hint; }

        /** Get which geometry attributes plugins should import at double precision. */
        PrecisionHint getPrecisionHint() const { return _precisionHint; }

        /** Set whether the KdTrees should be built for geometry in the loader model. */
        void setBuildKdTreesHint(BuildKdTreesHint hint) { _buildKdTreesHint = hint; }

        /** Get whether the KdTrees should be built for geometry in the loader model. */
        BuildKdTreesHint getBuildKdTreesHint() const { return _buildKdTreesHint; }

        /** Set the password map to be used by plugins when access files from secure locations.*/
        void setAuthenticationMap(AuthenticationMap* authenticationMap) { _authenticationMap = authenticationMap; }

        /** Get the password map to be used by plugins when access files from secure locations.*/
        const AuthenticationMap* getAuthenticationMap() const { return _authenticationMap.get(); }

        /** Sets a plugindata value PluginData with a string */
        void setPluginData(const std::string& s, void* v) const { _pluginData[s] = v; }

        /** Get a value from the PluginData */
        void* getPluginData(const std::string& s) { return _pluginData[s]; }

        /** Get a value from the PluginData */
        const void* getPluginData(const std::string& s) const
            PluginDataMap::const_iterator itr = _pluginData.find(s);
            return (itr == _pluginData.end()) ? 0 : itr->second;

        /** Remove a value from the PluginData */
        void removePluginData(const std::string& s) const { _pluginData.erase(s); }
        /** Get number of PluginData values */
        unsigned int getNumPluginData() const { return _pluginData.size(); }

        /** Sets a plugindata value PluginData with a string */
        void setPluginStringData(const std::string& s, const std::string& v) const { _pluginStringData[s] = v; }

        /** Get a string from the PluginStrData */
        std::string& getPluginStringData(const std::string& s) { return _pluginStringData[s]; }

        /** Get a value from the PluginData */
        const std::string getPluginStringData(const std::string& s) const
            PluginStringDataMap::const_iterator itr = _pluginStringData.find(s);
            return (itr == _pluginStringData.end()) ? std::string("") : itr->second;

        /** Remove a value from the PluginData */
        void removePluginStringData(const std::string& s) const { _pluginStringData.erase(s); }

        /** Get number of PluginStrData values */
        unsigned int getNumPluginStringData() const { return _pluginStringData.size(); }

        /** Parse string into plugin string data. This will be automatically done in Options(const std::string&) */
        void parsePluginStringData(const std::string& str, char separator1=' ', char separator2='=');

        /** Set the find callback to use in place of the default findFile calls.*/
        void setFindFileCallback( FindFileCallback* cb) { _findFileCallback = cb; }

        /** Get the const findFile callback.*/
        FindFileCallback* getFindFileCallback() const { return _findFileCallback.get(); }

        /** Set the read callback to use in place of the default readFile calls.*/
        void setReadFileCallback( ReadFileCallback* cb) { _readFileCallback = cb; }

        /** Get the const readFile callback.*/
        ReadFileCallback* getReadFileCallback() const { return _readFileCallback.get(); }

        /** Set the callback to use in place of the default writeFile calls.*/
        void setWriteFileCallback( WriteFileCallback* cb) { _writeFileCallback = cb; }

        /** Get the const writeFile callback.*/
        WriteFileCallback* getWriteFileCallback() const { return _writeFileCallback.get(); }

        /** Set the callback to use inform the DatabasePager whether a file is located on local or remote file system.*/
        void setFileLocationCallback( FileLocationCallback* cb) { _fileLocationCallback = cb; }

        /** Get the callback to use inform the DatabasePager whether a file is located on local or remote file system.*/
        FileLocationCallback* getFileLocationCallback() const { return _fileLocationCallback.get(); }

        /** Set the FileCache that is used to manage local storage of files downloaded from the internet.*/
        void setFileCache(FileCache* fileCache) { _fileCache = fileCache; }

        /** Get the FileCache that is used to manage local storage of files downloaded from the internet.*/
        FileCache* getFileCache() const { return _fileCache.get(); }

        /** Set the terrain observer_ptr, use to decorate any osgTerrain subgraphs.*/
        void setTerrain(osg::observer_ptr<osg::Node>& terrain) { _terrain = terrain; }

        /** Get the terrain observer_ptr, use to decorate any osgTerrain subgraphs.*/
        const osg::observer_ptr<osg::Node>& getTerrain() const { return _terrain; }


        virtual ~Options() {}

        std::string                     _str;
        FilePathList                    _databasePaths;
        CacheHintOptions                _objectCacheHint;
        PrecisionHint                   _precisionHint;
        BuildKdTreesHint                _buildKdTreesHint;
        osg::ref_ptr<AuthenticationMap> _authenticationMap;

        typedef std::map<std::string,void*> PluginDataMap;
        mutable PluginDataMap _pluginData;
        typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> PluginStringDataMap;
        mutable PluginStringDataMap _pluginStringData;

        osg::ref_ptr<FindFileCallback>      _findFileCallback;
        osg::ref_ptr<ReadFileCallback>      _readFileCallback;
        osg::ref_ptr<WriteFileCallback>     _writeFileCallback;
        osg::ref_ptr<FileLocationCallback>  _fileLocationCallback;

        osg::ref_ptr<FileCache>             _fileCache;

        osg::observer_ptr<osg::Node>        _terrain;
