/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h" #include "MissionItem.h" #include "SettingsFact.h" #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(SurveyComplexItemLog) class SurveyComplexItem : public TransectStyleComplexItem { Q_OBJECT public: /// @param vehicle Vehicle which this is being contructed for /// @param flyView true: Created for use in the Fly View, false: Created for use in the Plan View /// @param kmlFile Polygon comes from this file, empty for default polygon SurveyComplexItem(Vehicle* vehicle, bool flyView, const QString& kmlFile, QObject* parent); Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridAngle READ gridAngle CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(Fact* flyAlternateTransects READ flyAlternateTransects CONSTANT) Fact* gridAngle (void) { return &_gridAngleFact; } Fact* flyAlternateTransects (void) { return &_flyAlternateTransectsFact; } Q_INVOKABLE void rotateEntryPoint(void); // Overrides from ComplexMissionItem bool load (const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumber, QString& errorString) final; QString mapVisualQML (void) const final { return QStringLiteral("SurveyMapVisual.qml"); } // Overrides from TransectStyleComplexItem void save (QJsonArray& planItems) final; bool specifiesCoordinate (void) const final { return true; } void appendMissionItems (QList& items, QObject* missionItemParent) final; void applyNewAltitude (double newAltitude) final; double timeBetweenShots (void) final; // Overrides from VisualMissionionItem QString commandDescription (void) const final { return tr("Survey"); } QString commandName (void) const final { return tr("Survey"); } QString abbreviation (void) const final { return tr("S"); } bool readyForSave (void) const final; // Must match json spec for GridEntryLocation enum EntryLocation { EntryLocationFirst, EntryLocationTopLeft = EntryLocationFirst, EntryLocationTopRight, EntryLocationBottomLeft, EntryLocationBottomRight, EntryLocationLast = EntryLocationBottomRight }; static const char* jsonComplexItemTypeValue; static const char* settingsGroup; static const char* gridAngleName; static const char* gridEntryLocationName; static const char* flyAlternateTransectsName; static const char* jsonV3ComplexItemTypeValue; signals: void refly90DegreesChanged(bool refly90Degrees); private slots: // Overrides from TransectStyleComplexItem void _rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) final; void _rebuildTransectsPhase2(void) final; private: enum CameraTriggerCode { CameraTriggerNone, CameraTriggerOn, CameraTriggerOff, CameraTriggerHoverAndCapture }; QPointF _rotatePoint(const QPointF& point, const QPointF& origin, double angle); void _intersectLinesWithRect(const QList& lineList, const QRectF& boundRect, QList& resultLines); void _intersectLinesWithPolygon(const QList& lineList, const QPolygonF& polygon, QList& resultLines); void _adjustLineDirection(const QList& lineList, QList& resultLines); int _appendWaypointToMission(QList& items, int seqNum, QGeoCoordinate& coord, CameraTriggerCode cameraTrigger, QObject* missionItemParent); bool _nextTransectCoord(const QList& transectPoints, int pointIndex, QGeoCoordinate& coord); bool _appendMissionItemsWorker(QList& items, QObject* missionItemParent, int& seqNum, bool hasRefly, bool buildRefly); void _optimizeTransectsForShortestDistance(const QGeoCoordinate& distanceCoord, QList>& transects); qreal _ccw(QPointF pt1, QPointF pt2, QPointF pt3); qreal _dp(QPointF pt1, QPointF pt2); void _swapPoints(QList& points, int index1, int index2); void _reverseTransectOrder(QList>& transects); void _reverseInternalTransectPoints(QList>& transects); void _adjustTransectsToEntryPointLocation(QList>& transects); bool _gridAngleIsNorthSouthTransects(); double _clampGridAngle90(double gridAngle); void _buildAndAppendMissionItems(QList& items, QObject* missionItemParent); void _appendLoadedMissionItems (QList& items, QObject* missionItemParent); bool _imagesEverywhere(void) const; bool _triggerCamera(void) const; bool _hasTurnaround(void) const; double _turnaroundDistance(void) const; bool _hoverAndCaptureEnabled(void) const; bool _loadV3(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumber, QString& errorString); bool _loadV4(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumber, QString& errorString); void _rebuildTransectsPhase1Worker(bool refly); void _rebuildTransectsPhase1WorkerSinglePolygon(bool refly); void _rebuildTransectsPhase1WorkerSplitPolygons(bool refly); /// Adds to the _transects array from one polygon void _rebuildTranscetsFromPolygon(bool refly, const QPolygonF& polygon, const QGeoCoordinate& tangentOrigin, const QPointF* const transitionPoint); // Decompose polygon into list of convex sub polygons void _PolygonDecomposeConvex(const QPolygonF& polygon, QList& decomposedPolygons); // return true if vertex a can see vertex b bool _VertexCanSeeOther(const QPolygonF& polygon, const QPointF* vertexA, const QPointF* vertexB); bool _VertexIsReflex(const QPolygonF& polygon, const QPointF* vertex); QMap _metaDataMap; SettingsFact _gridAngleFact; SettingsFact _flyAlternateTransectsFact; int _entryPoint; static const char* _jsonGridAngleKey; static const char* _jsonEntryPointKey; static const char* _jsonFlyAlternateTransectsKey; static const char* _jsonV3GridObjectKey; static const char* _jsonV3GridAltitudeKey; static const char* _jsonV3GridAltitudeRelativeKey; static const char* _jsonV3GridAngleKey; static const char* _jsonV3GridSpacingKey; static const char* _jsonV3EntryPointKey; static const char* _jsonV3TurnaroundDistKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraTriggerDistanceKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraTriggerInTurnaroundKey; static const char* _jsonV3HoverAndCaptureKey; static const char* _jsonV3GroundResolutionKey; static const char* _jsonV3FrontalOverlapKey; static const char* _jsonV3SideOverlapKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraSensorWidthKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraSensorHeightKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraResolutionWidthKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraResolutionHeightKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraFocalLengthKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraMinTriggerIntervalKey; static const char* _jsonV3ManualGridKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraObjectKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraNameKey; static const char* _jsonV3CameraOrientationLandscapeKey; static const char* _jsonV3FixedValueIsAltitudeKey; static const char* _jsonV3Refly90DegreesKey; static const int _hoverAndCaptureDelaySeconds = 4; };